[meep] In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 1-5

2017-11-01 03:54
File size:
60.8 MiB
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[meep] In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 1-5
Created by Patra Fuyubaru, Eiji Usatsuka
Tags: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Harem
After a freak accident involving some lightning winds up zapping him dead, 15-year-old Mochizuki Touya wakes up to find himself face-to-face with God. “I am afraid to say that I have made a bit of a blunder…” laments the old coot. But all is not lost! God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and as a bonus, he gets to bring his smartphone along with! So, begins Touya’s adventure in a new anachronistic pseudo-medieval world. Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! He sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy. The curtains lift on an epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps!
I love reading and want to share what I have. Volume 5 came out a couple days ago on October 27, 2017. I was a tiny bit slow but here you go. I haven’t read any of these books yet.

File list

  • [meep] In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 1-5
    • In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 1.epub (10.9 MiB)
    • In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 2.epub (11.7 MiB)
    • In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 3.epub (12.2 MiB)
    • In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 4.epub (12.9 MiB)
    • In Another World With My Smartphone Vol 5.epub (13.0 MiB)

Darkmeep (uploader)


Whew… I’m getting kind of tired but I’m slightly past half way done now.
[meep] The Empty Box and Zeroth Maria Light Novel Vol. 1
[meep] The Irregular at Magic High School Light Novel Vol. 1 & 2
I’ll finish off the day strong today with these two uploads so make sure to check back tomorrow if you sleep or need to go before you get the chance to grab the days final torrents. I’m thinking of doing Accel World too but wow that’s a lot of books to buy month after month.

hey man, just appreciate what you are doing here. i thought you quit the uploading scene but thanks for doing this again.

Darkmeep (uploader)


@rocksanu4 My house was damaged by Hurricane Irma. I had to pay repairs. Didn’t have internet for a long time since the power was out for a very large part of Florida. Eventually the internet was connected again and I ran my modem/router on a generator and uploaded. When my power came back on I hired a company to renovate my place. I had to stay at a rented condo for a while and the place had slow internet speeds. Anyway I’m back and uploading the backlog and a few new ones.

Are you gonna upload Infinite Dendrogram as well? Will you consider The Isolator by Reki Kawahara that will be released digitally in late November?

Darkmeep (uploader)


Yes I had volume 2 on preorder as well but it came out while I didn’t really have faster internet access. I actually already paid for volumes 1-3 of Infinite and will upload them in an hour or two depending on how fast I can get these out. Yeah I’ll probably do the Isolator. I’m probably going to do Accell World as well.

@Darkmeep are you gonna upload my big sister lives in a fantasy world book 6?

@Darkmeep Thanks for the Release.

Thank you so much! And also welcome back!

Thank you for all your hard work. Glad to know you are safe and doing well after Hurricane Irma. I live in Florida and me and my family didn’t have power for a week, but we do now.

Darkmeep (uploader)


@arism99 Yeah that one is next, I’ve been uploading for 6 hours now so I just went to grab a bite to eat.
@amit34521 so many thank comments haha no problem.
@Lifeless07 Woo I’m back!
@Blackstar Yup I’m fairly sure just about everything is good other than the piles of foliage on the ground and probably a bunch of water damage on the inside of homes.

Thanks for the update !

Darkmeep (uploader)


@Matrim no problem it’s nice to be doing this again.

Darkmeep (uploader)


@nyanyan yup maybe I’ll read this one some day.

thank you very much, Bro!!! I love your job!!!

excellent work cant wait for the next lot to be available

Vol 6 coming out this Friday!!

Any ETA for Vol 6 of Smartphone? Also, do you have any of the official Mushoku Tensei English light novel epubs (like the ones on the Kindle store) especially some of the newer ones? Thanks.