[GJM] Chainsaw Man - 01 [AC2CC7A5].mkv

2022-10-15 07:22
File size:
1.3 GiB
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Chainsaw Man - 01

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  • [GJM] Chainsaw Man - 01 [AC2CC7A5].mkv (1.3 GiB)

thanks, good luck with the rest of the episodes!

i hate chainsaw man, i hate mappa, i hate gjm. my hatred for this garbage shounenshit aside, i do wanna fuck power.

i do wanna fuck power.


"I love you! Now, degrade me!"

kinky anime of the year



i do wanna fuck power

she doesnt wash her ass

she doesnt wash her ass

you know some freaks prefer that

@mcbaws21 imagine the smell + her feet

Of course GJM had to drop this AFTER I already watched the episode. But, thank you guys for picking CSM up, I can’t complain. Everything looks awesome as usual.

but what about chainsaw woman

I only need to watch like three episodes of this anyway

Yall still haven’t done anything with Spy x in 33 days.
Finish your current projects.

Different team, stop bugging.

That was a good episode.




Put me in the screencap.

me too, but hide the name of the guy above me ^

Not sure how you can fuck up so much the translation.
You guys rly have a big and strong imagination, GJM staff.

ESL retard complains about English translation

Thanks for the OP & ED translation, I wish you could sub the entirety of them eventually, not just the anime cut version.

Also nice karaoke, especially on the ending.

yo peanutbutt69, small correction there, this is not a translation, it’s made-up text and very good creative writing.
I can only imagine that the editor is a 16-year-old talented kid, or maybe he is just on the autism spectrum.

Yet you can’t even give a single example of what’s bad about it. Must be nice to feel like a big man, though.


GoodJobMedia (uploader)


@Koizumi Nothing new there, unfortunately.

time to see what the hype’s about

@Koizumi yeah, I’m sorry I’m not here doing a full review just for you.
But if you care, just open the original translation and compare it with this version.



@darkshigeru no one’s asking you to do a full review, bud. just provide a single example of what’s “made-up” (you can’t).

“Nothing new there, unfortunately.” Unfortunate!

“yeah, I’m sorry I’m not here doing a full review just for you.” If you’re not going to leave even one example of what’s bad about it, then you should be fine with no one caring about what you say and just making fun of you relentlessly instead, pathetic little amoeba who spews garbage online. But sure, just for you, I opened up my copy of VIZ Media’s translation of the Chainsaw Man manga, and this release is pretty close/on-the-mark to that one in basically every place where it matters. Unless you mean “original translation” as in the original fan translation of the manga, or the official subs for the anime. In either case, you (as in you specifically) probably have severe brain damage, but in the case of the latter, again, the GJM subs are closer to VIZ’s release than the official subs themselves are in terms of tone and character.

darkshigeru using his almighty ESL powers to magically identify whether the translation is accurate or not, while knowing neither japanese nor english.

Comments had me much bigger differences between y’alls script and CR’s than I found, at least as far as literal meanings go. I’m almost disappointed. (But not really, they’re great regardless)

Glad to see GJM moving along with a couple of series in a more timely matter. Hope you can keep it up.

@darkshigeruu get rekt

Why are you even upset about? It’s not like they are going to finish this before 2024 anyway.

leaving a comment for the algorhythm

why is “mirai” translated to “we strive”? “Gimme some of this, gimme some of that”? You guys do have a creative writing team don’t you? You BALLS devils