[ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC) [Fixed]

2019-09-23 10:09
File size:
9.5 GiB
Info hash:

Reuploaded this one, because a small flaw pointed out by VON (thanks). That’s it, everything else is the same.

  • Thanks to VON and mpgrey for noticing some flaws, which are fixed in the patch below (or just take the updated subtitles from the other link).
  • I deleted the “original” release because I thought it may cause some confusion which release to take. So added the description of the original release below.


  • xdelta patch
  • Changes: see comments below (+ includes chapters now, not that I care myself one bit about that but w/e)


Original release (2019-08-30 23:40)



So roughly four months later it’s done. A bit late, but I just had a hard time trying to motivate myself to do stuff (and finish things in general), so that’s why. Atleast I managed to finish before the end of August (like I promised). Anyway, I’m glad it’s done. I’m pretty satisfied with the final result. In the end, this probably took me 100+ hours to do, cuz I had to learn everything from scratch, like typesetting, motion tracking, timing, redoing stuff, and even a bit of translating kanji (for signs).
Use it for your own release if you like (I’d appreciate it if you credit me).

Watch order: Mayoi - Hitagi - Ougi. Have fun (re-)watching.



  • Retimed dialogue Mayoi Hell & Hitagi Rendezvous
  • Redid signs
  • Fixed small text flaws
  • Redid ED to match credits (previous ones were less readable)


  • Retimed sign Ougi Dark Part 3 (pointed out by VON)


  • Tested with VLC and MPC-HC (+ AssFilterMod)

File list

  • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Hitagi Rendezvous - Part 1 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Hitagi Rendezvous - Part 2 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.4 GiB)
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Mayoi Hell - Part 1 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.7 GiB)
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Mayoi Hell - Part 2 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.5 GiB)
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Ougi Dark - Part 1 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.1 GiB)
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Ougi Dark - Part 2 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.2 GiB)
    • [ToishY] Owarimonogatari 2nd Season - Ougi Dark - Part 3 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv (1.2 GiB)

I’m surprised you didn’t make an xdelta patch instead, now people either have to redownload the torrent or download the attachments and remux it themselves. An xdelta patch would’ve saved both of these things from happening.

Thanks anyway.

ToishY (uploader)


@Astral Well I don’t know how to do make those (yet), so maybe in a next release. Thanks for the tip.

Thanks for styling the dialogue the same as CoalGirls’ releases!
Seems to be missing chapters though…

xdelta is fairly easy to use - just point it to new.mkv and original.mkv, and presto!

Also, not a huge deal, but you might want to consider adding CRC values to the end of your filenames.
Helps downloaders verify that the files are intact / not tampered with, or if anything has been updated at a glance.
Also helps to distinguish different versions of a given file (though most of us usually include v2, v3, etc. in the filename itself)

Also, got you covered. Already done restyling Owari S1 and Kizu to match CoalGirls (also added lossless audio)
Working through Koyomi atm.

Koyomi is a little bit of a pain since I want to keep the OP/EDs consistent with those from the other Monogatari arcs.

ToishY (uploader)


@whobedaplaya thanks for the tips. And I’m looking forward to see your release. Especially Koyomi. Only “decent” release I’ve seen is from Dsub8, who tried to mimic Coalgirls as well but lacks in styling signs nicely imo. Could you give me an approximation on when you think you’re done?

@ToishY : Using Sajamba as a base for Koyomi. Was alright as far as I remember.
Also redoing CoalGirls’ first OP for Owari S1 - a little plain / uninspired IMHO. Will be using it for e08 of Koyomi as well.

Figure sometime next week (depending on how complex it is to transplant the earlier arc OPs into Koyomi).
Will also be modifying your release as well for archival on my end (nothing major - just adding chapters and changing the dialogue style outline thickness to match older CoalGirls)

@ToishY : Some of the Koyomi OPs are not that straightforward, eg. the motion vectors are a little different for the Ougi e08 OP.

@ToishY: Many thanks for your hard work and your willingness to go for the absolute perfection with this release. A whole new upload just for one line of text shows great dedication!
As a fellow perfectionist who is also concerned with finding the ultimate release, I have carefully compared your new release to the one you uploaded with just Mayoi Hell and Hitagi Rendezvous earlier this year and to the Erai-raws versions. I still found a few minuscule tidbits.

To start with Ougi Dark 3, at 00:31, you wrote “he settled the score.” You changed this from Erai-raws where it was “she settled the score.” Gaen is talking about her sister here, so I don’t know why you chose to change “she” to "he."
At 07:44, you made Ougi say “Some times you have to fight.” Because it’s an adverb, it should be the one word "Sometimes."
At 01:27, there is something I’m not really sure about: everything is told in the past tense, but here there is one case with a verb in the present tense (“understand”). It could be that I simply don’t understand Gaen’s explanation here, but it looks to me like this should be “understood.”

