chicho terremoto / gigi la trottola / 천방지축 덩크슛 자막 애니 1화 영어 /한구어자막/ 스페인어자막 토렌트
[shindoi] Dash Kappei 01 (Japanese TV airing) 173 mb
[shindoi][DVD] Dash Kappei 01 351 mb
[shindoi][DVD]Dash Kappei Ending Theme 42mb
[shindoi][DVD]Dash Kappei Opening Theme 14.8 mb
episodes 1-44 are complete and we need help distributing via batch torrent(s). Anime was previously fansubbed by midori but the quality of the subtitles were bad with missing lines etc etc. This is much higher quality :)
episodes contain english, korean, spanish subtitles and japanese/spanish audio.
Korean subtitles were made by a korean fansubber and I got permission from him to include it.
The spanish stuff is all from the spanish dvd.
The english subtitles were made by shindoi !
contact: locoporchicho *
Comments - 1
seed, please.