Dragon Ball Recut (Complete) WITH BROADCAST AUDIO (ドラゴンボール 再編集)

2020-07-03 04:41
File size:
38.3 GiB
Info hash:




A complete re-edit of the original Dragon Ball series, with as much of the filler removed as possible. Closely mirrors the original manga.

Due to the nature of the editing process, episode lengths (and file sizes) vary. I tried to keep the episodes around 24 minutes or so, but it was really a matter of finding a good ending point for each episode. For that reason, some episodes run for about 18 minutes while others can go for as long as 32 minutes. I tried not to go much longer than 30 minutes, but sometimes it couldn’t be helped.

Video: Sourced from R2J Dragon Box


  • Japanese (Broadcast Audio, with Dragon Box used for OP, ED, and to patch damaged BA audio)
  • English (sourced from Dragon Box and Funimation Blue Bricks, respectively)

Subtitles: English (sourced from Blue Bricks, and then revised)

Total Amount of Footage Cut:

  • Disregarding the OP and ED themes, eyecatchers, title cards, and NEPs, that leaves each episode BEFORE EDITING at about 20 minutes and 26 seconds of actual show time.*
  • Multiply that number by 153 episodes total, and you’re left with 52 hours, 6 minutes and 18 seconds.
  • My recut of the show (again disregarding OP, ED, eyecatchers, title cards, and NEPs) comes out to about 29 hours, 5 minutes and 3 seconds
  • That leaves us with a grand total of 23 hours, 1 minute and 15 seconds worth of actual show footage cut, all of which was filler in one way or another.

* You’ll notice that I still included the recaps in that estimate which isn’t completely fair, but the reason I did so is because some episodes towards the beginning didn’t really have recaps, and I didn’t always cut them anyway (it wasn’t until sometime during the RRA arc that I finally decided to cut the recaps entirely). For those reasons, it would have been difficult for me to calculate. Even so, that added recap time would probably only result in about a 2 or 3 hour difference, tops.

v2 Changes:

  • All Japanese audio has been replaced with broadcast audio. This is far superior to the previously used Dragon Box audio. A noise reduction filter has also been applied, and sometimes patches of filtered Dragon Box audio needed to be used in order to fill in gaps where the BA was heavily damaged or missing entirely. The openings and endings are still from the Dragon Box as those still sound better than the BA.
  • In addition to the audio, 22 episodes also had their video replaced, usually in an effort to re-do cuts and edits that I felt I could make more seamless than they previously were.
  • Of those 22 episodes with video replaced, episodes 12 and 60 also had small additional cuts made that weren’t present in the previous version of this project. Episode 12’s was done in an effort to make a joke land harder (and more like it did in the manga), while episode 60’s was to fix something I hadn’t caught the first time around due to the subtitles being slightly misleading (not wrong persay, just misleading, and thanks to Nikujaga for pointing it out).
  • Speaking of subtitles, they’ve also been lightly touched-up in order to make them more consistent with Z and Kai’s subtitles (this also resulted in some episode titles being changed in the filenames).
  • The English dub has also been revised. Errors have been fixed, insert songs have been re-inserted, and dub-exclusive inconsistencies that contradict later events have been corrected to the best of my abilities (thanks to KBABZ for pointing those out). There are also some small re-dubbed lines of dialog in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, some of which were done in order to fix aformentioned inconsistencies, one of which was done to accomodate a cut I made that wound up messing with the dub thanks to the liberties Funimation took with the script, and another was done because I simply hated the original dub’s wildly unfaithful version so much that I felt compelled to change it in order to be more in line with the original Japanese dialog and manga. While these redubs aren’t entirely seamless, I honestly feel that they’re better than the alternative. The re-dubs were done with the help of the very generous KALSKingdom who provided the voice for Goku, while Shen/Hero was voiced by myself.

Additional Notes:

  • While this sync was done separately from Team Mirolo’s BA sync, they were very helpful throughout, and several times I used their audio for the more damaged BA portions. The second half of episode 45, for example, is composed largely of their filtered DBOX audio (which I then ran through a noise reduction filter).
  • Since it was brought up in the comments, I will specify that this has been video-synced. For clarification on what that means, check out Team Mirolo’s explanation here.

