.ass file for one last correction to the Seitokai Yakuindomo Bleep episode 22 OVA

2018-01-23 06:16
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84.0 KiB
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Sorry guys, Yaffi found one last (in retrospect obvious) typo that I missed in BOTH earlier versions… rather than produce a v3, I’m just correcting it in the subtitle file, and those of you who care about it can drag/drop it when you watch the video, to fix the single line of text that I screwed up… Shino says “Hagimura!” when they are in the karaoke room, but I misheard it as “hockey bra” … dumb mistake…

Obviously if you have video muxing tools, you can make your own v3 by demuxing the old subtitle file and muxing in the new one. That’s a more permanent solution than the “drag/drop” method, but not everyone who watches anime bothers with that software, it’s pretty specifically a fansubber’s tool, so…

Anyway, sorry for not having this thing worked out right even after so many versions… Thanks Yaffi for helping me with that typo.


File list

  • Seitokai Yakuindomo BLEEP (S2) - 22 OVA.ass (84.0 KiB)

Not to be an a-hole, but it would be useful to make a proper full v3 file. It makes it easier to track on a site like AniDB if it has a proper, consistent, and official (from the fansubber) CRC that is common for everyone.

ericfromabeno (uploader)


ok… heh… you need to realize that I don’t think of myself as a fansubber… I’m an amateur translator who got frustrated that there was no translation available for this one specific video yet. (currently working on the movie, which is not out on bluray yet, but has a chinese hardcoded subbed version with a watermark, which is fine for the purpose of timing and translating…) I will go ahead and make a v3, if that’s sensible, but since I’m not a fansubber, I don’t really understand the “sensible” things to do… I don’t understand the issues… you make it sound like I should include the CRC value in the filename? I hadn’t even thought of doing that until you just said it…

So, okay ^_^ I will go ahead and make a v3, with a crc code in the filename. I just imagine these hundreds of people rolling their eyes at me because of how I’ve wasted their time with all these version releases…

BEFORE I make the v3, is there any other advice about anything that people feel I haven’t considered? Anything at all. I will check back in a few hours to see what people are saying, and then put up a v3 that takes their advice into account.

you can always make a patch file with xdelta.

@ericfromabeno I’d suggest using RapidCRC to insert CRC value into its filename - https://www.ov2.eu/programs/rapidcrc-unicode. Easy to install and use for file creation purposes.

While on the topic of filename, I also suggest this naming scheme: [EFA] Seitokai Yakuindomo Bleep - 22 OAD [DVD-480p][CRC#here].mkv

Timing issues with some signs (i.e. fade in and fade out of titles for Toki and Kotomi’s skits) and general dialogue (i.e. blinking effect caused by timing gaps between closely spoken lines) still persist, so following unanimated’s guide on timing and applying TPP (Timing post processing) after proper setup could iron out those issues.


Hope this helps.

ericfromabeno (uploader)


right… I will definitely use the naming convention that you suggest, I should have thought of doing it that way myself… But I’m not really keen on learning the tricks of the trade for signage, or other visual effects… it was interesting to mess around and discover what sorts of things I could do, but an in-depth understanding of that aspect of fansubbing isn’t appealing to me… Originally I was just going to put plain text in proximity to every non-standard instance of translation. I figured some “real” fansub group would make a “pretty” version in the distant future. I mean, it’s interesting, and I enjoyed messing around, but it’s so darn fiddly… the coding that goes into the karaoke that UTW made is headache inducing to try to understand as a concept. I was pleased to even discover that fading in and out was possible. “Close is good enough” is my feeling, there… … to give you some idea of where I drew the line, I actually figured out a way to do the 3-colors, striped, fade in/fade out title text for Tokki and Kotomi’s discussion of MIxed Blood … but actually doing it and making sure it would look at least somewhat correct would have taken me about 5 times longer than what I did… so I was like… no, a one-color title text that fades in and out at roughly the right place is just fine… :P

ericfromabeno (uploader)


I’m happy to translate, not so keen on all the rest of it. In fact, I would not have done this at all, possibly, except that one of the people who commented on the torrent for the raw version of episode 22 provided what they claimed was a properly timed .ass file that needed only to have the translations input… I thought, sure, I could do that! … then it turned out that the timing was almost totally worthless, but I’d already committed myself mentally to the translation effort. So fixing the timing was necessary. Once I started doing that, I read so much about other effects that I decided to try some out. Anyway, it’s not a great result, but it’s the best I could do without actually devoting weeks to learning how to be a true fansubber…

Anyway, thanks for the nomenclature tips. I will use those standardized naming conventions for the final form.

ericfromabeno (uploader)


I will look into making a patch with xdelta, though that’s yet another thing I will have to study up on… I wonder if it’s possible to make a patch that works for the people who dl’d the v1 that also works for the people who dl’d the v2 … hmm…

I love this series and I appreciate that you’re subbing this. Thanks for your work, mate.

for convenience you can use other groups’ batch files, it’s realy simple just change the names and done.
some tutorial: https://subarashii-no-fansub.github.io/Subbing-Tutorial/Making-Patches-xdelta/

@ericfromabeno Sorry didn’t want to pressure you or anything. Anything you do is appreciated! You did fansub a show, so you are a fansubber! It doesn’t have to be super fancy if you don’t want, just do what you want/can/feel comfortable with. Even just having basic subs on a show is great and better than raw by miles for most of us weeaboos. You don’t have to have crazy effects and such like what takes an entire fansubbing group to do.

I just suggested doing an “official” release of full file v3 because if everyone muxes it on their own then nobody has a matching file CRC that can be put in databases like AniDB. Also always good for error checking after downloading and in the future to have a CRC in the file name. So it is nice to have a “gold” copy that is the same for everybody.

ericfromabeno (uploader)


deusxanime, I totally agree about the checksum… back when I was a total noob I was like, what is the deal with these stupid numbers tacked on for no reason?? … then someone clued me in and I was really impressed… I’d never thought about the need to make sure your files were not corrupted, before… FYI, I have finished making and muxing the “official version” now, with the suggested nomenclature, and with all the timing fixes that were recommended concerning “standard fansub group practices” … I even did a tiny bit of extra styling for the challenge of it… everything looks really nice, although there are still some stylings that I avoided. (all those cute “Suzu Head” signs and the giant red stamps between episode segments, for example. Still, pretty happy with how it looks now… when I figure out patching I will upload a patch that should work for everyone, no matter which version they downloaded… Wish me luck.

ericfromabeno (uploader)


The patches for the final version are up. if you want to see what looks nicer, feel free to download. I’m not going to revise this fansub anymore. :P

https://nyaa.si/view/999333 is the patch torrent