[StrayGods] Tokyo Ghoul - 01 (AVC 1080p TrueHD Hybrid Remux).mkv

2020-08-20 13:29
No information.
File size:
6.6 GiB
Info hash:

Due to low storage on my seedbox, i’ll post each episodes seperately.

Video: JPBD (AVC)
Audio: USBD (TrueHD)
Subtitles: USBD (PGS)

Purged useless Japanese audio and removed English Subtitles, don’t worry Signs track is still there.

File list

Purged useless Japanese audio

bad meme

will they still fall for it…

not this time
i hope…

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


@@SeaSmoke I am sorry but unlike you i don’t understand Japanese so i removed it i don’t all the storage in the world to waste on trash

Purged useless Japanese audio and removed English Subtitles

This is a meme, right?

uploads remux
complains about not having enough storage

yeah the IQ is high on this one

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


@@SeaSmoke HDD /= Seedbox Storage.
i’ve to seed other stuff too on private trackers

and i have 0bytes of storage on my hard drive to waste on Japanese audio

Thanks for the upload! Wish more people would realise that this was how anime was intended to be watched.

I am sorry but unlike you i don’t understand Japanese so i removed it i don’t all the storage in the world to waste on trash

That’s fine and all, but then why bother releasing it to the public? You’re going to find very few people who want a 6+ GB dub-only episode.

Especially when there are much better quality filtered encodes with fansubs that are dual-audio at a fraction of the size.

Doing something like this is just ASKING for people to troll you.

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


@@ChaoXide like HiggerNunter said you should watch this show in Remux than those heavily ruined(filtered) encodes.

implying remuxes look better than encodes

God, gotta love people who know nothing of what they talk, and yet say it with such confidence

watch this show in Remux than those heavily ruined(filtered) encodes

but I wanted it with Japanese Audio and subs.

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


@@SeaSmoke nobody is telling you to watch Remuxes go watch your heavy ruined encodes

this was how anime was intended to be watched.

I’m not so sure they intended the anime to be watched through massive amounts of blocking and banding.

The series REQUIRES filtering because the BDMV was pretty garbage.

go watch your heavy ruined encodes

fixing banding is not “heavy ruined” haha. Are you a troll? No wonder people are picking you a part.

…with fansubs that are dual-audio at a fraction…

that’s a yikes from me

Yeah he’s definitely a troll, I can’t imagine someone saying that with a straight face

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


@@ChaoXide I see you’re one of those people who watch using a microscope, i watched this directly from disc on my uhd tv and from my couch distance it looked hd to me

Imagine saying “how it was intended to be watched” while talking about a dub-only release.


Imagine reading texts instead of watching the anime.

eww ??. Thats a no from me, honey. (;⌣̀_⌣́)

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


@@SeaSmoke i can say the same because you people are the first who have problem with dub only Remux i post same kinda Remux on other trackers too and nobody there comes to troll if they want my Remux they download it if not they don’t stay to troll like you guys are doing and it not just on this torrent i have seen you same people on other torrents too seems like you people have nothing else to do you just sit in your basement refreshing nyaa every 10second to find someone to troll .

Oh my!I am seeing clannad version 2 comment war.

Are you zrdb by any chance and made an account just to troll ?

DUB4LIFE (uploader)


Imagine saying “how it was intended to be watched” while talking about a dub-only release.

@@ChaoXide fyi I was also released in US with English Dub, so yes that how it was intended to be watched

People actually think BDs with the various encoding defects they have are how the animators actually drew it. bad meme.

removed English Subtitles

In case you had a deaf viewer interested, you just lost him.

Purged useless Japanese audio

This also seems to be rather a troll move.

In case you had a deaf viewer interested, you just lost him.

This torrent was meant for the blind viewer, duh.

i don’t understand Japanese so i removed it i don’t all the storage in the world to waste on trash

Japanese audio… Trash? You do realize this was made by the Japanese?

There’s such a thing called respect, but you don’t seem to care about.

Real men watch dubs. Imagine reading when you can just watch. Keep it up @DUB4LIFE ???

Wish more people would realise that this was how anime was intended to be watched

if this doesn’t break any rules, it should.

Real men watch dubs? So I guess only japanese plus whoever could understand japanese are the real men then since this is japanese animation made with (originally) japanese dubbing. :/

Nice meme.

If this doesn’t break any rules, it should.

Site Rules: Shitposting and Trolling: Your account will be banned if you keep this up. Repeatedly making inaccurate/false reports falls under this rule as well.

Imagine thinking studios know how to encode

Now, where’s koala?


Now, when we ban bdmv/remux/bdiso upload? just for the lulz

Purged useless Japanese audio and removed English Subtitles, don’t worry Signs track is still there. That’s some straight up bullshit. By the way it was originally intended to be watched in Japanese, not English. Oh man, this is a nice meme. Where’s CheekyKoala? To be honest, this upload looks like a shitpost.

Wish more people would realise that this was how anime was intended to be watched.

Now that is a pretty interesting statement we’ve got there.

@siba They can watch it in Japanese because they were born there. If you aren’t born in Japan, then you don’t have the right to watch anime in Japanese. Stick to the English dub and move on.

black the comment now we still can make it

@DUB4LIFE and @HiggerNunter Anime without the original japanese voice is the same as you will be without your balls. Understand?
Files and users who commit such a crime should be banned from nyaa. On private tracker you can do as you want but do not poison the air here

DUB4LIFE fightin the powa! Against the crushing sub only fans.

Dub only watchers fight for your preference, keep the good fight going.
Requires a strong stomach and brain not to cringe at bad English dialogue and script (re)writing especially when it’s produced by one of the worst at it, FUNimation. You do you tho.

@Dub4Life Nobody is really knocking encodes. It’s how you presented them. The amount of disrespect shown towards Anime and it’s creators is enormous. It’s clearly indicated in multiple words. You began by saying “Purged” then went on referring to the original dub as “Useless Japanese audio”? Followed by politely saying “removed” Eng…titles?

That’s why everyone is upset. There’s lots of dub only postings but they don’t show disrespect to Anime or it’s creators.
However im sure they would admit your not entirely at fault. Ignorance isn’t a crime as much as stupidity is. Since 2010 Anime has not been given the respect it should be. And because it hasn’t, you don’t know just how much you shit on Anime.

Anime today is not the same unrestricted fiction created by unrelenting perfectionists that it use to be. The reason is for a handful of years or more a large portion of shows have been made in funimation owned studios in Japan under their control. They did a typical American tactic, threw a shitload of money around until they got their way. Using contracts to ensure things go the way they want. This is something iv’e said plenty of times.
Finally something is being done about it.

Japans Anime community has struck back. Now everyone can watch or download 3000+ Anime titles hosted on Youtube. Every true Anime studio in Japan collectively got together to host the channel. And even the shows that have been licensed can be found. It’s their shows they can do what they want with them. It will be even better if they re-subbed every title themselves.