Episode 7 ~ What is it that can speak to you even without a voice?
Video: Crunchyroll (chapters added)
Script: Fansubs by a dedicated anon from /a/. Original translation (not MTL or localized garbage). Full karaoke.
Typesetting, TLC: eli
QC: Another anon from /@/ & eli
Sorry for the delay, I was unmotivated due to Koharu. :^) Cute insert song though. Remember, due to an extra-long ping pong tournament, there’s no new episode this week and a recap of episodes 1–7 is airing instead… which will maybe get subbed and maybe not.
Comments - 4
Does anyone know why one section of the opening is darkened slightly? The part from around 1:38 to 1:53 in this episode is a bit dark compared to the rest of the opening, and checking the official video on YouTube, it definitely should be brighter, but every webrip I’ve seen has that specific part of the girls jumping darkened. I went back and checked older episodes and they all are exactly the same, all at the same point. It’s especially jarring because immediately before and after it’s darkened it’s in the same white void background so you can see the contrast.
because seizures
eli (uploader)
@Hime_Takamura @tadanomotatmotoma FYI this won’t be the case on the BDs!