This batch consists of Shinsen-Subs and Rumbel episodes, up to 165.
Episodes 68-71, 131, Shiroyasha Koutan special and JUMP FESTA 05 special were taken from
Episodes 21-24, 77-79, 81, 107, 132-165 and other specials were taken from Many thanks to the now unknown uploader
All other episodes were taken from
UPD: Here is complete Gintama torrent with 367 eps:
Comments - 6
Been looking for this, since the main batch to go with is no longer available.
Great job compiling every episodes with Rumbel subs!
480p or 720p?
Ascarot (uploader)
All of it are 480p, you can see this in the title.
Still missing couple of Rumbel episodes: and If anyone wants them, I’ve uploaded them to Mega because my upload speed is absolutely wack so please download them from there and seed the above 2 torrents:!WlQnGSbb!CB8dmVLOSJ0_dLcdLqxR-7IBwLLlX7FBRDSmi8O00rE. I’ll still be seeding it myself for the masochist who wants to download it at 50 kB/s…
I see that HorribleSubs has some eps with letters (Ie 111C, 194C, 138C, etc). Are they any different than the “normal” “non-lettered” eps? If yes, are those included here as well.
I’m just looking to download all Gintama with most episodes beings 1080p subs. Doesn’t really matter the subs.
@ascarot thanks for doing this. I appreciate who ever is seeding this on seedbox you have may gratitude.
@leonne No subs play a major role in this series, bcz only rumbel subs did the translation of the inner jokes/japanese reference so rumbel subs are the best. It is no stretch to say that rumbel made non-jap ppls like me to love the gintama.