2019-02-05 19:41
No information.
File size:
4.5 GiB
Info hash:

subs when
give it to me

File list

It’s just me, or there is almost no seed?

It’s probably fake…

what the hell does “subs when” mean exactly?

@stress No it’s not fake, it’s really available on Amazon Prime Video :

@AnonBaiter He’s just asking for subtitles
im not sure if they sink, but im going to try to sync them up in vlc and let you guys know if it works. uploader is the real Boku Hero!!!

those subs are just for the trailer going by the filenames.
the US BDs come out in march iirc so unless someone wants to transcribe the eng subs from the camrip or create a new one from scratch we won’t be getting them till around that time.

@bennybot44 Unfortunately, these are just the subtitles of the trailers and the theme song

sorry, i was trying to help, you guys are right!

@everyone, im still going to seed this bitch into the clouds :)

If someone find the Eng sub just post here plz!!

I know it’s only been 42 minutes since someone last asked… But if someone finds the English sub, Please post it here!!

I know its just been 1 hour 40 minutes and 53 seconds since someone last asked again but yeah, please post the subtitles here when you have them!1

USBD is next month. JPBD also.

JPBD release=next week,13 February

Me gustaria tambien que la subtitularan.

I know its just been 21 hours 42 minutes and 58 seconds since someone last asked again but yeah, please post the subtitles here when you have them!1!!

I am hard. Now I need subtitles.
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 6 015 kb/s

[U3-Web] Boku no Hero Academia the Movie Futari no Hero (2018) [AMZN WEB-DL 1920x1080 E-AC-3].mkv
Bitrate v mha.png

AMZN hmmmmm

hey guys, i’m subbing this movie now, expected to finish on the February 11th.

Nice meme

And finished! I might have missed a few timings, but I think I got almost all of them. Should be more than enough to know what’s going on though. Here’s the link of the movie version I used and here is the link for my subs! Took 3 days straight and was working completely solo and this is my first time! Here ya go :D @Daiymon @Plast0000 @Nani_Koray I posted this on the other thread that had a lot of comments, but I’m also posting here since this is the version of the movie I used. Funimation subs from the camrip were used. Enjoy the english sub! earlier than expected~~

Edited @NervousLancer subs (just fixed some errors. Hope they doesn’t mind!):

Updated subs:!KjpwxQwR!CoAzE_trbap6Z1Q6Q6g8sDtTb22pORznzAvTGGtFdDo

@DRM-Is-Hell thanks for all the help, I appreciate it. It just a one-man job… Sorry for the lousy sub~

@NervousLancer Happy to help! You did so much more than me, so thank you as well. Great movie, by the way.

Most up-to-date subs:!GuInmYZS!Xy8JZCCXn6dZbOJ7B6JXPTdLX44O5HMgbF-FUQc3vxE

The dub version is out on itunes so if anyone can, please rip and upload it.


it cost $14.99 on itunes
why dont you rip it by yourself ?
itunes WEB-DL is very easy , use tuneskit