[Nii-sama] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 03 [720p]

2017-10-22 20:15
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183.6 MiB
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  • [Nii-sama] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 03 [720p][BAA2B35B].mkv (183.6 MiB)

garbage weeb subs, terrible dialogue styling, bad encoding (>crf 22, not even mentioning other settings, or the fact you probably don’t filter anything, or source, the video is fucking 142 MB and the average bitrate is horrifying 841 kb/s)
0/10, you shouldn’t watch this release (if we can even call this shit a release)

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub, Brother-sama.

Holly fuck. Nala_anal, you are the cringest person which I’ve ever seen in the internet. I didn’t even know that someone could be THAT MUCH retarded.

how is actually caring about quality making me retarded? it’s you, defending weeb crap, acting like a retard right now

Gomenasai nyaa.si, my name is Nii-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

“Stop liking what I don’t like” aka “Mum, mum he is stupid”. Little spoiled kids. And Nala_anal, you know what I mean. It’s not only about this comment. And this video comes from hidrive, you idiot.

Thanks for the fixed subs based Onii-sama.
Nala, could you please release your own version so I can not watch it? Thanks.

WHAT THE F*CK! Why can’t you guys just leave the guy alone? Do you enjoy triggering the fans of the release? Do you enjoy saying my opinion > than your opinion? Do you enjoy saying everyone who likes something I don’t like is shit?

They do FairiluRoze as they prefer using keyboard instead of brain and Nala_Alan is the biggest hater of them all as being the most mentally retarded of them all.

Thank you as always TsukiNoIsou!

mfw that release actually has fans

I was trying to be polite but you don’t nala_alan listen to anyone. Upload better video quality and better subs or get the fuck out of here. You want to help? How and who? All you do is throwing shit at everyone like baboons in the zoo. And please keep your thoughts to yourself. As you’ve said before neither japanese or english is your native language so you have no rights to make this kind of comments.

Yes exmendic. This release have fans who understand what fansubs are and are free to choose whatever release they want to download and watch.

Check his profile TroublingThings. No one is dowloading his “superior” releases. Maybe it’s the reason why he’s so desperate to get atenntion at any cost.

I wish you luck in Japan cheekykoala. Are you trying to be funny or sarcastic or pathetic or maybe all of it? Why are you even here and what are you trying to achieve writing here your biography??? There’s not even one comment here about the show itself. I have really enough reading about your complexes.

no one said hidive video is any good though. amazon is way better, but hardsubbed. also, why would you be so butthurt when i only say the truth about this incompetent release? and why would you compare my releases to this one, when i release completely different series and categories (i release raws or music mostly, not english subs). and you forgot what i upload has actually way better quality than this garbage

upload better video quality
no need though, someone else already does it
not even speaking that it’s not like i have to release something better, to point out obvious mistakes lol
and please keep your thoughts to yourself
okay, but you need to keep them to yourself too though, and since i know you won’t, i won’t either :^)
you have no rights to make this kind of comments
you have no rights to tell me what can i do
No one is dowloading his “superior” releases
i at least have some, unlike you

I wish you luck in Japan cheekykoala.
you didn’t even notice it wasn’t real?
Why are you even here
um… because he’s a mod of this site?
I have really enough reading about your complexes
i could’ve tell same thing about you

This release have fans who understand what fansubs are…
Uhm, so which one these is this?
alt text

Yes, the release has fans. I don’t see why you think everyone should like what you like and hate what you hate. There’s no universal standard for subbing. As such each person has their own preference on how they want it. Shitting on the release and their fans just because you don’t like it is immature especially when you do it every week on every release. Nii-sama and the fans of the releases are doing nothing but enjoying what they like, and yet suddenly here comes the trash talkers who just wants to cause trouble for whatever reason. Again, you already made your point that you hate everything about this on episode 1. Why didn’t you just leave it at that? I don’t see the reason why you seem compelled to do it on every release thereon aside from you just want to make chaos by making everyone who still follows it mad…

"i only say the truth about this incompetent release"
why would you be so butthurt when i only say the truth about you and your lack of intelligence?
“you forgot what i upload has actually way better quality than this garbage"
you have forgot to say it’s not yours but someone else work you’re uploading
"no need though, someone else already does it”

  1. then people have choice and why are you so butthurt when they make choice that is not to your liking? 2. if it’s so superior then why no one is downloading it???
    "i have to release something better, to point out obvious mistakes"
    yes, you have to release something better to point out mistakes if there are any and if they’re real and not in your head only
    "okay, but you need to keep them to yourself too though,"
    I’m not the one who have started this and it’s clearly you have problem with understanding what you read
    "and since i know you won’t, i won’t either"
    how childish you have to be to be satisfied?

