Category Name Link Size Date
Anime - English-translated 98 [BDMV] Dragon Ball Z 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition 1.4 TiB 2019-12-09 01:16 2 4 257
Anime - English-translated 66 [BDMV] Bleach [BD-BOX] [SET 1- 9] 1.3 TiB 2021-03-13 15:13 11 11 321
Anime - English-translated 19 [Lia] One Piece - 0001-1000 [WEB 1080p] [BATCH] 1.3 TiB 2022-01-19 19:00 45 41 1418
Anime - English-translated 19 US Remux Fairy Tail 1.2 TiB 2023-07-16 07:16 4 6 117
Anime - English-translated Multi-audio anime collection 1.1 TiB 2023-06-23 13:17 2 8 4
Anime - English-translated 36 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Pop Team Epic - 01 [ASS 1080p][HARDSUBS].ass 1.1 TiB 2018-12-04 08:59 0 0 10
Anime - English-translated 6 Lupin the 3rd Part II ルパン三世 second-TV bdremux 975.6 GiB 2024-11-27 02:11 0 8 14
Anime - English-translated 48 Dragon Ball Z 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition [Tokai Broadcast][x265] 966.8 GiB 2019-12-17 08:23 7 12 652
Anime - English-translated 71 [JySzE] Naruto Shippuden [Dual Audio] [Complete] [Extras] [x264] [v2] 950.8 GiB 2023-06-10 13:31 60 30 1421
Anime - English-translated 289 [iKaos] [SoM] Dragon Ball Z - COMPLETE BATCH (001-291, Specials) v3 - [Dragon Box] Multi-Audio [Broadcast JPN+ENG FUNi+Ocean Dubs][480p][x264][8bit] 917.1 GiB 2021-01-22 00:15 74 67 3412
Anime - English-translated 2 [AnimeOut] Encoded Anime Collection - Part 1 (550~ Shows) [720p][150MB] 813.3 GiB 2017-05-19 07:14 0 3 1
Anime - English-translated 8 [Anime Time] Pokemon Complete Series (Season 01-25+Movies+Specials+Shorts+OST) [Eng Dub] [DVD+Web-Dl][1080p][HEVC 10bit x265][AAC] [Batch] 774.8 GiB 2024-06-16 10:13 94 148 2754
Anime - English-translated 8 [A&C] Inuyasha [BDrip] [Original+Final Act+Movies+OVA] [Multi-Audio-Subs] 743.5 GiB 2023-12-25 17:50 29 15 766
Anime - English-translated 4 ( Dragontime) Dragon Ball Super The Complete Series BluRay RETAIL BOX 1-10 USBD 718.7 GiB 2023-03-06 03:03 3 0 60
Anime - English-translated 4 [BDMV] Maison Ikkoku 714.1 GiB 2025-01-30 22:12 3 41 95
Anime - English-translated 95 [DVDISO] Complete USA/CANADA Dragon Ball, Z, GT+ | TV, Movies, & Specials | Rock The Dragon & Dragon Box Sets [DVD5][DVD9] 700.7 GiB 2019-09-26 15:22 1 3 150
Anime - English-translated 11 [BDMV] Urusei Yatsura - TV Series (US, Discotek) 700.2 GiB 2024-06-24 23:34 4 6 93
Anime - English-translated 6 Dragon.Ball.Z.30th.Anniversary.Complete.1080p.Bluray.x264-ZER0 692.8 GiB 2021-05-27 06:31 12 10 485
Anime - English-translated 16 Pokemon Season 1-16 DVD Collection R1 NTSC 668.8 GiB 2014-11-19 11:02 4 9 465
Anime - English-translated 18 Pokemon.S01-S19.DUBBED.WEBRip.AAC.2.0.x264-SRS 638.9 GiB 2019-11-05 13:19 23 13 1671
Anime - English-translated 4 Uchuu Kyoudai E01-E99 | Space Brothers Season 1 (BD Remux 1080p x264 8-bit FLAC)-NOGRP 632.6 GiB 2023-02-17 15:42 5 3 56
Anime - English-translated 19 Dragon Ball Complete v2 (All series/movies/ova/special) [x265 HEVC] [Jellyfin/Plex TheMovieDB] 593.8 GiB 2023-05-25 13:15 13 10 539
Anime - English-translated 34 [Anime Time] One Piece (0001-1071+Movies+Specials) [BD+CR] [Dual Audio] [1080p][HEVC 10bit x265][AAC][Multi Sub] [Batch] 587.5 GiB 2023-08-06 03:51 504 221 6240
Anime - English-translated 3 Naruto Shippuden US DVD's ISO's [DVDISO] 567.9 GiB 2022-12-23 13:20 0 4 60
Anime - English-translated 30 [SoM] Dragon Ball / Z / GT - Westwood Dub & Blue Water Dub (UK CANADA Broadcast Collection) [Hi-Fi] [Mono] [Stereo] 565.7 GiB 2020-12-27 21:08 2 2 50
