[FLsnow][Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau / Children of the Whales][01][a1080p][Japanese / Chinese / English softsub]

2017-10-14 16:29 UTC
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638.6 MiB
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## Subtitles You can find the latest subtitles at https://subbers.org/subtitles/Kujisuna/ (available in Japanese (ja), English (en), Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans) and Traditional Chinese (zh-Hant)) ## Introduction ![Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau](https://subbers.org/poster/Kujisuna.jpg "Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau") 砂刑暦93年—— 砂の海に覆われた世界の中、小島のような漂泊船「泥クジラ」の上で暮らす人々がいた。 外界との接触がまったくないこの島の人口は、513人。 感情を源とする超能力「情念動(サイミア)」を有する代わりに短命な「印(シルシ)」と、 能力を持たないが長命の「無印(むいん)」という種族からなる彼らは、 小さな共同体を形成し穏やかに過ごしていたのである。 島の記録係である「印」のチャクロは、ある日泥クジラに漂着した廃墟船を調査する中で、謎の少女「リコス」と出会う。 島の人間にとって、初めてとなる外界の人間との接触。 それは、新世界を開く福音なのか──。 In the 93rd year of the Sentence of Sand... In a world covered by the sea of sand, 513 people live in complete isolation on the **mud whale**, an island-like ship floating on the sand. Nine in ten of the inhabitants of the **mud whale** are the **Shirushi**, those who have been blessed and cursed with the ability to use *thymia*, the sentikineses (sentimental-based psychokineses) that doom them to an early death. And the others are the **Muin**, who do not have the power of *thymia* but are long-living. The two kinds of people formed a community and living together peacefully. One day, **Chakuro**, the record clerk of the **mud whale**, found a mysterious girl named **Lykos** during his reconnaissance of an adrift island. For the inhabitantsof the **mud whale**, she is the first person they met from outside their world. Is it a good news that opens up a new world for them? ... 砂刑历93年—— 在为沙之海所覆盖的世界里,有一座宛如小岛一般的漂流船「泥鲸」。 有513人与世隔绝,生活在泥鲸之上。 他们中,有九成是可以操纵以感情为源泉的超能力「情念力」但短命的「印」, 余下的则是没有「情念力」但长寿的「无印」。 他们和平共处,相濡以沫,共同生活在一个小小的共同体之中。 有一天,在对一座漂流岛的侦察中,「泥鲸」的记录工作者查克罗发现了一位神秘的少女「黎可斯」。 她是「泥鲸」上的人们所接触到的第一位来自外界的人。 这是,为他们开启新世界窗口的福音吗——? ## About the subtitles in English Hello everyone. I am ssnake, a **former** fansubber worked for FLsnow and other Chinese fansub groups. This is the first time I am working on an English fansub project. In fact I am confident with my Japanese and Chinese, but not with my English. Then why I am translating this anime, *Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau (Children of the Whales)*, into English? You may have noticed that this title, *Kujisuna* (short for *Kujira...*), is sponsored by Netflix. For some reason, they delayed the simulcast outside Japan to 2018. Also this is a really difficult manga/anime for the translators. Maybe these are the reasons why this title is not that popular among anime fans and particularly fansubs (very few releases comparing to other titles). But *Kujisuna* is simply a masterwork, perhaps the top 3 of this season. The artworks, the characters, and the story (oh I can't explain more) are indeed impressing me. I would really like to introduce and spread this masterpiece to more people, especially outside Japan. So I dictated the Japanese script, then translated it into both English and Chinese. I have to stress it again that I am not a native speaker of English. My translation may, no, must be weird. If you do read Japanese or Chinese, I recommend the other subtitles. The latest subtitles are available at: https://subbers.org/subtitles/Kujisuna/ The English and Chinese subtitles are licensed licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International) License (exceptions available). (According to the copyright acts in China, I do partially own the copyright of my translations. Definitely I don't own the copyright of the Japanese texts.) Welcome if you have suggestions, advices or even willings to improve the subtitles. Don't hesitate to contact me. If you are a translator and want to use my Japanese dictation to help your translation, feel free to do so. I appreciate if you can kindly mention me in your works. You can toot me with mastodon ([@ssnake@mstdn.ssnake.me](https://mstdn.ssnake.me/@ssnake)) or email me (ssnake AT ssnake.me). My twitter account ([@lovessnake](https://twitter.com/lovessnake)) is protected so please leave me a message elsewhere if you wanna tweet me. I don't use IRC, etc. Thank you and hope you enjoy *Kujisuna*. ## 中文制作说明 大家好,我是最近逃避到二次元的蛇(冬眠状态)。为了逃避现实把这季所有新番都看了一遍(字面意义的所有)。 第一感觉的首推本来是「魔法使いの嫁(魔法使的新娘)」之类大热作品, 这部「クジラの子らは砂上に歌う(鲸鱼的孩子们在沙海上歌唱)」(下简称「クジ砂」)扫片的时候本来只是稍微有点兴趣的程度。 但因为最近颓废到异常,看到「クジ砂」的漫画第一卷在Kindle限时免费,就下载下来读了。没想到—— 「这居然是少女誌上的连载!第一卷○○就○○○○○○了啊!」 于是一发不可收拾,一口气把后面9卷都买来通读了。 不论是剧情的精妙,还是世界观的博大,抑或是动画漫画同样悉心的作画,都深深打动了我。 但是,这部作品是Netflix平台独占,日本以外的投放要到明年1月(但是中国大陆不是Netflix所以同期了的样子,虽然我无从知晓)。 另一方面,这部作品设定庞大而复杂,用语(比如希腊语、比如日本的传统颜色)的考证等等对于翻译者来说是一个极其费力的工程。 不知道是不是这两个方面的原因,做这部片的字幕组或者放流组(不管什么语言)特别少。 怀着「不想埋没这么优秀的作品!想让世界各地更多的人有机会第一时间看到『クジ砂』!」的心情,我也久违地产生了想要诈尸做片的冲动。 这次我采用了先听写日语,再把文本翻译成中文和英语的制作方法。虽然对各位中文使用者来说无关紧要,但出于我想让世界各地的人都能欣赏的心情,这次我也提供日语和英语字幕。 又及,因为之前太过荒废,逃避和积压下来的工作无比繁多,所以我无法保证速度(谜之声:你不是想让更多的人“第一时间”看到么)。但毕竟是我喜欢的片,弃坑这种事情绝对不会发生。 最后是关于字幕公开以及版权周边的问题: 最新字幕会公开在 https://subbers.org/subtitles/Kujisuna/ 。请注意发布在BT站的字幕不一定是最新版本,因为我会随时对字幕进行修改。 中文字幕、英语字幕采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International)许可协议进行许可(除与著作权人另行协议的场合外)。 日语字幕著作权完全归属其著作权人。 欢迎使用我听写的日语字幕进行翻译工作。虽然权利上我无法强求,不过希望使用者能通过某种方式(下述)告知我。 我个人不赞成使用中文、英文字幕进行二次翻译或者二次制作,所以从许可协议上(禁止演绎)进行了限制。如果确有必要,可以与我另行协议。 另外非常欢迎就字幕提出指正意见和修改建议。 你可以使用mastodon([@ssnake@mstdn.ssnake.me](https://mstdn.ssnake.me/@ssnake))或邮件(ssnake AT ssnake.me)联系我。 如果希望使用twitter([@lovessnake](https://twitter.com/lovessnake), protected),请在发布页之类我能看到的地方留下你的ID。我不使用IRC等其他通信工具。

