The goal of this project is to get viz’ attention so they subtitle this in english. But for now
Leave a comment with your e-mail address or nick on irc so we can reach you if. …
MHiN and I joined efforts to sub this second episode. And I dare say that the quality of this second episode is better than the first subtitled version that was out.
Before anyone complains and says it makes things slower. WE HAVE LIVES, yet idiots ask for when the episode’s gonna come out. Both in comments on nyaa, and via e-mail. This is very stressful to me. I really do my best, but I mostly feel stress from this. Especially since I worked 12 hours both yesterday and today. And I know for a fact that I won’t be here for long if I get any questions or complaints about when the release will be out.
Credits episode 2:
Opening translation: Bluesun
Ending translation : Saizen fansubs
Main translator and translation check : sangofe
Second translator : MHiN
Subtitle (re)timer : sangofe
Quality check : MHiN
Comments - 54
sangofe (uploader)
You’re welcome :)
Registered just to make this comment - you’re doing god’s work. Thank you so much for your hard work, sangofe! Cannot emphasize enough as to how grateful I am.
Thanks so much! I’ve subbed a few movies before and I sure as hell know how tiring it is. You’ve got no reason to do this for us except your desire to give to the community and we’re all super grateful for that. I’d love to help out but I don’t have enough time on my hands to contribute much to the quality of the release and anyway, I feel it is amazing as it is! Remember that you’re doing us a favor and don’t push yourself too hard. Take breaks and keep your mind clear; make sure to drink enough water! If you ever feel like it’s too much and you can’t cope up then that’s OUR problem if you decide to stop, not yours! Anyone complaining about delays to you is highly insensitive and you shouldn’t listen to them. Take your time, man.
I asked if you would do this second episode just to know if it was just one time thing or you would continue, not to demand you to do it. If you do it the same day it is released in Japan or one month later doesn’t matter to me, as long as you do it, and I’ll be here to thank you for your awesome job and for taking your free time to give this to us. So thank you very much.
Hi everybody, I’m glad sangofe and I worked together on this release.
We know that you like this anime and want to watch it as soons as possible after it’s released. But we’re not a big studio or something, we’re just a couple of guys trying to sub it for fun. And to be honest I think we’re not late at all, we’ve just finished translating, subbing, quality checking this episode in under 24 hours. So please consider that we’re both working and have lives too.
Thank you for watching this episode and have fun. :)
Thanks a lot to both of you, and don’t worry about being late, as long as you are happy to keep subbing I will be happy to keep watching :D
Thank you
based god sangofe
I’m interested in helping subbing. Still learning Japanese, but I’m at a level where I can grasp most of what is said (unless it’s Steins;Gate ?). Since I’m one of those who clamored for subbed Tsubasa, I might as well contribute.
However, I have no previous subbing experience and I’m not sure how subbing in.a team works, so if that’s okay and you’re willing to give it a try, contact me:
Thank you for subbing this! Keep up the good work.
Wait, why are both French/Chinese literacy listed as requirements? That got me a bit curious.
Thank you very much for your efforts, MHiN.
I doubt Viz gives a shit about a soccer series when it’s such an unpopular sport in America. Regardless that it’s part of the Captain Tsubasa franchise. lol
Translate from Japanese to Chinese/French and then to English or some fuckery like that.
Not both of them but either one of them required.
Because currently we only have French and Chinese simulcasts and releases. So we need people that can translate either one of those to English. Or people can translate directly from Japanese.
Getting the vibe you wanted to post a PayPal.Me link so people would donate money.
Thanks a lot for subbing this!
Could you please also upload a 720p version for the next episodes? :3
Pretty sure it should be middle school students
Edit: Looks like every other line has mistakes in… Worse than last episode for sure. They’re still understandable though! Love you guys for subbing this for us :3
I mean, if you’re like me and just watch and then delete, is it that big of a deal? Bet not.
There was a term I saw couple of years ago… think it was “fast-subs” (?) which differs from fansubs as the latter offer a higher quality product overall but it also takes more time than ‘fast-subs’. As long as ‘fast-subs’ do the job it’s alright, I’d say. It’s no different than people going to McDonald’s/Burger King and eating their shit just so they’re not hungry anymore.
VIZ translation won’t be any better than random arabian guy’s translation
The 1st one I watched was from this
Does this 2nd episode has as good translation ?! The 1st one was good in my opinion
@maroon1 I actually watched that (the 1st one you mentioned) just today and found it to be fine for a watchable release. It has some issues but it does the job.
