Dragon Ball Super Season 1-4 + Textless Opening/Endings
Main Credits
Video: 1-52 (US Blu-ray) by KaiDubs, 53-76 (Japanese Blu-ray) from Moozzi2
Audio: 1-26 (US Blu-ray) from iAHD 27-52 by KaiDubs, 53-76 (Japanese Blu-ray) from Moozzi2, 53-58 WEBrip from KamiFS, 58-61 (TV?) from EXIL3, 62-75 WEBrip by KaiDubs, 76 TV Audio from CRiMSON [rartv] *TrueHD for USBD 1-52, AAC (English)/FLAC (Japanese) for 53-76
(English Opening from US Blu-ray, English Ending 5 (53-59) from US Blu-ray, Japanese Endings (60-76) from Japanese Blu-ray)
Q: Why are you using iAHD instead of your own audio for 1-26? A: Blu-rays Part 1 & 2 used the Japanese Opening for whatever reason (Including on the NCOPs for Pt 1/2) and English came in Part 3 onward. iAHD took the time to do a re-release of their own once Part 3 hit to update Part 1/2 with English Opening Audio. So that’s what I’ve opted for it in this release. Not really much point in doing the same work myself when it’s already been completed.
Q: Why is there a cover song on the Textless OP/ED 3? A: Before I did releases myself, I followed KamiFS and then on weeks they missed or were notably late, I found EXIL3. EXIL3 used these covers (by Mark de Groot) and unknowningly, I thought they were official to some degree. I thought maybe they were a different region or for some stupid reason Funimation had two versions. I already had the cover injected in and I took the time to subtitle it. So… it’s there. If your a Mark de Groot fan, rejoice. If not… then… well… ignore it.
Q: Where’s the next episode preview on 53-76!?! A: This is not covered in Dub (Web/TV. BD Only), so they have been spliced off. All episodes (53-76) should end at 22:35 rather than 23:06-23:07 due to this.
Q: 10-bit pls. A: A 10-bit release will come later if there’s enough interest… I already have 53-76 since 10-bit is what I originally used week to week. I would have to re-rip my blu-rays (1-52) and encode at 10-bit though to make this release otherwise I would just post not much after this release. Don’t really feel like ripping my bds/setting up the encode so I’ll only do it if there’s some interest. Otherwise I’ll be skipping a 10-bit release.
Subtitles Tracks
US Blu-ray (1-52)
- Songs & Signs (Dub) by KaiDubs
- Closed Captions (Dub) by KaiDubs [1-19] (Funimation), 20-52 from annyomous fan donation. (Ripped from CRiMSON/W4F releases + They subtitled the previews)
All typesetted by KaiDubs and replaced opening/ending subtitles
Japanese Blu-ray [53-76]
- Songs & Signs (Dub) by KaiDubs
- Closed Captions (Dub) from CRiMSON/W4F of rarbg (53-76), Typesetted by KaiDubs & QC’d by KaiDubs (43-76)
Credit to KaiDubs for Ep.53 Closed Captions partially. This was a episode that was late releasing to Adult Swim like the just recent Ep.75 (Expect not a whole 24 hours late… more like 13-14 hours). I got tired of waiting and starting doing the subtitles myself shortly before the episode got posted with the full CC. I subtitled up until about 13m20s. Once Bulma shows up, it’s Adult Swim CC, no longer my handiwork.
English Opening/Ending Subtitles
- Opening 1 (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) by KaiDubs
- Ending 1 (Hello Hello Hello, 1-12) by KaiDubs
- Ending 2 (Starring Star, 13-25) by KaiDubs
- Ending 3 (Usubeni, 26-36) by KaiDubs
- Ending 4 (Forever Dreaming, 37-49) by KaiDubs
- Ending 5 (Yoka-Yoka Dance, 50-59) by KaiDubs, Typeset copied from DragonTeam
Japanese Ending Subtitles
- Ending 6 (Chao Han Music, 60-72) by OGG, K-Timed by KaiDubs
- Ending 7 (Aku no Tenshi to Seigi no Akuma, 73-76) by OGG, Typesetting & KFX by KaiDubs
Title Card Typeset for JPBD (53-76) from KamiFS
Textless Opening/Endings
- Opening (Chōzetsu Dynamic!, 1-76) [All Variants] from US Blu-ray by KaiDubs
- Endings 1-5 from US Blu-ray By KaiDubs
- Ending 6 & 7 from Japanese Blu-ray from Moozzi2
Screenshots & Media Info
Screenshots: https://diff.pics/Ukt2yqQOFsJz/1
USBD MediaInfo Sample: https://pastebin.com/0dDfaAzX
JPBD MediaInfo Sample: https://pastebin.com/RW92efhj
Closing Note: Someone brought to my attention that Episodes 61 onward did not have chapters on them. (In regards to my weekly Dub over JPBD releases), so while working on this release I went through and added chapters for 62-76 and will continue to do so for future weekly releases if none exist on the video already. Additionally, I’d like to make note to say I will not be doing WEBrips week to week unfortunately. While I did rip 62-75 for this batch, my method does not work on newer cable locked episodes it seems which prevents me from doing it week to week. Plus I want to get releases out to everyone as fast as possible and CRiMSON/W4F (99.99% of the time) post long before the episode goes up for me on Adult Swim. (I assume it probably shows up for East Coast viewers after the East Coast air. I’m on West Coast so I don’t see it at that time, I see it after the west coast airing airs which is 3 hours later.)
Get notified for releases here:
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAE6kraODSt69vELbww
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Can also reach me on Discord. Also can just come chat! Talk about the latest episode! (No spoilers if you’ve watched further ahead subbed or read manga. This is for Dub fans, be respectful please…)
Comments - 5
Moozzi2 encodes are trash.
Thanks a lot for the effort man, you are the best I’m enjoying my sundays because of you. Keep it up, thanks a whole lot
KaiDubs (uploader)
@-__- ¯_(ツ)_/¯ To each their own. I had someone look at Moozzi2 for me (Since I watch Dub) and they said it was great. Cleaned up the grain in S5. I could’ve kept using SOFCJ-Raws as I was but he didn’t release Boxes 9/10/11. So wouldn’t have been complete. Moozzi2 and CXRaws on the other hand, had just released complete sets not too long ago. Although no one seems to be paying heed to CX last I checked. Not sure if its a bad encode or what.
@Kerick, SagmrTH8 Glad you enjoy the releases!
Side Note: Sorry about the weird main folder name. (+ What I guess shows in your torrent client) I forgot the folder name dictates that. This was just how I sorted things on my seedbox. DBS 8-bit / DBS 8-bit Dual Audio. I bore this in mind after this release and renamed the folder for the dual audio release.
Also just noticed I messed up on the first NCOP name… lol. “(God of Destruction) Beerus Saga” The end parenthesis should be after saga~ Well… its a small error. Stuff happens >_<
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