File list

  • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][TVRIP][a1080]
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][01][HEVC_AAC][TVRIP][a1080].en.ass (45.2 KiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][01][HEVC_AAC][TVRIP][a1080].ja.ass (43.1 KiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][01][HEVC_AAC][TVRIP][a1080].mp4 (610.2 MiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][01][HEVC_AAC][TVRIP][a1080].zh-Hans.ass (44.1 KiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][01][HEVC_AAC][TVRIP][a1080].zh-Hant.ass (44.1 KiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][Fonts].en.7z (4.1 MiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][Fonts].ja.7z (6.9 MiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][Fonts].zh-Hans.7z (8.0 MiB)
    • [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][Fonts].zh-Hant.7z (9.3 MiB)
For me your EN translation is kinda weird in some line and inconsistent. Sometimes too localized but sometime literal. For myself of course I would like you to translate it all literally if possible. But your JP subs is great. Maybe for the EN subs it's better just use TL note on top of the screen then add the note on top the text directly like furigana, because sometimes it block the other line.
@HiddenArmy I appreciate your advices. Well I admit that my English is weird (enjoy the Japanese subtitle if you can!). But in fact I intended to translate some lines literally (e.g. the monologue which indeed is the records Chakuro wrote (usually in 文語(writing style)), 丁寧語 and 敬語 (polite speaking styles)), while keep others as localized as possible (since it's very weird for me to use literal phrases when talking). I don't really get what you mean by "block the other line". If you mean you have encountered subtitles overlapping issue, try install all the fonts in [FLsnow][Kujira_no_Kora_wa_Sajou_ni_Utau][Fonts].en.7z. Also it'd better if you can render the subtitle with the latest DirectVobSub, XySubFilter or libass.
I actually really like your subtitles. It's better than Asenshi, who doesn't seem to have respect for the Japanese language. A note in their subs called the language "shit". \ The only thing negative I'd have to say is you don't use periods at the end of sentences. Not a big deal, but it can be hard to tell if a sentence actually ends or is going to continue on. \ Also, just a personal opinion, I love Japanese honorifics in English subs. I noticed you used some here, but not everywhere. Asenshi already has the localized version covered. They think they're writing for the dub or something, so no need to hold back.
@futagen Thank you for your suggestions. And I'm really happy you like my works. I've changed the punctuation in my subtitles. You can check it on https://subbers.org/subtitles/Kujisuna/ In fact for Chinese and Japanese subtitles, we are not allowed to use periods at the end of sentences. That's really something I didn't know when subtitling in English. For the honorifics, I kept "-sama" but dropped "-san" (as "-san" is too common in Japanese, we are calling each other with "-san" everyday). When it comes to "-kun","-chan" I may keep it, but there isn't and there won't be any "-kun" or "-chan" (except for a few "Onii-chan"s, which I rendered into "Bro") in Kujisuna I think. Thank you for your advice though.