**Title**: Kaguya-sama Love is War S2 - E09-E010
AVC 8bit SoftSubbed - 1920 x 1080
**Source**: JPBD + HSrip
**Audio**: Japanese
**Subtitles**: English
**Notes**: Untouched video and audio from the BDMV with synced subs from HS.

Feel free to leave a comment if you like what I did, currently just testing the water to see if this is something I want to do.
You're better off saving like 75% of the space costing you only 2% of the space if you wanted the original BD quality by just using unfiltered BD rips like Reinforce.
@computron, I agree that there are better options out there, but this is for people who want the untouched video and audio. Encoders or other people who want that are free to use my files how ever they want.
@kenneth01, Private torrent sites or personal ownership.
Yeah most people who download remuxes would only do so for encoding it, so there's not much point adding in fansubs when the group hasn't even completed it yet.
@computron its a remux you pipsqueak stop whining just because you dont have storage and bandwidth
@ALPH4om3ga any plans for HunterxHunter 1999
It's only on dvd
@MrDeadpool, I believe I have access to most of it, I shall see what I can do.
@herkz, yeah the subs aren't the best, however I am focusing on quick releases atm. Might look into fansubs at a later point.
@StazCherryBlood, I don't believe I have that, but I could look into it. No promises.
@StazCherryBlood Not complaining; just a constructive critique (although I used "space" twice and the second occurrence should be replaced for "quality".) Why do you assume I don't have the storage or bandwidth?
I don't see anime remuxes being popular, but that's prolly not OP's goal.
@ALPH4om3ga Thank you very much, the effort is appreciated, I am surprised that there are still people who complain about something free, I bet they are hit and run but if angry because you do not upload the opening and ending textless
@Computron It's not a critique. It's called whining
It clearly says remux and untouched.Remux are welcomed here
stay with your bdrips and reencodes where you belong
There's a difference between useful critique and shitposting. No one who is looking for a remux would ever go "Oh that's smaller, lets download that". It's two different target groups so there's no point comparing those two.
@StazCherryBlood lol no one's whining. You're more than welcome to keep downloading these remuxes. I'll enjoy my BDRips and BDMVs.
@SeaSmoke My original point was that someone who wants "original BD quality" without the encoder messing around with filtering can get a pretty transparent encode from groups like Reinforce. The set of people who are interested in BDrips and the set who are interested in remuxes are not disjoint. If this is shitposting to you then I hate to see what what think of actual shitposting. But whatever, people can enjoy what they want.
@sameer I'm fortunate enough to have the space and bandwidth so I can archive the shows I enjoy. BDMVs and their extra content represent the original quality of the release. I don't download BDMVs to watch them with plain HS subs.
@Computron why would someone who only wants sizes of Reinforce unfiltered releases even bother looking at BDRemux and whine?
>Why do you assume I don’t have the storage or bandwidth?
>You’re better off saving like 75% of the space costing you only 2% of the space if you wanted the original BD quality by just using unfiltered BD rips like Reinforce.
You already answered your own ignorance you dipshit
Hay buhay talaga mga tao ang daming reklamo at ibang yong puro mga walang kwenta ang mga sinasabi hay naku! to all noypi shot out in nyaa commits section
Comments - 30
ALPH4om3ga (uploader)
ALPH4om3ga (uploader)