Mayoi Hell 1. At 01:07, it says “I don’t hear it any ill will.” “Hear” should obviously be "bear."
At 04:54, the “rocket” from your previous version has somehow become a "rocket e."
At 08:39, Mayoi’s text is missing completely.

For Mayoi Hell 2, I only have two suggestions for better readability.
From 05:45 to 05:49, Tadatsuru says his “if you think I’m immortal/apparition, I’m an immortal/apparition.” I greatly preferred your previous version where you wrote the sentence as a whole.
You decided to break it up as you have done in more cases when characters use a slight pause to complete their sentence. But Tadatsuru doesn’t really use any pause here, and I find the result of the broken up sentences read quite hurried and messy.
From 13:10 to 13:15, you added kana translations for Namishiro Kouen, but the various syllables are all over the place and that makes it harder to read than, say, if you would put all the syllables below their kana or at the bottom right of the signs. Especially the “ro” inside the ro kana is unnecessarily fancy and even makes it harder to see/recognize the original ro kana. (And at 13:13, there is a slight moment where everything vanishes, though this is getting into absurdly nitpicking category…^^)

With both episodes of Hitagi Rendezvous, the karaoke timing in the opening song is very much out of sync, lagging slightly in some parts and quite noticeably in most parts.
In Hitagi Rendezvous 1, at 08:46, the “whether she was lurking inside my shadow.” part of the translation doesn’t appear for me while viewing the episode normally. Only when I go directly to 08:46 or a few seconds earlier (less than 20 seconds) does it appear for me. (I’m using MPC-HC.) So the translation is there, but doesn’t trigger normally.
At 09:22, you wrote “oniichan” instead of “onii-chan.”

In Hitagi Rendezvous, apart from the karaoke timing in the OP, I only have a question if it’s possible to add more translations in the karaoke result screens in the episode itself (14:11, 14:13, 14:48 and everything at the right side of the screen at 14:20-14:22 and 14:52-14:54.)

That’s everything I have to whine about. To everyone reading this who can’t resist facepalming about all this ocd nitpicking: sorry about that, but I’m simply seeing an uploader putting the greatest of care in this upload and wondering whether we can remove even the final few blemishes out of this otherwise perfect English translated version of Owari season 2. ^_^

@whobedaplaya, I’m also really looking forward to finally see a good Koyomimonogatari! The current ones have so many spelling errors (especially Koyomi Water), and the official subs with their non-honorific “miss Hanekawa” and the like solutions…no thanks.

@mpgrey : I’m using Sajamba as a base, restyling the dialogue, redoing all the OPs, and fixing what mistakes I can recall (watched it a little while ago).
Would certainly entertain doing a v2 if any issues are found / reported!

With apologies to ToishY, perhaps we are looking at another version with mpgrey’s feedback? :P
Appreciate the notes though, will see if I can implement those once I get started on Owarimonogatari S2.

ToishY (uploader)


@mpgrey First some general stuff. I pretty much used the BD translations (PGS) as base and used HS on the side. Also, when there’s problems with the playback, like on MPC-HC, it’s probably because you don’t have the libass extension installed (like I stated in my previous release), which will explain the laggy and less nice looking signs. Anyway, let’s go over it from start to end:


01:07: Typo.
04:54: Typo (probably redid/split this line and forgot to remove the “e”).
08:39: I have no idea what happened to this line. I remember it vaguely being there, but it wasn’t in the previous release either. Maybe accidently deleted it.


05:45 to 05:49: I remember changing this yes. In hindsight maybe it’s better together, but at the time I thought splitting it to fit keyframe was nice as well. Will change back.
13:10 to 13:15: I was unsure how to exactly place them. The thing is, playing them exactly below doesnt fit for “ko” and “u”, which is why I probably did it the way I did. Maybe I’ll change it if I can find a consistent and nice way of placing them.
13:13: Seems to be fine, it’s snapped to the keyframe, so probably video player playback issue.


OP: Tested with MPC-HC (WITH libass extension), VLC and checked hardcoded version (FFmpeg).
08:46: This works for me. ^
09:22: This was done on purpose, because I rather see “Oshino-oniichan” than “Oshino-onii-chan”. I’ve seen others do this in similar cases, and I like it this way, so this will stay.

ToishY (uploader)


14:11-14:54 (karaoke): So here’s the thing, this whole thing part was a pain in the ass, because it’s all on a television screen (pixelated) and to style something the same way as it is on the TV screen is not that easy.
x) For 14.11 I decided to ignore it, with as argument: I rather show nothing than make it an ugly mess. And because it’s 3D it would just make it even messier.
x) For 14.13/14.48 also decided not to add it. The middle line says “song: {songname}”, which is also shown in the karaoke summary results; the last line says “Setting: Original key”, which I don’t think has that much value. So again, because the songname is shown later, the other sign is not that valuable, and because styling it to make it look native (pixelated) is too much trouble than it’s worth, I ignored these.
x) For 14:20-14:22 / 14:52-14:54: If I remember correctly, there were no more translations available in the BD as well as HS subs. And while I probably could figure it out myself, I didn’t find these that important (because the text on the left already explains the results).


