Hi, I’m an amateur translator living in Japan. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to handle multiple aspects of a fansub beyond the basic translation. I translated, self-edited, and timed this OAD without help. One exception is that I borrowed (and experimented with) another group’s OP and ED karaoke, because I have NO idea how to do any karaoke effects… I would mention the group name, but I honestly don’t remember… their karaoke is literally the best I’ve seen for Seitokai Yakuindomo, so everyone else probably knows exactly who they are… I tried to study from their work, and I was able to put in some simple textual effects elsewhere in this episode, but if this fansub looks crappy, it’s because I’ve literally never done anything like this before, so, fair warning. I have a LOT of confidence in my translations, though I don’t mind if people want to edit them further… My style of speech may not match other people’s sensibilities. I DON’T have a lot of confidence in my timing… I worked hard to make the text and voices match up, but I may have messed up here or there, and I think a couple places, the text passes too quickly, so please forgive me if there’s any poor choices on my part…
My download speeds are good, but my upload speeds are not so fast, probably being throttled… so I will include a Mega link if I am allowed to do so:
And here is the link for the .ass file by itself :
Video Display resolution: 848x480 (if there’s a better resolution raw out there, I don’t know where to get it)
Audio Sample rate: 48000 Hz
Anyway, hope you like it…
Comments - 27
I appreciate anyone taking the time to translate Seitokai Yakuindomo, as there are not many out there it seems.
Thanks very much for your efforts!
EDIT - Just watched it. If you’re after feedback, the only area the text seemed to run too fast was Suzu’s response to being asked if she liked purple. No other issues from the rest of the episode. Thanks a lot!
same! it’s so underrated. Glad to see that there are still people working on it.
Thank you so much.I hopes someone does the movie also.I there English subs for 20 & 21 or is the movie counted as 20 & 21?
It was awesome! thanks for the upload and pretty good subs. I love how you even did the otters.
Can you watch this without watching the movie first?
No, you should watch this episode after the movie.
ericfromabeno (uploader)
Technically, since these episodes are like a collection of “short animated jokes” it really doesn’t matter that the movie is not available yet. Yes, the movie is “episodes 20 and 21” , but this episode was not confusing at all, even though I have not seen the movie. It’s totally enjoyable as-is. I guess the reason no one bothered to translate it until I did was that other fansubbers must have decided to wait for the movie to come out on bluray, and do all 3 at once… but go ahead and watch this, it’s a great episode. And the movie isn’t going to be available in Japan for 2 months, yet… so if you DO wait to watch them in order, you’ll be waiting a long time…
I watched the movie before, https://nyaa.si/view/964605 (NO ENGLISH SUBS) and then the episode. I didn’t think it interfered with the episodes at all.
Still great! thanks for the upload eric! peace and love!
ericfromabeno (uploader)
MPythonFC, thanks for that feedback. I used your suggestion, and made a v2 with that issue corrected, but I think it’s a bit early to post a v2, since other people might find more for me to fix, assuming my skill level makes it possible… some complex changes I probably won’t know how to do, which is why some things look… half-assed… -_- anyway, thanks for helping me see that spot. I ended up editing Suzu’s line to make it slightly shorter, and putting her response into a single, longer-lasting subtitle, rather than breaking it into two pieces, which was the main problem there.
Tnx! Great job.
RIP, UTW. ;_;7
Thanks a lot dude :D
Thx a lot for the subtitle i was waiting for watching this ep, did u will subtitule the movie too?
Man!! what a glorious day it is Thank you very much for these subs and all the time you took for it Credits and props are definitely in order
Movie please!?
@ericfromabeno - Before making that v2, I’d suggest the following:
Alternatively, you could help out another group with translations for Seitokai Yakuindomo/other series if you prefer that.
I love you for this! Will you also do the movie after the BD goes on sale?
Akatsuki Nin
Thanks for doing this!
ericfromabeno (uploader)
in BearsKillYou’s comment above, he listed a nyaatorrent link to what seems to be the chinese pirated version of the movie, looks like a 1080p rip from some sort of early release. video and audio sound great to me (though I don’t have surround sound, and didn’t check to see if it’s just 2 channel or full 5.1 channel sound… Although it has hardcoded chinese subs and some sort of watermark on the top right, I can still easily use it as a source for translating and timing, and then put my .ass file on nyaa for people who can’t wait. When the bluray gets ripped I can mux it to that video with no real effort. Translating a 50 minute show will take me longer than this one took me, even if I go faster now that I know what I’m doing, so I predict early next week I should have something.
rikun: About UTW’s opening and ending… I think I have a zip file of the fonts they used, somewhere, but in messing with the opening (to see what effects did what, and so on… I may have ruined some of the font choice typsettings… I would have to cut out my version and just reinsert theirs with no edits, to be sure that it looks right for people who want it to look like UTW… I don’t have a problem doing that, just saying, it means undoing my experiments. I was actually surprised how insanely simple it is to mux a subtitle file into a video. it was essentially instantaneous.
also, if anyone knows a fansub group that WANTS a translator for the movie, point them in my direction, since it makes the most sense to split the jobs between people who have long experience doing their parts…
I’m going to take that chinese hardsub version and see if I can extract the subs into an .ass file for the timings. I’ll probably have to do some finessing, but it might be faster…wish me luck.
i will wait for v2 release
ericfromabeno (uploader)
hmm. Just to let you know, fapper, right now the only difference between v1 and v2 will be: one line of text is easier to read, 2 subtitles are shifted to match the voice timing better, and the opening and ending now look like UTW’s original OP ED, because I figured out how to put their fonts in the mkv file… I tried to be “clever” about the title, too, and the result looks pretty good, but it uses enough computing power that VLC can’t handle it without getting choppy… Kodi and other “graphics card capable” software handle it fine, of course… I will go ahead and put up the v2 … but if anyone finds further errors or things they’d like to change, tough luck :P
One does not simply “extract” subs from a hardsub lol.
Oh, FFS… how many more of these are there? I’ve literally lost track of the episodes.
ericfromabeno (uploader)
The patches for the final version are up. if you want to see what looks nicer, feel free to download. I’m not going to revise this fansub anymore. :P
ericfromabeno (uploader)
http://www.mediafire.com/file/14ukqtoti1jdrsj/[ericfromabeno]SYD BLEEP 22 final version patches.zip
just in case of no seeders
ericfromabeno (uploader)
In the past 6 weeks, I’ve been working on the movie translation, and learning more about aegisub, so my typesetting skills have improved a little since putting out this ova… I may, when the movie comes out, re-release this ova with it, with slightly updated subs. Playing around with it, now…