Special Thanks:

Team Mirolo, KALSKingdom, Ajay (for additional help with re-dubs), Nikujaga, KBABZ, gamrgrljuicebox, PremiumSalt, and finally, the anonymous user who leaked the broadcast audio. I honestly wasn’t sure I’d ever see the day. Thank you for that, you beautiful bastard.

My Other Recuts:
Dragon Ball Kai Recut: Episodes 001 to 047
Dragon Ball Kai Recut: Episodes 048 to 082

File list

  • Dragon Ball Recut (Complete) v2
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E01.v2.Bulma.and.Son.Goku.mkv (335.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E02.v2.The.Turtle.Hermits.Kinto.Un.mkv (460.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E03.v2.Oolong.the.Kidnapping.Monster.mkv (369.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E04.v2.Yamucha.the.Strong.Yet.Cruel.Desert.Bandit.mkv (329.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E05.v2.Midnight.Callers.mkv (222.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E06.v2.Mt.Frypans.Gyumao.mkv (252.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E07.v2.The.Turtle.Hermits.Kamehameha.mkv (300.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E08.v2.The.Rabbit.Bosss.Special.Technique.mkv (294.7 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E09.v2.The.Dragon.Balls.are.Stolen.mkv (295.3 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E10.v2.The.Wish.to.Shen.Long.mkv (401.7 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E11.v2.Gokus.Rival.Appears.mkv (215.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E12.v2.The.Peculiar.Girl.Lunch.mkv (292.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E13.v2.Training--The.Rock.Hunt.mkv (238.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E14.v2.The.Turtle.Hermits.Intense.Training.mkv (402.3 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E15.v2.The.Tenkaichi.Budokai.Begins.mkv (424.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E16.v2.Watch.Out.Kuririn.mkv (339.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E17.v2.Yamucha.vs.Jackie.Chun.mkv (431.3 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E18.v2.Kuririns.Desperate.Offensive.and.Defensive.Battle.mkv (277.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E19.v2.Get.Up.Goku--The.Fearsome.Tenku.pekeji-ken.mkv (300.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E20.v2.The.Final.Round--Kamehame-Ha.mkv (292.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E21.v2.Gokus.Greatest.Pinch.mkv (335.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E22.v2.Clash--Power.vs.Power.mkv (271.2 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E23.v2.The.Heartless.Red.Ribbon.mkv (420.7 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E24.v2.Suno.Girl.of.the.North.mkv (325.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E25.v2.The.Terror.of.Muscle.Tower.mkv (394.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E26.v2.Enter.Ninja.Murasaki.mkv (554.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E27.v2.The.Mysterious.Artificial.Human.8.mkv (421.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E28.v2.The.End.of.Muscle.Tower.mkv (401.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E29.v2.Bulmas.House.in.Metro.West.mkv (552.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E30.v2.Bulmas.Big.Failure.mkv (480.7 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E31.v2.General.Blue.Begins.Attacking.mkv (317.2 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E32.v2.The.Pirates.Traps.mkv (481.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E33.v2.We.Did.It--Treasure.Discovered.mkv (441.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E34.v2.Run.Run--The.Great.Escape.mkv (444.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E35.v2.N.cha--Chased.to.Penguin.Village.mkv (904.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E36.v2.The.Sacred.Yet.Ominous.Land.of.Karin.mkv (510.7 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E37.v2.A.Battle--The.Kamehameha.vs.The.Dodon.Pa.mkv (504.2 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E38.v2.What.Will.the.Effect.of.the.Super.Spirit.Water.Be.mkv (653.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E39.v2.Go.Goku--Commence.Assault.mkv (547.