"you have no rights to tell me what can i do"
you’re right, because I’m not telling you what “can you do”
“i at least have some, unlike you”

  1. you’re uploading mostly raws that have not been made by you 2. I don’t have anything here because I don’t want to interact with people like you 3. is there at least one anime or one episode you have ripped yourself and made subs from a scratch? no, there’s not
    "you didn’t even notice it wasn’t real?“
    do you know what sarcasm is? everyone except you has noticed it
    ” um… because he’s a mod of this site?"
    isn’t it obvious? how old are you? you have big problem because you have answered to all my question while half of them were a rhetoric ones
    the only garbage here is you and I can’t stop you from being a total idiot, jerk and smartass unfortunately

^One overzealous guy, right here. For those of you guys who already watched this, I posted before a list of possible choices and which of them this release falls into? Lastly, is this release objectively good?

you’re uploading mostly raws that have not been made by you
they had been encoded by my friends encoders, specially for my release, so yes, they are not made by me, but they agreed on me releasing it

From those choices then it’s definitely closer to Crunchyroll. It’s a good release in my opinion since I’m not really into encoding and what not that makes a video “good”. For the subs if you like Crunchyroll like subs (honorifics, etc.), but with slightly better typesetting then it should be no problem.

Lastly, is this release objectively good?
it’s not
is there at least one anime or one episode you have ripped yourself and made subs from a scratch? no, there’s not
that’s a lie. i did release some subs, albeit not english

Crunchyroll like subs (honorifics, etc.)
crunchyroll itself doesn’t have a unified policy for honorifics and such. it’s translator decision per show, whether to include them. it’s kinda different for shows released on crunchyroll, by external simulcasters such as sentai or aniplex (although sentai recently started their own website hidive, and started dealing with amazon instead of crunchy)

Nii-sama and the fans of the releases are doing nothing but enjoying what they like, and yet suddenly here comes the trash talkers who just wants to cause trouble for whatever reason.

Yeah, I don’t see how that stops them from downloading the release and enjoying it. In fact, most people ignore the comment section completely and just download.

Are you sure this is similar to crunchyroll’s? I doubt.

Rather than get uptight about whose preferences are better, you all could just download whatever you like and give all fucks about what others think.
Seriously, who gives a flying fuck?

I have no argument to defend myself with so I’ll just tell you to stop commenting on the shit releases I like!
epic meme

I never said I liked it. My message was aimed at both sides of the argument.

@Abunja Dude, if you haven’t downloaded this release already why are you attempting to insinuate anything? What airiluRoze wrote is correct and if you don’t wanna trust what he/she wrote that’s on you as Nii-sama is closer to what CR does by that image you posted as they would be following what real fansubbers were doing to begin with with few exceptions depending on who is translating. If you seen Mori’s releases that’s what Nii-sama does as well. Also Eclipse and Doki are also closer to CR as well as that image is false from what that image shows. I am surprised you weren’t cringing at Commie’s depiction as that is legitimately closer to what they actually do including inserting profanity for no real reason but then again you get their stuff so… I can see why you joined in on the bandwagon to a release that may not interest you due to “those people” who have been commenting.

For everybody else don’t be deceived, some do read the comments and these detractors talking negative on said release can impact leechers who may feel enchanted by their spell and avoid releases like this altogether. That’s probably the aim.

So this is what happens when autistics don’t get along. Awesome!

Exactly like noZA_ said. Doki and Eclipse are totally inaccurate on this image. They are much closer to usual CR in fact. Tbh, I didn’t even seen subs like that. Nii-sama is close to USUAL CR. Gagantous is banned. I see. This site is exactly as messed up as old nyaa. Sasuga. Nala_anal, yeah. You released a lot of subs with your group, which are know as the worst crap in your country and everyone is using it as a proof that Polish subs are completely unwatchable ^^

ha? no one does it, there are in fact many worse subs, like these on the anime streaming websites

That selection is quite old, but you guys get the point. CR is inconsistent on adding honorifics since they have more than one translator, as you can tell if you’re mostly watching their releases. But one thing is for sure, they don’t use loan words as much as possible. Doki WAS like that before. Commie/gg on the other hand do that on some of their releases to be honest, too much liberal translation. So I’m asking, if this HEAVILY DELOCALIZED, as stated before if you’re following this person’s releases, is objectively good?

