Yeah… but they are kind of BS now. Everyone has a super move that usually ends the battle right there. Chinatsu especially basically has a I-Win-Button. The battles of the original were much better. Well… everything was much better. Also no Tama. That’s -100 points right there. The new LRIG are boring and unmemorable.
This is pure blasphemy… and needlessly mean to boot. Damn this is just outright cruel for no good reason and much less enjoyable than the first two seasons.
Comments - 11
Does it have lots of batorus?
DmonHiro (uploader)
Yeah… but they are kind of BS now. Everyone has a super move that usually ends the battle right there. Chinatsu especially basically has a I-Win-Button. The battles of the original were much better. Well… everything was much better. Also no Tama. That’s -100 points right there. The new LRIG are boring and unmemorable.
I love Piruluk-tan
DmonHiro (uploader)
Well… she’s in this season. Just not in that form. This IS a direct sequel after all.
Am dog
Thank you! <3
This is pure blasphemy… and needlessly mean to boot. Damn this is just outright cruel for no good reason and much less enjoyable than the first two seasons.
Thanks for the subs and all :D
no one’s seeding anymore :(
or if there is its really slow imma seed this once i finish, hopefully.
seed please