Encode: VCB-Studio (except OAD 5, which is exact same as my previous web release)
Subs: Asakura. Earlier episode TS was entirely reworked, others were mostly redone. OPs, EDs and insert songs are taken from LostYears.
I haven’t procrastinated on anything to this extent as I did for this one. But it’s better late then never right? Right??
I should mention that, OAD 1-4 encodes are web source (encoded by VCB), audio for them are from DVD. OAD 5 is Erai, so don’t pay attention to what’s written in it’s file name. It only had ED added, so I decided to include it here.
If you are wondering what NC ver. of ep 23 and 24 are, those had songs playing over normal episode and BDs had those episodes with and without credits, so I decided to include both. Both versions are identical otherwise.
Thanks to GHS for providing seedbox!
Enjoy and please seed as long as you can!
Please note, that I only support mpv to play the files correctly, so use that! If you find any errors in translation or TS, please let me know.
Comments - 54
Hell to the yeah. Bean weighting. Thanks!
Asakura (uploader)
wait, episode 10 is missing…
Asakura (uploader)
So for some vodoo reason, episode 10 vanished between QC and release… As I do not have the source files anymore, I will redo episode 10 and upload it to mega.
I think something is wrong with the OADs. I only checked 1-2, but in 1, the ED is out of sync, and in 2, the OP and ED are both out of sync.
any hope for Yuuna-san batch
Asakura (uploader)
@eijig seems like another voodo shit happened to OAD1 and 2. OAD 3-5 are fine. Will patch them too.
Asakura (uploader)
@Aryma I did both series and OVAs, didn’t I?
Asakura (uploader)
Ep 10 and patches to OAD1-2 added to OP. Sorry for inconvenience.
Thanks for the fixes!
@Aryma, https://nyaa.si/view/1148641 & https://nyaa.si/view/1155247
Thanks! Dual Audio When? (Hoping KH will do this)
MPV is garbage.
Asakura (uploader)
@D44 while it has some quirks, it’s most compatible with .ass, especially advanced typesetting.
sorry i mean new OVA
The cutest slim girl(boy)
thx for the memes
Would it be possible to get just the subs, please? Already got the raw and hate to download 40GB all over again but it doesn’t look like animetosho might fetch this…
Asakura (uploader)
@arrowa subs and fonts added.
Thanks! Looking forward to rewatching this with your subs. Thank you for this release.
Found some errors in the subs for ep1
0:01:59.41 "I know who you are, ofourse. You’re famous."
0:09:52.33 "Once the analysis isomplete, you can mimic the object, as well."
0:13:13.37 "This body really isonvenient!"
0:21:08.70 “Just can’t be honest,an you?”
Asakura (uploader)
@unko yeah, that was the result of an “accident” on my part :D I did fix most of the errors, but these probably slipped past me. Patch added to the folder.
Looks like you accidently deleted all the " c". I found some additional errors in the v2 for episode 1:
00:01:16 "I graduated from college, got a job at a major generalontracting firm,"
00:11:47 “So I gobbled up all the magic ore in theave.”
Looks like you forgot to change the episode 10 chapters from VCB’s Japanese into English.
Also, episode 22 is missing its ED subs.
Also, there’s a 4th OVA BD of Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san
Please do it since I too thought it was only 3 of these :)
Asakura (uploader)
@Kabbu that’s strange, I didn’t change any chapters, they were already in english for some of the episodes I checked. Since episode 10 was affected by vodoo, I’m not even surprised here.
As for episode 22 ED, woops, patch added :D
Those subs were OTL and we won’t be translating this one. Maybe if actual good TL come out, I’ll just TS it.
Thanks for fixing ep22. Not to be a bother, though, but I think you forgot to mux in the fonts for the ED in the v2.
Thank you!
Missing space at 00:28 in episode 17:
Thanks for the release!
Could you post also Dual Audio of this release? Please!
Amazing! Thanks :)
Haven’t looked through the OADs, the NC versions or 24.5, but here are some more errors you may want to fix:
Font issues:
Ep9 seems to be missing 3 fonts, “nagayama_kai”, “Data Transfer”, and “Sylfaen” and also has an unused font muxed in named "Oyget!"
Ep19 is missing fonts: “Hira v2” and "Sister Spray"
Ep20 has the “Hira v2” and “Sister Spray” but they seem to be unused here
Ep22 is missing the ED2 font “Ad Hoc” (as pointed out by Kabbu)
Ep14 isn’t using the same font for ED2 as what you used for episode 15-24
Karaoke issues:
Ep11 and ep12 uses a different color gradient for the ED (not sure if I should really call it an issue, just for consistency)
Ep14 ED2 karaoke effects seem pretty broken starting from the chorus
Ep15 ED2 karaoke is missing the animation on the text that is used in the later episodes so it just feels a little incomplete
Ep19 ED2 karaoke text is white instead of the blue used in the other episodes (besides ep14-15 which both just seem either broken or incomplete, and 23-24 which uses a different layout)
Additionally, the dialogue issues pointed out by Slysoft and azd128 are still present
Would love to see some of the issues that @unko mentioned to be addressed (mainly the ED stuff)
I tried to figure out what was causing the ED’s to be all janky, and it looks like the styling is off. Rather than it going ED1 ED2 ED1 ED2 etc. its straight up ED1 for ~ 100 lines and ED2 for another ~100 lines or so. Maybe I’ll mess around with it more, but thought I’d mention it. (I’m new to all this, so I have no idea what i am doing when it comes to styling karaoke)
Edit: I can fix all the dialogue issues and upload the files here that were mentioned by @sly and @azd
2nd Edit: @unko can you tell me which parts of the episodes for 19/20 that those fonts are supposed to be used?