Anime - English-translated 22 My Hero Academia S01-04P1+Movies (Dual audio BDremux) 562.8 GiB 2020-10-28 22:28 10 8 510
Anime - English-translated 29 [宮崎駿監督作品集][Miyazaki Hayao Complete Box][BDISO][MGVC][Blu-ray Box DISC×13 Fin][ANK-RAWS][自抓][rev]@U2 537.9 GiB 2018-11-23 00:16 4 3 726
Anime - English-translated 8 Dragon Ball / Z / GT - Ocean/BW/Westwood TV Pack 533.1 GiB 2020-05-18 00:34 0 1 4
Anime - English-translated 12 LUPIN THE THIRD TV SPECIAL 1989-2010 Bd Remux 524.8 GiB 2021-07-04 06:18 1 1 34
Anime - English-translated 120 [SoM] Dragon Ball - COMPLETE (001-153) - Color Corrected Dragon Box [480p][x264] 514.0 GiB 2023-07-12 02:59 123 52 4260
Anime - English-translated 36 [HorribleSubs] One Piece (01-900) [1080p] (Batch) 511.3 GiB 2019-09-03 11:58 17 21 3000
Anime - English-translated 32 [BDMV] Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2009 S01 1080p USA Blu-ray LPCM 2.0 502.5 GiB 2020-08-05 23:25 0 6 79
Anime - English-translated 8 [Intervención] One Piece (207-578 + 3D2Y) [WebDL 1080p h264 AAC TriSub] 497.7 GiB 2020-06-30 16:54 6 3 340
Anime - English-translated 1 (DVDISO) Gintama 492.3 GiB 2013-09-15 10:26 0 0 3
Anime - English-translated 34 Dragon Ball Complete (x265 re-encode) 489.7 GiB 2022-05-29 15:04 0 3 40
Anime - English-translated [Erai-raws] Detective Conan - 0754 ~ 1132 [1080p][BATCH] [ENG] 483.2 GiB 2024-08-20 15:24 18 12 282
Anime - English-translated 11 Dragon Ball Collection 467.5 GiB 2020-05-01 09:17 1 6 23
Anime - English-translated [Almighty] Boruto - Naruto Next Generations [1-293][COMPLETE][BD 1920x1080 x264 10bit FLAC][Dual Audio][Multiple Subs] 462.6 GiB 2025-01-28 01:29 26 25 157
Anime - English-translated 3 [BDMV] Patlabor USBD Boxset (Maiden Japan) 462.2 GiB 2024-12-21 05:26 6 7 185
Anime - English-translated 6 [BDMV] Galaxy Angel {Z, A, AA, S, X, Season 1-4} (US, Nozomi Ent.) 441.8 GiB 2024-10-04 03:26 3 1 112
Anime - English-translated 50 One Piece Collection 1-929 + OVAs + Specials + Movies 1-14 441.5 GiB 2020-05-09 12:34 9 18 797
Anime - English-translated 5 [PMR] [BDMV] Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY HD Remaster Complete Blu-ray Box - 機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY HDリマスターComplete Blu-ray Box 435.8 GiB 2025-01-25 10:35 7 17 168
Anime - English-translated 2 [DBD-Raws][龙珠Z 30周年纪念版/Dragonball Z 30th Anniversary Collection/ドラゴンボール Z][01-291TV全集+特典映像][1080P][BDRip][HEVC-10bit][简繁字幕外挂][THD+AC3][MKV] 433.9 GiB 2021-08-01 10:04 3 4 143
Anime - English-translated 9 [A&C] Sword Art Online S01-S04 + Ordinal Scale + Alternative + Extra Edition [BDrip] [Multi-Audio-Subs] 421.3 GiB 2023-12-31 00:05 31 11 745
Anime - English-translated 6 [BDMV] Mobile Suit Gundam 00 COMPLETE BOX 417.5 GiB 2020-08-20 09:30 0 4 148
Anime - English-translated 2 Studio.Ghibli.Anime.Collection.1979-2013.BD.1080p+720p+Audio.Only.Tracks+Calendars+Ghibli.Art+25Year.Joe.Hisaishi.Concert 417.2 GiB 2023-07-24 03:10 18 13 534
Anime - English-translated 141 Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Box 409.4 GiB 2019-01-29 02:46 5 4 696
Anime - English-translated [PMR] [BDMV] 機動戦士ガンダムSEED HDリマスター Complete Blu-ray BOX (特装限定版) - Mobile Suit Gundam SEED HD Remaster Complete Blu-ray BOX (Special Limited Edition) 408.5 GiB 2024-07-23 09:17 3 10 300
Anime - English-translated 1 [Erai-raws] Boruto - Naruto Next Generations - 001 ~ 293 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle] [ENG][POR-BR][SPA-LA][SPA][ARA][FRE][GER][ITA][RUS] 398.3 GiB 2023-03-28 12:18 35 20 2074