Yes, like I said it’s technically CR subs if they decide to add honorifics. It’s not commie et al. with liberal translation, and not doki or whatever that heavily delocalize. An example of delocalize that the release does is like keeping “Yosakoi” as Yosakoi and not translating it as “folk dance” which is like generalizing all japanese fold dance is yosakoi which it is not. Again it’s up to you to decide if the release is good. In my opinion it is, but of course there will be others who’d kill me for that.

Also what? Gagantous is banned? Why though? So mods can trash talk all they want while others get the ban hammer when they do it?

I want to believe what you have said, but this bothers me off.
alt text
So do we have “saru”, “yoshi(?)”, “momo” and “gyaru” instead?

You’re all idiots here and should be banned from using interenet. You’re not only not contributing to anime society in any way but you’re destroying whatever has left of it.
Do you want to help by achieving this low level of translation???
To moderators: you could ban me as you’re banning people who have dared to say the truth about you. I have made this account to write this post only. Good luck living in your small world, sorry, small four walls.
How dumb you can be to not see that people in companies like CR, FM etc are celebrating with champagne your fall.
I pity you Nala_Alan because you’re level of IQ is negative and clearly you’e overwhelmed by real anime and real fansubs.

Protip: Learn Japanese and watch the raw instead.

You’re the biggest disgrace not to ALL polish anime fans but to ALL humanity Nala_Anal.
Taki z ciebie mocny w gębie prymitywny, bezczelny, zakompleksiony, pryszczaty, chamowaty dzieciak? Nie masz bladego pojęcia o anime ani tym bardziej o kulturze i zwyczajach panujących w Japonii. Ty nawet nie wiesz co to takiego Japonia a gówniarze Twojego pokroju myślą, że wszystkie kreskówki są z ameryki. Jakim mega debilem trzeba być aby nie rozumieć istoty języka. Bo ty tego nie jesteś w stanie pojąć to masz niby prawo rzucać gównem na wszystkich a jak ktoś powie ci prawdę na którą nie masz żadnych rzeczowych argumentów to lecisz do swoich równie inteligentnych kumpli po pomoc?

Jesteś zarazą, jesteś jak wrzód na dupie którego trzeba wyciąć żeby nie zniszczył całego organizmu póki jest co ratować. Ignoruj dalej wszystkie uwagi które nie są po twojej myśli. Jak widać zdecydowana większość osób rozumie czym są napisy robione przez fanów dla fanów za DARMO. Twoja mentalność jest tak poniżej wszelkiej krytyki, że nawet przestało mi być ciebie szkoda. Udało ci się skończyć choć jedną klasę szkoły podstawowej??
If you’re interested what I have written ask Nala_Anal for subs. He’s a professor in making them.

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


@Abunja They replaced tanuki with monkeys for example. Girls with Gals (in certain case). And about “peaches” https://i.imgur.com/ETVmZuv.png , according to CR, they “come in peach” (t-shirt).

I, for one, don’t have problems with your translation (zero reference; experience based only by watching too many anime) if it’s just limited only to that. Though, I can’t recommend your release to anyone who isn’t a fan of anime, or have zero knowledge on Japanese reference on that regard. If the “monkey” role isn’t that much of a big deal for the entirety of the show or on a certain episode per se, I might disregard it. It’s an anime, not a documentary. And besides, I do know that “tanuki” is more of a raccoon rather than a monkey. Girls to gals is a bit more on styling based on a character’s personification, most prominent use are for those who have different accents and intonations. “Come in peach” seems like a pun lost in translation, probably originated from the phrase “Come in peace”, though it seems only Western people understand the reference. It’s quite the job, but they still need to make the idea come across.

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


“Though, I can’t recommend your release to anyone who isn’t a fan of anime”, ok, and? “Girls to gals is a bit more on styling based on a character’s personification”. No, not in this context and not in Japan. In the same way like Japanese idols aren’t just a pop stars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyaru, " If the “monkey” role isn’t that much of a big deal for the entirety of the show" - http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/tanuki.shtml this IS a BIG deal. “It’s quite the job, but they still need to make the idea come across.” Or just simply explain it like we did, because it doesn’t make any sense (and ruined 2 episodes). “It’s an anime, not a documentary” of course, it’s something produced IN Japan FOR Japan and watching it without basic knowledge of their culture is just plain stupid.

