You like butts? I’m sure you do. The reason why I enjoyed this show so much is because it treated it’s fanservice sport 100% serioulsy. Everyone watching that sport was not there to see T&A, they really wanted to see the sport. And the fact that they “expalied” the tecniques and the rules was pretyy cool. There’s a lot of things you can make fun of, but they really tried to make this show memorable and I think they did.
Subs from CR. Specials not translated.
Comments - 29
I’m gonna download this cuz feminists can suck my d*ck.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Actual feminists should love this show. These women are amazing. They could kick Wonder Woman’s ass.
Shouldn’t this be marked as remake?
DmonHiro (uploader)
I don’t belive so. Unless I’m mistaken a remake is when you take an uploaded release like a 1080p, and downscale it to 720p. This is my own personal encode.
I see. The last time I checked the missing BDMVs hadn’t been uploaded anywhere so I assumed your release was a reencode.
DmonHiro (uploader)
They have not been released on U2 (which is the only other Chinese tracker I know of). But they have been relased on another private Chinese tracker. I know this may sound fake but it has a very strict “do not upload to other trackers” rule. I’m not a member either. You literally have to be in China to get in. I do not have the BDMVs myself. I just asked a member to encode these for me with my settings. So it’s still technically “my own personal encode”. Same thing will happen to Love Tyrant, Armed Girls Machiavellianism and Rokudenashi Majutsu.
DmonHiro is my hero
Thanks, wish that someone would sub the specials :/
do you expect anyone to believe your bullshit about that elite tracker? trust me, nobody cares about “strict no reuploading” rules. you didn’t even name it. i’m almost 100% sure you re-encoded share raws, except instead of remuxing them, like you did here, you re-encoded them, believing that “nobody can tell”
DmonHiro (uploader)
You are free to believe whatever you want. You were right about me using your raws for IBO S2 01-08 but it wasn’t some evil conspiracy, I just forgot I used them.
Thank You!
Getting the BDVMs would be nice. The fansubbers could/would continue releasing the high quality subs. This still looks like that Horriblesubs crap.
DmonHiro (uploader)
I take slight offence to that… I guess. I mean… I AM using the same subtitles as HS. Truth be told BDMV uploaders have gotten a tad rare lately. A lot of them want to be part of a super-special-secret club. Hell, we’ve seen encoders here bitch and quit because someone uploaded their encodes on Nyaa when they stated those encodes were U2 exclusives. The hell is even the point of encoding/ripping if you don’t want to share? Or only want to keep with certain individuals? I believe “elitism” is the word for that.
Nala Alan is never short of trivial things to be incredibly bitter about.
@DmonHiro: Everyone is free to do what they want ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
u da real mvp
Keep doing what you are doing. You are my go to.
I still love how you includes external subs but not embed them. Where I can select my choice of subtitles from another source, some of the time.
This is the last, best defense of someone being an asshole (though I’m not trying to imply that you are being an asshole). It’s like if I go around town and litter and tell people who call me out, “It’s a free country.” Well, no shit it’s a free country, the question is whether I’m gonna use my freedom to do something good for the community or do something shitty.
DmonHiro Yeah, but I for one am waiting for some high quality subs. A release like this holds little valuie to me. There were some not too compressed 1080p raws with 1.6GB each episode and I can extract the subs from the HS release myself. I just don’t see the point. My problem is, as popular as it was, there are no other subs with TV release to work with. Karma Rips started to make one, but stopped at episode 6 because the BDMVs are unaccessible. The MonMusu Blu Ray rips with the Chihiro subs also stopped because of the same reason, but I at least could make one for personal use with their subs for the TV/stream version.
The funniest thing about this show is that it actually has a really good story. In contrast to its comedic nature, it’s extremely well written. Excellent show!
Thank you!
season 2 never :(
secret chinese tracker calld super-special-secret club? whaaaat? i know only 2 big chinese trackers with iso’s and them all not secret, just via invite) and ) PLZ tell 3rd!) i want to know!) ^___^
spoiler: it doesn’t exist
Does this look any better than any of the other releases out there? Everything I’ve found so far looks worse than DVD quality so I just assumed it was a failure at the source/production.
To answer my own question, yes, this looks fucking amazing (read as “actual/normal 720p+ video”) compared to the other copies I’ve found. Thank you very much. ^^
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Seed please stuck at 80%