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E40.v2.The.Last.Dragon.Ball.mkv (535.2 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E41.v2.The.Possibly.Cute.Fortuneteller.Baba.mkv (447.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E42.v2.Attack--We.Five.Fighters.mkv (672.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E43.v2.Meet.Son.Goku--The.Demons.Toilet.mkv (586.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E44.v2.The.Mysterious.Fifth.Man.mkv (672.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E45.v2.The.Identity.of.the.Masked.Man.mkv (740.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E46.v2.Pilafs.Great.Strategy.mkv (664.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E47.v2.Aim.to.be.the.Worlds.Best.Martial.Artist.mkv (559.3 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E48.v2.Its.Decided--The.Eight.Warriors.mkv (561.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E49.v2.Come.On.Yamucha--The.Fearsome.Tenshinhan.mkv (577.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E50.v2.Not.the.Dodonpa.mkv (524.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E51.v2.Equally.Strong--Tenshinhan.vs.Jackie.mkv (518.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E52.v2.Fight--Goku.vs.Kuririn.mkv (485.3 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E53.v2.The.Final.Match--Who.Will.the.Worlds.Strongest.Fighter.Be.mkv (848.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E54.v2.Life.or.Death--The.Last.Resort.mkv (837.8 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E55.v2.The.Death.of.Kuririn--A.Terrible.Conspiracy.mkv (643.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E56.v2.Revive.Son.Goku.mkv (531.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E57.v2.Majuu.Tambourine.Draws.Near.mkv (540.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E58.v2.Piccolo.Daimao.Makes.His.Landing.mkv (558.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E59.v2.Dont.Give.Up.Son.Goku.mkv (685.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E60.v2.The.Turtle.Hermits.Final.Mafuba.mkv (801.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E61.v2.King.Castle.on.the.Offensive.and.Defensive.mkv (508.6 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E62.v2.Gokus.Wish--Even.Karin-sama.is.Worried.mkv (665.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E63.v2.The.Turtle.Hermits.Alive.mkv (414.7 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E64.v2.Son.Goku.Finally.Takes.Off.mkv (448.5 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E65.v2.Will.the.Legendary.Mafuba.Work.mkv (485.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E66.v2.Son.Goku--Final.Crisis.mkv (791.2 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E67.v2.Nyoibous.Secret.mkv (523.9 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E68.v2.The.Temple.Above.the.Clouds.mkv (552.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E69.v2.Shen.Long.Revived.mkv (387.3 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E70.v2.The.Reunion.Before.the.Storm.mkv (366.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E71.v2.The.Turbulent.Tenkaichi.Budokai.mkv (374.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E72.v2.The.Chosen.Eight.mkv (314.2 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E73.v2.Revenge.of.Tao.Pai.Pai.the.Assassin.mkv (605.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E74.v2.Shen--Man.of.Mystery.mkv (487.1 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E75.v2.Another.Intense.Battle--Goku.vs.Tenshinhan.mkv (516.8 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E76.v2.True.Strength.mkv (591.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E77.v2.Whos.Stronger--God.vs.Piccolo.Daimao.mkv (388.0 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E78.v2.With.the.Fate.of.the.World.in.the.Balance.mkv (404.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E79.v2.There.It.Is--The.Ultimate.Mega.Kamehameha.mkv (336.8 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E80.v2.Piccolo.Daimao.and.the.Super.Giant.Technique.mkv (495.8 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E81.v2.Grim.Situation.mkv (629.4 MiB)
    • Dragon.Ball.Recut.E82.v2.I.Did.It--The.Strongest.Man.on.Earth.mkv (482.3 MiB)

