[anon] The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls U149 - 08 (Idolmaster, 1080p)

2023-06-07 14:10
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1.4 GiB
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Download the updated batch here: https://nyaa.si/view/1714771


Episode 8 ~ What is it that you put on to become beautiful?

Video: Crunchyroll (chapters added)
Script: Fansubs by a dedicated anon from /a/. Original translation (not MTL or localized garbage). Full karaoke.
Typesetting, TLC: eli
QC: Another anon from /@/ & eli

Just barely made it before the next one airs! New lore additions to the iM@S canon this episode: COVID-19 also happened in-universe and Tsukasa supports workers’ rights.

Past episodes:
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | Recap

File list

  • [anon] The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls U149 - 08.mkv (1.4 GiB)

Thank you for all your hard work, Anon. It’s well worth the wait for good old-fashioned high quality fansubs.

Thank you! Agreed with above comment!

eli (uploader)


@Hime_Takamura @Kote Thanks for the kind words! I definitely miss those days and I’m glad there are still a few other groups out there working on good releases of shows – makes me happy to see. It’s also sad that CR is not putting care toward understanding or translating some of these episode titles, in a few cases (e.g. eps 5 & 6, arguably 2 & 7 too) with improper translations that totally ruin the riddles and make their intended episode-relevant answers not work. I admit mine sound kind of wonky in a few cases, in trying to convey the often-Japanese-specific wordplay, but hopefully they’re fun to figure out every week as well!

Hi, thank you for the works! Amazing works on typesetting those signs. I will never imagine I could do better. However, is this just me or there is missing character in Marker-Extended font? I have installed all included fonts to my machine yet the 1•2•3 still got the missing character as shown here https://files.catbox.moe/rabkb6.png. I tried that font in another text editor and it show just fine however in my video player and in Aegisub style editor preview, it keep showing missing font for that character.

@imhikarucat What media player are you using? It works fine for me on VLC. https://puu.sh/JILgg/8b1dcf75b4.png

@Hime_Takamura I am using MPC-HC with K lite codec pack. I think there is a problem with my machine because a text editor with Marker-Extended font shows 1•2•3 normally. Only in MPC-HC and Aegisub style editor show no font for that character like that.

eli (uploader)


@imhikarucat Hmm, you’re right that the • character isn’t in that font, but for me in mpv – and what I expected it would do in all cases – is fall back to your player’s default font and therefore still show up fine. Does the ☆ in the last line of the OP also display as tofu (the box) for you…? Either way, I’ll remember to ensure all characters exist in the fonts I’m using for episodes going forward (Aegiub makes it easy to check) and fix this for any affected episodes in the batch at the end of the season. Thanks for the heads up!

@eli The ☆ does display in the last line of the OP on my side. I think for your player, it substitute a missing character with the default font of that character. For my player, it either can display or show as tofu. However, I have take a look at Hermeneus One font for the OP, it also seems like the font does not contain ☆ character afaik yet somehow it still display normally on my machine.

eli (uploader)


@imhikarucat Should be fixed in the next episode which is now out! There’s three special symbols in the episode 9 ED: ♪, ◎, and ○ (I even included a separate, modified symbols-only font this time around to make them look more like Marker-Extended). Let me know if they all display correctly for you. :)