Thank you so much for this guys, much appreciated :)
It’s bad enough that most of the Captain Tsubasa fandom is mostly isn’t in a English speaking country like some.
sangofe (uploader)
First of all, thank you so much for positive comments!
@Tennouji: good catch! I worded that post a bit wrongly.
@MyllerPh: sending you an e-mail!
@tirafesi: would you please help out qc :)? If it’s worse than my first release it’s understandable. 1) I was super tired these last couple of days, and 2) I didn’t do a QC before releasing, and finally) Puto didn’t edit this.
To all others; I’ll reply more to each of you tomorrow when I’ve got more time to do so.
The fanbases of Captain Tsubasa are commonly in Western non-English speaking countries so it’s no surprise this series isn’t a big hit (or at all) in English-speaking countries. That really shouldn’t be a shock nor a surprise.
Loving this remake just for the sake that it’s Captain Tsubasa though I have never seen the series in its entirety but rather bits and pieces here and there (like, the openings and random episodes).
Thank you for your efforts, It’s really appreciative!
yo! I can help with proofing + quality check for English subs! my email address is [username][without “o”]
Hey, I have 0 experience with subbing but French is kind of my native language and I think I’m pretty decent at English.
I’d like to try and help out a little with translating if possible.
sangofe (uploader)
Amaracano and Reddu, I would love to try you out on our team for the next episode! Reddu: How can I contact you?
sangofe (uploader)
Super_Saiyan_Lusitano: I’d never ask for money to do fansubs. And no, we don’t plan on including multiple subs. It was just ackward wording from me when I first posted.
sangofe (uploader)
Derozio, dashcp, thedustyforest, thenightskies, Jupiter, thx4memes, shadown, zerojay: I haven’t forgotten you. Thank you so much for your support! Especially the understanding from dashcp! I’ll never forget your or anyone else’s support and will make sure this project survives until it gets subbed either by viz, through my work, or others I recruit.
Sangofe need a help on this? :) I typesetting board signs is sexy and fun :)
sangofe (uploader)
Haha, if you want zegond. You’re more sexy than the signs though ;)
Thank you for your service!
Thank you!
sangofe (uploader)
Thank YOU guys!
Thank you! The disrespect for no official translators doing this anime
i cant seem to get the subtitle when i play it on vlc player, any ideas?
sangofe (uploader)
Thanks huiboy. FHD: hmm, it plays without issues here. I’m not sure what the problem could be. Are you using Windows or Mac?
using mac
played it on elmedia video player and it works fine, thanks!!
sangofe (uploader)
I’m happy to hear.
sangofe (uploader)
Reddu: I hope you tell me how to contact you soon :)
Thanks for sub, please keep it up :D
I am watching this with French subs, but I still wanted to drop by to thank you for your efforts. I’d offer to help if I were a native JP/FR/ENG speaker, this anime is my childhood.
Watched it today and the subs do its job. That’s to say, it has its issues like using “me” instead of “my” but I don’t really mind it as I just watch it and then delete it. Viz has licensed this soccer series as reported by ANN so the begging of “please sub this Viz” can be put to rest.
One thing’s for sure, they’ll be calling it soccer and not football. The Japanese call it soccer too so it’s more of an accurate translation than ‘football’ itself. I know the whole thing of soccer v football so don’t try to educate me on it, lol.
This is essentially just fast-subs and not anything of value to keep. So yeah, thanks to whomever is involved in this but Viz will take over, eventually.
sangofe (uploader)
As you said this is a speed sub. I did not brother watching before releasing. The errors make me nevertheless blush, so I will probably put out v2’s with typesetting, if the person that offered sticks to her offer.
Sadly viz has announced nowhere they will be streaming english subtitles… The article you point to is also dated from january… It says they have streaming rights but they don’t seem to do anything about them.
sangofe (uploader)
@brc you don’t need to be a native as long as you understand what’s beig said and can convey that into english. Would you like to try out helping?
I speak English and French, and have a basic knowledge of Japanese. I’m not too confident in my translation skills, but if you say that it’s better than nothing and that I may be of use, you can reach me at
sangofe (uploader)
Noted :)
sangofe (uploader)
Sent you a couple of e-mails, brc.
Oh, I forgot to put in an e-mail lol, here:
sangofe (uploader)
Sent you an e-mail, Reddu.