Anime - English-translated 10 [GuodongSubs][finished subs] 392.2 GiB 2021-10-30 18:41 1 2 35
Anime - English-translated 6 [F-R] One Piece - 207-516 (WEB 1080p) Batch 391.9 GiB 2024-01-15 14:41 1 3 205
Anime - English-translated 22 Dragon Ball Z - Dragon Box ISO with Custom Eng Subs 389.3 GiB 2019-03-18 21:03 0 1 2
Anime - English-translated 12 [Anime Time] Dragon Ball Z Complete Series (Season 01 to 09+Movies+Specials+OVAs) [BD] [Dual Audio] [1080p][HEVC 10bit x265][AAC][Eng Sub] 387.1 GiB 2023-05-02 16:48 48 41 2995
Anime - English-translated 1 Gintama DVDISO R2 386.5 GiB 2012-05-14 10:35 0 0 1
Anime - English-translated 3 Cardfight Vanguard [Batch] (2011-2022) 385.0 GiB 2023-02-05 13:31 5 4 164
Anime - English-translated [BDMV] Fairy Tail chapter 01-06 (series 001-072) (R1) 382.6 GiB 2013-11-10 15:18 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated 11 Yu Yu Hakusho 1080p LOSSLESS BDRip Complete Ep. 1-112 381.5 GiB 2013-06-29 19:03 0 3 0
Anime - English-translated 24 [A&C] Dragon Ball Super [BDRip 1080p] [Multi-Audio] [Multi-Subs] 375.0 GiB 2023-04-03 01:20 32 11 888
Anime - English-translated 16 [HorribleSubs] One Piece (01-700) [1080p] (Batch) 374.6 GiB 2015-10-29 02:01 10 7 3128
Anime - English-translated 2 [Koten_Gars] One Piece - Season 04-09 {S07-15 | WEB HD Era} [FUNi-DL][h.264][1080p][AAC] (English Dubbed) 372.6 GiB 2023-06-27 23:35 6 1 190
Anime - English-translated [hchcsen] Mobile Suit Gundam AGE S01 [BD Remux Dual Audio 1080p AVC 2xFLAC] (Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE) 370.0 GiB 2024-06-16 01:26 16 1 163
Anime - English-translated 82 [iKaos] [SoM] Dragon Ball - COMPLETE (001-153) v4 - [R2J Dragon Box] Multi-Audio [Broadcast JPN+ENG FUNi+BLT+HG Dubs][480p][x264][8bit] 369.8 GiB 2021-09-22 21:13 21 8 1891
Anime - English-translated 25 [SoM] Dragon Ball Z - Westwood Dub COMPLETE BATCH (108-276) [Merge R1+R2 Dragon Box] 368.5 GiB 2022-02-23 21:30 3 0 127
Anime - English-translated 30 [Rare] Captain Tsubasa S1-S4 + Movies (JP, CHI, FRE DVDRemuxes, Multi-Language Subs, FLAC Soundtracks) 365.8 GiB 2021-02-08 04:31 13 14 537
Anime - English-translated 15 [SoM] Dragon Ball Z - Westwood Dub [V2] COMPLETE BATCH (108-276) [Merge R1+R2 Dragon Box] 363.8 GiB 2024-06-11 14:21 5 2 151
Anime - English-translated 1 Mobile Suit Gundam: SEED Destiny 362.5 GiB 2022-07-15 08:20 0 2 1
Anime - English-translated Mobile Suit Gundam: SEED Destiny 362.5 GiB 2022-07-13 14:20 0 0 0
Anime - English-translated 60 Naruto Shippuden Remake Complete (1-500, all seasons) [h.264] [Dual Audio] 362.5 GiB 2019-08-16 19:49 11 8 4943
Anime - English-translated 53 [SoM] Dragon Ball / DBZ Movies 1-17 + OVAs - White Balanced [1080p][x264] 358.2 GiB 2024-10-14 03:11 48 34 1055
Anime - English-translated 18 [TC] [SoM] Dragon Ball / Z / GT FUNi English Broadcasts Collection [v2] - Toonami, CN, TV3 358.0 GiB 2022-08-08 01:28 7 1 244
Anime - English-translated 14 Dragon Ball Z Orange Brick Sets [Series 1 - 9] 353.1 GiB 2019-08-21 07:12 0 0 10
Anime - English-translated 42 Evangelion Complete Collection 352.9 GiB 2017-12-09 22:11 0 6 147
Anime - English-translated 63 [JySzE] Naruto [v3] [R2J] [VFR] [Dual Audio] [Complete] [Extras] [x264] 351.6 GiB 2021-10-18 23:32 47 26 1687
Anime - English-translated 13 Naruto HD [1080p] (001-220) [Complete Series + Movies] 347.6 GiB 2022-10-20 17:35 24 13 924
Anime - English-translated 4 Fairy Tail S03-S07 Bluray HEVC FLAC 5.1 Dual Audio 1080p 345.7 GiB 2019-02-07 01:08 0 5 15