Yeeeees! Amazing work! This also sounds very interesting with the redubbed lines, will definitely check it out.

Wow!! Thank you for this amazing project.

Nice! I just would like to say that you introduced me to DB with DB Recut in 2018.
Without this project I wouldn’t have gotten into the series. Glad to see this revised version.
I’ll definitely re-watch it soon, and can’t wait for Kai continuation (and then maybe Super?).
So, thank you very much for this!!!

I sure as hell didn’t think I’d see this today! Thank you! I will seed this for a long while! =)

Any way you can provide samples of these new dub lines? I’m concerned about how these new lines mesh with everything else, and almost feel like this could ruin the experience, as someone who watches it English dubbed primarily.

holy shit, thank you so much :)!

Thank you so much for this, this project is a blessing. I will seed for a long time.

Are there any plans for V3 using Team Mirolo’s video-sync audio?



Thanks for the hard work

When you get around to Z Recut, will it use footage from the Level Sets?

Nyaa comments forever fucking dumb.

Thanks for the hard work.

WhereIsTheMilkman (uploader)


Are there any plans for V3 using Team Mirolo’s video-sync audio?

No need, this is already video-synced; I did it myself as I was syncing. It didn’t even occur to me to mention that in the description, but I guess I should have.

The only V3 I ever want to have to do with this is a color-corrected version, and that probably won’t happen for quite some time.

Ah that’s great to hear that it’s video-synced, I just assumed that it would be an audio sync to match DBox hence why I asked. I really don’t know why Toei went with the sync they did but it’s definitely inferior to a proper video-synced audio. Thanks again!

@H94 Level Set is not a completed release , it was cancelled by Funi, because at the time people were attracted to that newer censored, amaturly edited, so- called remake garbage called Kai or Z Kai along with the American Dragon Box release DVDs . Episodes 1-34 were the only ones released officially in Blu-rays. Worth to note that there are more five episodes can be found in streaming services starting from episode 35 to 39 .

WhereIsTheMilkman (uploader)


When you get around to Z Recut, will it use footage from the Level Sets?

Who said anything about Z Recut? Also, Level Sets suck bruh

I did, a very long time ago. I’m not as big a fan of the Level Sets as others seem to be either, but I will use whatever footage the SoM team decides to color-correct.

Assuming that you sync the audio yourself, did you notice the errors during the audio broadcast? Because team mirolo mentioned that issue and fixed them sometimes with dbox dvd audio. If you didnt used their audio, how do youfixed those issues. Either away, this is awesome work. I found this on kanzenshuu last year, and im gonna get this one aswell.


Most people likes Dbox, but I do not know if that is because Mirolo syncs that footage.

people like the DBOX because it has more detail in the image than any other source, except for maybe the Level Sets, although those have some black crush.

please V3 with Team Mirolo’s video-sync audio but using 16:9 + 4:3 reframed footage

so you want him to use a project that has 1 episode done as a test, and audio that was released from Z and not Kai, for a Kai recut?

@correvlr reading comprehension, it’s in the description

While this sync was done separately from Team Mirolo’s BA sync, they were very helpful throughout, and several times I used their audio for the more damaged BA portions. The second half of episode 45, for example, is composed largely of their filtered DBOX audio (which I then ran through a noise reduction filter).

I feel like an asshole to nag, but the audio sounds really weird.

Does this have to do with the noise reduction filter?
Whenever there is sound there is some kind of buzzing or whirring or electric or echoing weird sound fading in and out.
Don’t know how describe it better, but that is really distracting.
It is in all episodes I checked and the same with different players. It really weirds me out.

Using a headset, never had any issues with any other anime, movie or music so far.

Oh wow, listened to the Team Mirolo audio of your link. That noise is crazy.
I don’t know anything about audio editing so I don’t know what to say.

I guess I stick with v1 of the Recut for now. Would have loved to see the new edits in action, but I just can’t listen to this.dithering noise.

I really don’t know :( - I have no idea what is even possible.
I am fine with the Dbox audio.

Maybe v2 will become a good choice if I am not dependend on a headset anymore. Will definitely keep that version as well, but for now will keep watching v1.

Hmm, doesn’t seem to be better.

Episode 001 - 07:25 -> 07:30 as an example there is a big peak of noise jump.
Pretty much the same in both versions. Maybe at best 10% less strong in your new link. Maybe just my imagination.

But sounds pretty much exactly the same.

Christ, the Dragon Ball comment sections have a tendency to become cesspools. Sigh.

Locking/disabling comments should be a feature available for all users.

@Impakt Exactly. If I had the option to disable comments on my torrents I would lol

Y’all out here crapping on the Broadcast Audio like Milkman and Mirolo purposefully went back in time and recorded it wrong. Everyone knows it’s not perfect but the original audio leak is out there for anyone to do a better job if they think they can.

Ehhh? I said I don’t wanted to be an asshole about it. I don’t know anything about this stuff. I don’t know anything about sound editing.
Like you guys make it sound now like I had a malicious intent.

@WhereIsTheMilkman: You are my hero.
You are the best thing that happened to the Dragon Ball anime. I am eternally thankful for all your passion and work on it. I really had no ill intent.
Really thank you.

Thank you, @WhereIsTheMilkMan !
If only this release had french subtitles, it would be great.

Legendary work as always.

