Episodes 1-165 were released by Shinsen-Subs and Rumbel, they got renamed. If you have files from my previous torrent, you can rename them using this batch file or this bash script. Original names are too inconvenient, as proper ordering is impossible.
Names were basically rearranged, so that no metadata is lost. For example:
-> Gintama - 087 [Rumbel-sMi][H264][58742B5A].mkv
The rest are authentic HorribleSubs 720p.
Comments - 21
I love you
Rest in Pepperoni’s [Rumbel] and [Shinsen].
Can You Please Upload In Google Drive Or Mega …Or It Will Soon Be A Dead Torrent…
Ascarot (uploader)
So big! Good!!
Nice! Thank you for this! had same folder but with 480p.
Please someone extract subs.
the source is… tv?
Ascarot (uploader)
Yep, but the ads after OP are funny too. Would be bad to miss them.
Hello IDK what this bash file and script means
And I already have 1-165 so what do I have to do exactly to skip downloading those episodes?
Ascarot (uploader)
Download the batch file into your Gintama torrent dir and double-click it. You will get the “Shinsen-Subs and Rumbel (480p XviD+H264)” dir of this torrent with all the files.
But considering those files being less than third of the total size, you can just redownload them.
Is this hardsubbed?
Ascarot (uploader)
.avi files are hardsubbed, .mkv files are softsubbed.
It could be awesome if you can swap a new torrent with the BDs for newer seasons and also include the movies, guess since Gintama is done, someone will do a big batch which includes all of Gintama’s best releases for all of its seasons.
Do you have any instructions for syncing the Shinsen-Subs and Rumbel releases’s subtitles to BD video?
Thanks a lot for this man, this is the best way to watch Gintama.
Does anyone have a link of the Shinsen and Rumbel subtitle files? I only need the subs because Judas used crunchyroll subs which is the worst for Gintama (the jokes are not translated well, titles are different, there are no footnotes and barely no joke reference)
I have the .ass files for episodes 60 to 165. Extracted with subtitle edit. Can’t find earlier ones anywhere. All hardcoded.
152 to 155 aren’t rumbel.
I don’t know if these would sync properly with BD releases but you can try.
No, because they’re hardsubbed. Looks like I’ll have to OCR the hardsubs for this, which is a fucking pain in the ass, but it’s worth it for this show. Never watched this series before, but judging by the first 10 episodes of S1 that I’ve watched, it’s pretty good. CR’s translation is so much more different, and stiff compared to Rumbel. The difference is unbelievable.
and dropped. smh I wish you could delete nyaa comments
Don’t worry, someday someone will definitely make this their raison d’être