Translation and typesetting by Perevodildo
Encoding and quality checking by WOWmd
Quality checking by True Noobow Gamer
The 7 episodes come in two files because that’s how they were arranged on the VHS tapes WOWmd bought, and I judged that rearranging them was too much of a pain. Read more about it on our first release of it if you really wanna know.
I know we’ve released 1-4 previously… And before that, I released 1-2 separately, and even before that, I released ep 1 separately… Doesn’t matter now. The subs for 1-4 are largely the same, but I added typesetting, because apparently I can do that now.
From episode 5 on, we have a new QC on board.
Abbreviations and TL notes:
• Throughout the series, the characters repeatedly call Yuki (Kenshiro guy) a “madogiwazoku” (literally “window side tribe”). This is a specific Japanese term from the bubble era, referring to the company employees that were once useful to the company, but because laying them off was considered unethical, they were allowed to while away their time until retirement doing menial, unqualified work, reading the newspapers and playing VNs. Read more on that here. Depending on the context, in this sub, I was mostly translating it as “pen-pusher.”
• MOF = Ministry of Finance.
• BOJ = Bank of Japan.
• IMF = International Monetary Fund.
• FRB = Federal Reserve Board = The Fed.
• MBA = Master’s [degree] in Business Administration.
• Compatible = computer built by one company that can run software programs written for another company’s computer - another term from the 80s, because yes, there was a time when it wasn’t a given.
• P Country = Iran.
• ABI = IBM (yes, the IRL company).
• Shikitsu = Shikishima Tsuushin = Fujitsu (yes, the IRL company).
• Big iron = mainframe, a failsafe computer, more powerful than a server, but less than a supercomputer - was just “big scale machine” in Japanese, probably because the term was not yet in wide circulation.
• MITI = Ministry of International Trade and Industry.
• The City = economical district of London. Britain’s Wall Street, if you will.
• Kabutocho = economical district of Tokyo. Japan’s Wall Street, if you will.
• NTT = Nippon Telegraph & Telephone, essentially Japanese AT&T.
• MT = Manhattan Trust.
Comments - 1
Thanks for the sub!
I highly appreciate it. A seinen anime about economy based on a manga by the creator of Cyborg 009 is something worth watching!