Absolutely stellar work. This is definitely going to become my new standard when rewatching the show.

I can already tell that this is awesome by reading what the comments have to say. I really respect you guys for all the time and effort you’ve put into this project and ill certainly download this even though im super sad because i already downloaded this version of the series completely uncut over here --> https://nyaa.si/view/1227779
I have downloaded the first episode and am really impressed by the synced audio and have no compliants. However, i’ve noticed in the first episode that the subtitle timing is a bit too quick, but thats ok since i can just press the “X” key (on my keyboard) and delay the subtitles by 200 or 300 milliseconds in MPV and the opposite happens to the subs when you press “Z”. I have never watched dragon ball in my life and i believe this is a great way to be introduced to dragon ball, and im not planning on watching DBZ since its super long and nobody has done a recut of it and thats why Kai exists. Which brings me to my next question and/or request: are the DBZ Kai recut versions of yours @WhereIsTheMilkman complete? meaning they will not be updated in the future and the recut is perfect with no mistakes (tbh as well as this release too)? Because tbh im tired of downloading something and then a better version gets uploaded to the site and makes me want to re-download it again, and we only have limited data per month, so thats my question. And now my request i guess is are you planning on doing a recut of the final chapters in Kai, (69 episodes) or are you only setting your eyes on the original DBZ for the time being? I’m planning on keeping both versions of the original Dragon Ball and If a DBZ recut ever gets released and has a good amount of episodes (not too many) I’ll probably download it.

Anyways, thanks so much for what you’ve done and it would be really nice of u replied back to me whenever you can. The sooner the better :)

Im currently watching through the first 13 episodes to get a feel for this recut, and I really like what I see here. Truly is a labor of love and I salute your efforts.

Never Mind. I just read the entire thread and am now aware that this version of Dragon Ball is the one to go for and that its super highly unlikely that there’ll be a v3. I also know that you’re already working on the final chapters/buu saga('s) recut, and that this is the hardest one yet (buu saga) due to you trying to remove the spoilers in the OP and some other things too but is very hard. And also you’re hopefully planning on doing a DBZ recut in the future or are working on it atm but have alot left due to you waiting for a proper version of DBZ…or something, im not sure. But what i’ve understood is that you’re going to recut DBZ and wait for the best DBZ source to work on because you dont want to do this project twice because that would just be extremely unsatisfying and a horrible thing to do and/or experience.

So basically this is a summary of what’s happened and what is happening right now for whoever is wondering like i was too, and if you have any questions read the thread first then ask if your question hasn’t been answered yet, because it mostly likely has already been answered… in the thread :)

Oh and this is the thread --> https://www.kanzenshuu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=34866 (it was already mentioned ^)
Hopefully this clears things up! :)

Thank you so much for this release! I love it! Would you be considering doing Dragon Ball Z Recut in future?

Hey, I’ve heard you’re going to be doing a Z recut, will you be using R2J Dragon Boxes or The SoM Z Merge from this torrent?


Pls seed. :(
I will seed as long as I live!

Thank you so much, downloading now. I always wanted to rewatch with Jap audio because sub > dub, and with filler, gone I can finally stomach DB


“Everyone knows it’s not perfect but the original audio leak is out there for anyone to do a better job if they think they can.”

Nobody’s saying they can do a better job, they’re just giving honest and justified critiques. They don’t need to be better in order to do so. Hop off his cock

Hey man! Haven’t heard a word from you for a long time now. I hope you are doing okay! Still waiting for the buu arc so I can start watching. Thank man! Really appreciate it.

poor video quality, sorry but it’s bad, no point in using high quality dbox source:(

@Fukanzenta3CeLL, is it really that bad ?
What do you think @WhereIsTheMilkman should have done to improve the video quality of Dragon Ball Recut ?

One question. Do you recommend this recut for newcomers to the series? The only Dragon Ball I’ve watched is Z kai and I haven’t finished it yet. I’m still on Maajin Buu Saga. I need to know 'cause I don’t want to waste my time tracking down the filler and skipping it myself.

^ All recuts milkman made are excellent. You don’t need anything else tbh.

Too bad this came out before the color correction by Seed of Might, that video source being synced to this edit would be great