Harakiri 1962 + When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003

2023-06-01 13:04 UTC
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Harakiri 1962 + When The Last Sword Is Drawn 2003 These are my two favourite Japanese films period :) The first is unseeded here, the second also is humongous in size & with 2 seeds. So here is something quite reasonable to share. I decided to upload these favourites as service, for if you have not seen them ... just download without regret. The second - When The Last Sword Is Drawn (soft sub) is an epic story & just when you think there could be no more... there harrowingly is! Amazing really & capable of making even the meanest tear. The first - Harakiri (separate srt) is a masterful look into Seppuku & a great work in its own right. If you are wondering on the difference twixt Harakiri & seppuku or just want more info on the subject, look here: https://mai-ko.com/travel/japanese-history/samurai/harakiri-and-suppuku/ It is a curiously pointed distinction & title (which has a western taste) but also a discerning look at the subject. Quite revealing, especially for non Japanese. I put these two together, you will not regret it :) Enjoy.

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Dryvern (uploader)

PS - Seeders: THANK YOU :)
Harakiri is one of my favorites, too, watched it a few years ago. A couple months ago I watched the remake, and it was pretty good, too

Dryvern (uploader)

Remake? Now that I've got to see. Upload if you can :) Cheers.
I downloaded it from yts.mx the copy there is hardsubbed. That version is called "Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai" from 2011. It's directed by Takashi Miike, which gave me another reason to want to see it.

Dryvern (uploader)

TheOtakuX - Many Thanks for that - Good Site :) Takashi Miike ... no kidding :)
The 1962 Harakiri is fascinating because it's the only movie I know of where the English title ("Harakiri") is a different word in the same foreign language as the original title ("Seppuku"). I suppose the remake also qualifies, because it also uses a Japanese word ("Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai") different from the original title ("Ichimei", translated as "One Life"), but it's obviously following the original movie.

Dryvern (uploader)

Scopi - The difference of title is to me very interesting Hence why I put a link in the description as to the differences. I think Harakiri was not just an english word choice but used to degrade the proceedings as not a full venerable seppuku. Just my thought, clever if so. As to the 2011 remake (now seen) I prefer the original. The remake is a touch softer/weaker & somewhat drawn out. It is still good but I prefer the raw original :) Ichimei I didn't know ... very poignant. I hope people watch When the Last Sword is Drawn, there are some small correlations but it is an amazing story.
I agree, I like the original better, too. But I still think the remake is good, and I'd rather have seen both than just one or the other. But if I want to go for a rewatch sometime, I'm likely going to watch the original.

Dryvern (uploader)

Precisely - many thanks for the info (would not have seen otherwise, or known) :) The 2011 Is filmed very well, Obviously Takashi Miike :)