I have the true HiFi Stereo audio I was eventually planning on fixing up for this. At least on the US DVD the audio is a lower quality optical mono track even though it says stereo on the packaging.
@DamianV8501 That sounds great! When you get around to it feel free to let me know on Discord and I'll do another upload. Or I'd even be okay with you just taking this upload, swapping the audio out, and uploading it yourself.
Thanks! I'm kind of in a crunch time for another project at present but I'll definitely get around to it. I'm interested to check out your video encode too. That was something else I was considering to try and check into since that US Manga Corps DVD leaves a lot to be desired in the video quality department too lol. I have the LV as well but I need to try and fix my players sometime.
All I did for this encode was detelecine it and give it a high bitrate. Unfortunately, attempting to fix source errors is well above my ability.
And yeah The U.S. Manga Corps DVD has a lot of ugly artifacts, namely around things like blood. I just chalked it up to it being a lower budget anime from the 1980s recorded on physical film and that was meant to be played on a CRT television via composite cables, but if there was a better source available I'd be interested.
Comments - 6
BrianCrowe (uploader)
BrianCrowe (uploader)