Lemme talk to you about what I call lewd-cute. It’s a simple concept: a show featuring cute characters which also sprinkles a dash of lewdness. You probably know what I’m talking about. Anyway, this is that kind of show. I enjoyed it even though it’s nothing special. This was one of the more polarizing shows when it aired. You either loved it or hated it. The bluray version is “enhanced” if you catch my drift. Enjoy.
Comments - 10
is it uncensored? i saw the regular tv version it had some light censors
Thanks Dmon!
Yes it was polarizing, and I’m in the camp that loved it. Thanks DmonHiro.
DmonHiro (uploader)
ShiroYasha, as I mentioned, the BD version is enhanced. So yeah, less censored and a few redrawn scenes.
Is Qualidea Code in your release plans? Since Sally is gone nobody has finished it.
@noZA_ they’re just continuing it under their new tag
@Zastin OK. I thought they were gone. Thanks for the heads up, I won’t ask what it is in case losers bother them.
its already known (it’s SmugCat)
The subtitles are HUGE!
Thank )))