Updated Subs/Added Missing Fonts (you can grab the fonts for episode 19 from the episode 20 fonts folder that OP has uploaded): https://www.mediafire.com/file/pxwxndx00bbvy31/Updated_Subs_%26_Missing_Fonts.7z/file
One more note, I really can’t tell the difference with the NC versions.
Could someone explain this to me in a bit more detail?
Ok so huge update. I figured it out. Fixing all the ED’s you mentioned @unko and I will upload a final batch of all the fonts etc. updated subs etc. which will make my above link obsolete.
Here it is: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ox2q2gaoifz49z8/Updated+Subs+&+Missing+Fonts+V2.7z/file (old link from previous post has been removed from media fire, download this one)
This was my first time doing anything like this. I am even amazed I was able to figure out the ED styling, and come up with a fix. As they say, a little copy/paste and a splash of seasoning goes a long way xD
EDIT: @unko since you have the killer eyes, let me know if there are any other errors for the OAD’s. Whenever you see any of this haha.
Your “read me” doesn’t mention that ep 14, 15, 17 needs the fonts muxed in with the new subs as well. In fact, all eps that have ED2 seem to be missing ad hoc/atamigo fonts that are specified in the styling. Also some ED2 style in the .ass files specify ATAmigo instead of Ad Hoc & there’s double text overlap in the song TL for some words like if the karaoke was displayed twice.
The Ad Hoc font used here is muxed in as “arial_0.ttf” for some reason which did confuse me for a while. I thought Ad Hoc was missing from every episode using ED2 as well, but that arial_0.ttf still functions as Ad Hoc it seems.
Ah, I see. Still doesn’t explain why one of the episodes has ED2 flagged to use ATAmigo though or the double text overlap. :( The subs really do need a lot more QCing.
Yeah no idea guys. I didn’t mess with any of the styling, so may have been carried over from the original batch.
Can you point me to the double text overlap? Maybe I can take a look into it. Not sure if I can fix it though. Very new to this, but love this anime so tried to do my best haha.
@PlayDohBlazed Sorry, didn’t catch your new post. Double text overlap like this in ED2.
I’ve compiled the patches that have been made into one
Download: HERE
windows only unfortunately.
@Mabby I don’t find any problem (text overlap) with the ED2 as you said. Tested with mpv and mpc.
@Xonline The double text in ED2 only exposes itself when you force override styling in mpv to use kerning.
I’m not sure if it’s because of the fx moving or overlay shadow, but it’s always the same words that have the problem and only some words in a sentence - some lines are unaffected. The double text also only shows up after the sentence is scrolled on initial appearance / word highlighted. I’ve never had an issue with forcing kerning before (for years) until I came across this ED karaoke issue. I don’t know why kerning would break only some words so maybe it’s a bug, I don’t know.
mpv-x86_64-20210620-git-96b246d for reference.
My guess is the \pos individual character line positions before the full word are slightly off with kerning because removing it on affected double text words fixes the problem.
@Mabby Rare occurrence I see. I think under normal circumstances, most people don’t do what you does. That’s why people didn’t complain about the issue.
For me, I mainly use potplayer with assfiltermod. So that’s why I didn’t see any problem with the ED2 sub in the first place. But for testing, I do use mpv (without any modification made ofc) because that’s what most fansubbing group prefer to use these days
Forcing kerning is a pretty popular config option recommended as an improvement since not everyone defines it in sub .ass styling and in most cases, shouldn’t cause problems because kerning is good for legibility. The ED2 styling is just done weirdly with the overlapping individual characters. It’s not really fixable outside of redoing all of the TL text, so just consider it an incompatibility oddity I guess.
Genuine question (don’t take it as an attack, just assume I am ignorant of more esoteric encoding practices because I probably am), but why bother with HEVC/x265 if your target/resulting filesize is the same or similar to x264 Hi10p encode? Isn’t the whole point of using HEVC to achieve a MUCH better quality-to-size ratio? Kinda looks like you’re shaving a couple hundred megs at best, when most other HEVC encodes are attempting to hit 40-50% or better in size reduction without a perceptible loss in video quality. Has the weeb-dom at large decided that the quality losses are in fact perceptible if HEVC is used aggressively?