00:31: Typo (probably because I removed a newline \N and didn’t notice I also removed a “S” with it)
01:27: This seems fine. She was telling the story in past tense, but tells Araragi now directly, in the present, that they “understand” each other because of Shinobu.
07:44: No it’s not an adverb here, its a noun. Tbh when I first saw this, I thought it should’ve been “sometimes” as well, but apparently there’s a slight difference in meaning (suggest you look it up). And also, the translation “Some times” is from the BD subs, whereas in the HS subs, its translated as “There are times”, which both mean the same, but both aren’t the same as “sometimes” ( “there are times” == “some times” != “sometimes”)

Think I covered everything. This was some good feedback and not that hard to fix. I’ll try to do this xdelta thingy everyone always talks about, and if that doesn’t work out, its just a v3 then.

@ToishY : Really appreciate all the work you put into Owari S2 (it shows)! Looking forward to the v3 :)

If you used Reinforce for the audio + video, they left out the chapters (for some unknown reason).
The only one I could find with chapters on either Nyaa, Baka or AB is Kawaiika-Raws (which I had already DLed and was going to rip the chapters from) :

Beatrice would have been better, but they didn’t encode Owari S2 (and no Moozzi2 please - I appreciate their work, but their encodes are filtered halfway to heck)

ToishY (uploader)


@Everyone xdelta patch in description. Patched it myself to check if it worked and seems good (the first time trying to make the patches, my laptop froze tho).

Looks very nice, ToishY, and that xdelta sure is a nifty device. Glad to have been of service.

@whobedaplaya, I’ll gladly do the same for your Koyomi upload once that is online.

Made NC OP-EDs for ToishY’s patched release, if you’re into such things :

Hitagi Rendezvous 2, 15:31
In the sign that says “open”, the top half still shows the Japanese text, causing the top half to be a jumbled mess.
(Just dropping that here before I forget and in case the xdelta patch ever needs to be updated anyway. Sorry for not noticing earlier…)

ToishY (uploader)


@mpgrey No it doesn’t… like I said before, if things like this happen, it’s mostly because of your video player (or missing libass plugin). Here’s a screenshot taken from Aegisub, it’s fine.

This is so weird. I can understand that a video player can suffer from lag and that some subs become affected by this lag, but I simply don’t get how it can cause subs to simply show up at one random particular spot cut in half. Ah well, goes to show that I’m not technical at all.
I’ve downloaded the libass plugin, but how do I add that to my MPC-HC? I couldn’t find explanation on github.

ToishY (uploader)


@mpgrey Well I think the easiest is as follows: Open CMD as admin, type in “cd C:{path_to_folder_of_extracted_files}”, then “regsvr32 assfiltermod.dll”. Now open MPC-HC, go to “Options” > “External filters” > “Add filter” > Select “AssFilterMod” and “AssFilterModAutoLoad” and press “Ok”, “Apply” and restart MPC-HC. An easier alternative is just to use VLC.

Thank you! I have one question, though. I am currently using your amazing subs with some other raw video and want to use the patch you made… Does the patch not directly change the .ass? The patch is telling me some video is missing.

ToishY (uploader)


@Chesphendshil Sorry for the late reply. The patch is for the entire file of this release, not just the subtitles. I’ve added a link in the description for the updated subtitle files only.

@ToishY : Got super sidetracked by RL (including secondary + tertiary seedboxes going down). Finally got 'em uploaded :

This upload is godly man. Done a very good job.

@whobedaplaya Thank you too.

Thank you. I’m curious, did you translate this yourself or did you modify someone elses?

ToishY (uploader)


@krmit4 ah sorry for the late response. I didn’t specify it in this description, but the translations were from the official (PGS) subs. So I did some minor translation edits but not too much, cuz I’m not a translator. Some “translational” changes I did include adding of honorifics, redo some sentences which seemed weird to me, and some sign changes.

thank you so much for the updated subs and series. much appreciated!

@ToishY could you rename the episode files so that the episodes are in order? i’ve recommended your release many times and repeatedly almost everyone watched the episodes out of order. and the rest only wnet back and did it right after they werepartway to Owari episode 16 (Hitagi Rendezvous part 1)

ToishY (uploader)


@Falsehoood no I cannot rename them anymore. If I’m correct the order is Mayoi - Hitagi - Ougi for this second season. To be fair, it’s not really my problem that other people don’t know what episodes to watch first. Anyway, you could always just stick to this watchorder.

Proper episode watch order (since they are not named in an episodic manner).

watch order

If you don’t feel like downloading it, I will upload it to my website later this week, maybe in about 5 hours.

It’s up on the website for anyone interested. (a mini encode, hard-coded subs, small file size)
just go to fastani.net and search for owarimonogatari (there are no anime links, only pop-up menus)

ToishY (uploader)


@ArjixGamer According to the rules, you shouldn’t do any advertising, which is basically what you’re doing right here.

sub files for anyone who wants them…since link is dead