[meep] Invaders of the Rokujouma Light Novel Vol 1-7
Created by Takehaya, Poco
Tags: Comedy, Romance, School, Harem, Supernatural
Just starting high school, Koutarou is moving out on his own to take some of the burden off of his widower father. Lucky for him, he’s found a room at Corona House. It has a great landlord, it’s not too far from school, and best of all, it’s dirt cheap. It really is perfect… except for the strange girls that keep appearing to try and take it over! But even as room 106 turns into a battlefield, Koutarou isn’t willing to give up his apartment without a good fight. The invasion begins!
I love reading and want to share what I have. I’ll buy book 8 when it comes out. Sorry for the long wait.
Comments - 10
Thanks for sharing!
Darkmeep (uploader)
@ArcherTheBagpiper I’ve got so many books to upload like three months worth haha.
@Darkmeep You’re on a roll man. I’ve never seen anyone else do these many uploads at once. Thanks once again.
Thanks for the update !
Darkmeep (uploader)
@Matrim no problem
@Darkmeep Thanks for the Release
Darkmeep (uploader)
@amit34521 yup no problem
Darkmeep (uploader)
@Koyomi yeah no problem the thanks make me happy lol
Sorry, I want to know, if you plan to share the next volumes, too, since it is already volume 9 released.