VCB-Studio’s excellent video
Commie subs
Audio encoded qaac q109 (Japanese), q91 (English).
Endings use linked mkvs for episodes 1-9, 11-12, 15-23. The others were unique.
Also included is Commie’s OAD since theirs was much better than VCB-S. I [deleted] to put their tag at the end since it was screwing up the file order. I also just hate tags at the beginning.
Comments - 27
please delete this, thanks.
kuchikirukia (uploader)
i meant the torrent
thanks kuchi
kuchikirukia, when and WILL you release “Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2017 (1080p60 Hi10p 2.0+5.1 AAC)” ?
Please tell me because Im so hyped. Im your biggest fan and I have ALL your Miku Magical Mirai 1080p60 releases.
Also please tell me do you have stored “Miku Expo 2016” in 1080p? I have your 720p version but I am not entirely satisfied with the quality. The dense grain effect has been distorted and the 30 fps look like slow-motion (to my eyes at least). But I am aware that your release IS the best version out there…
Thank you for reading, please reply to me. Kiss Kiss!
kuchikirukia (uploader)
Magical Mirai 2017 BD is scheduled for release on January 10th, 2018.
Since the Expo 2016 HDTV TS is still seeded on AB I might take a look at doing it in 1080 since it seems a BD may never come out.
Thank you! Thank you very much kuchikirukia! I am from Croatia. Im so happy that you are releasing Miku Concerts because I cant buy or import any in Croatia.
Cheers to you!
I think he is talkin’ about AnimeBytes, not
well if you want to go to AB don’t ask it on public torrents, especially here.
It is a bannable offense to do that to be honest.
Also hmm nice mail address you got there want to get some spam on that?
Well well just stating the obvious here, also your obvious usage of larger letters won’t help you at all in a conversation.

Thing is asking for invites for a private tracker is in the trackers I am in a bannable offense.
Also I did see that your mail was from your own not that I care less about it, it’s just the fact that you just posted your email address on a public tracker with the question to get into a private tracker not AnimeBytes this time.
Perhaps some clarification though why I said this?
I hope you also just get a little less heated because I see your attitude needs some work sorry to say.
Also editing your text is noticable, Like I just did.
@Pa1 As far as I know/read, kuchikirukia is a girl.
@Nep_Blanc Did you ever see me ask about As you can see I didnt even know what “AB” is.
Sorry you will have to clarify because I STILL have no idea what are you talking about.
I have no idea why the letters got so big all of a sudden.
You do know this is a pirate site?
I think my attitude is just fine! :)
well well judging what I just saw :P get a little less heated, also pirate site well then my attitude is fine also.
Have a nice nepping day ya nepping nep
Also private trackers don’t allow people to be invited in public, why well for a really really good reason you yourself know also.
I also noticed you removed a comment of yourself, nice trick but I did read it.
Will you please stop incriminating me for things I didnt do with a bad intention ffs!?? well then tell me how do I get invited non-public. fly to your place and ask you there?
Perhaps as a start and PM me with details that will have to satisfy the rules and well my own objective view on that also.
Starting now I really don’t know a thing of what you could bring to such a tracker like
Just saying are you upto the rules you got to follow?
As you may not know, private trackers are a load stricter and you at least have to upload for a set time.
Bring!? Say wha!? Ahahha! Screw that lol! Im not bringing anything, Im a leech and I download for myself. I dont do uploading. My personal anime collection is very small (2 TB 50 shows). But I still want to see more places I can download from.
Now, please tell me how the hell can I download this
Bring in an objective way, just saying leeching is fine but you at least have to be a seed for said leeched torrent for a set amount of time, if you don’t you’ll get deactivated and or just removed/banned.
Some torrents are not freeleech and I do not recommend downloading those if you do not have any seed credit or ratio.
Saying this Private trackers only work by abiding the rules they set, if they didn’t set those the torrents they provide will be unseeded pretty fast. Something you don’t want to happen probably.
Also looking at it with google translate (Messy as hell) I guess just press download button, but that gave me an error as well I guess.
I guess it is taken down, so I can’t help you with that sorry.
can you please tell me can I download freely from this site?
I started downloading… I hope it will work…
By the way, do you know of Anime Tosho?
yes even funnier I know all of it:
Just saying I do not want to advertise but just yes I do know the site
Also if that floats your boat sure, nepping download loose man.
kuchikirukia (uploader)
The original transport stream for Expo 2016 is on Nyaa and seeded. You’re not very good at searching.
@kuchikirukia Thank you for searching for that, but I already know that torrent and the 0(2) seeders are completely inactive months now.
@Nep_Blanc Can you please fetch this torrent for me and upload it to MEGA in 1 GB rar parts? I will make you MEGA accounts if you want. Pretty please with sugar on top?
em well depends on how much filesize it is, I normally don’t do this as this is not what I want to do at all, I can download this and give you a way to download it safely but that involves more private matters, I friendly invite you to my discord and there you could pm me with more info.
I rather leave this not public ^^
(Edit) Same as Nyaa no way to download it as it also has the nyaa tracker in it and my seedbox says no seeds present.
I guess this is at a loss, I could try to find it for you on the private tracker but I can’t assure you that it is there.
(Edit 2) Waaaait hold your horses it’s downloading now and I see 100% peers in there, just give it some time and it will be done sooner or later.
I would be very gratrful if you could downoad it for me and upload to mega in 1 GB parts.
my discord is
please add me so we can talk there.
the file size is 6.8 GB
I think it is actively seeded…
Nep_Blanc, I see the speed of that torrent is good but please can you download it for me and upload to mega in 1 GB rar or 7zip parts. I cant complete the download. PLEASE
one hour more or less wont kill you…
it is I already have it online, do you have your privacy settings mentally strict as I can’t FR you
@Nep_Blanc#3767 mah discord tag if you want to request me ^^
Praise the first 3 Comments totally meming it there
Also love the rest of the memes here :)
Zastin-Sensei has me really confused. I can’t decide if he reminds me of this , or this - =P How’s handbrake coming along? =P