  1. Like I said, no problem on my end. But I tend to share most recent anime to my peers, especially if I’m asked to. They’re not that too much of a fan as they only watch it casually, so I doubt that they won’t find any problems if they lack reference.
  2. I haven’t watched the entirety of the show yet, so I can’t tell that much. But if you’re referring to “gyaru”, like what I said before, then that’s the point. You won’t understand it if you don’t have any reference. I just thought right there that you were picky on the word “gal”, which is a casual term for girl.
  3. Who understands “tanuki” on the get-go? Again: reference. If it only plays a minor role, or even made a split-second appearance, that plays a character of mischievous creature/animal, for me it’s negligible.
  4. If that is really a pun, then where’s the joke? Just explaining it doesn’t make sense.

5. Are you telling me right here that those who have a bit of understanding of Japanese culture have the right to watch anime and those who don’t are just stupid? Do you understand the exact words that you have said?

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


Oh God, dude, where did I say something about rights? I doesn’t apply only to anime. Would you enjoy/understand world of The Witcher (games) if they removed Slavic culture references, beliefs etc during US localization? You don’t need to reply. The answer is NO. You need to have a grasp of Slavic culture if you want to understand this game and its characters. Same goes to series (literally) soaked in Japanese culture like Sakura Quest (Blend S, Umaru as well).

If we go by your logic, all kinds of translation should be considered null. Translation is localization to some extent. Why bother to translate a Japanese show to English if your target audience don’t have even have a grasp of the said language? HINT: “some extent”, you yourself should know the bounds and what things that could be considered negligible. After all, there’s no such thing as perfect translation.
Let’s go by your logic again: If you caught your mom watching anime; her without prior knowledge about Japanese culture, was it right to call her stupid?
Your “NO” is subjective. Do you honestly believe that everyone playing like The Witcher find their enjoyment of playing it just because of the references? I would enjoy the same game without prior knowledge about the references, settings and whatnot IF I totally like the gameplay.

I find you growing obnoxious in each every reply, so why won’t you cut it off for now and save it for another day? You know, if you keep going to be like that you might miss a word and disappoint your fans. After all, your every release is done carefully to be catered towards them.

TsukiNoIsou (uploader)


My main question is: what is the purpose of your comments? > https://nyaa.si/view/971771#com-42> you’ve got an answer, and then> https://nyaa.si/view/971771#com-48. I wonder why i decided to reply at this point. It does not matter. “I find you growing obnoxious in each every reply” you made my day :) And for future reference, yeah - our policies won’t change, you do not need to ask about it every time. Peace.

blaming CR when they didn’t translate it

Interesting strategy. I approve.

And for future reference, yeah - our policies won’t change
Enjoy making shitsubs forever then lol

Dialogue: 0,0:14:50.54,0:14:53.25,Default,,0,0,0,,Oh, it's tsuntoge girl.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:55.21,0:14:59.63,Default,,0,0,0,,Yeah, she doesn't look too happy...\NWait, "bristly"? Like, thorny?

There was an attempt.

By the way, you’re not going to help your case by bringing up The Witcher, a series of games where all the Polish/Slavic terms are translated and localized.

  1. I’m asking before if I could still consider your releases good despite all the trashing it get, which boils down to your delocalized subs.

  2. Again, “good” can be subjective. That’s why I am asking again to what extent have you delocalized your subs. I have pointed out things you have listed and asked what makes CR translation bad according to you.

  3. I initially thought that those were minor issues, pointing out that it could be easily neglected if it doesn’t play an important part but you said they were too much of a big deal even without explaining it in detail why.

I’m about to reach to the point that I could have ask of you to lessen your delocalizing on even the smallest of things because it’ll need too much reference even for me, but you already played that card so it’s kinda pointless now.

Arigatou Uploader-sama!

@Abunja, you are pathetic too, dude. “I could have ask of you to lessen your delocalizing”, this script is still quite liberal. But this is acceptable level, I would say - a sweet spot between being too liberal and literal. You don’t know what are you talking about or just trolling.

this script is still quite liberal
wait what
how is leaving japanese words in the script liberal

Same goes to series (literally) soaked in Japanese culture like Sakura Quest (Blend S, Umaru as well).
I’m pretty sure if you told the average Japanese person that their culture was weird maid cafes, porn magazines featuring school girls, or NEETs who play video games all, or anything else featured in those anime, they’d deck you.

Browsing through weeb shit.
See release with a ton of comments.
Grab dick and click.
Was not disappoint.

@Mayobe: This is some high quality green text you wrote there :^)

@Kuromii to where and whom are you subbing now?

2 years later I’m still laughing at this comment section

I bow to my elders and seniors

Just Asian things. We used to and were taught do this in grade school. Nowadays they don’t teach it to kids anymore.


2 years later I’m still laughing at this comment section

3 years 5 months 1 week 4 days 15 hours 5 minutes 12 second later I’m still laughing at this comment section