[HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireba Ii. - 01 [720p].mkv

2017-10-08 14:46
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323.9 MiB
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  • [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireba Ii. - 01 [720p].mkv (323.9 MiB)

I can’t wait to see the nuclear levels of butthurt this will cause in the anime community (which by now is 99% turbo-normalfags and SJWs).

This is why I watch anime, unironically.

@some1 - in my experience sjws lose consciousness from trigger overload when exposed to animu

Considering that the studio is Silver Link, I don’t think that will be an uncensored version, neither in AT-X

Wow, some1, did you just defensively pre-trigger yourself, then whine about "triggers and “SJWs”…?!

Gawd, you emofag ptui.

Bozobub, I have no idea what the fuck you’re babbling about.

Hope AT-X version is uncensored

some1 sounds a little triggered right now guys.

some1 had a premature trigger within seconds.

I also have no idea what the fuck you two idiots are babbling about. Are you capable of forming coherent thoughts?

Yep that’s definitely triggered right there.

Thanks for the confirmation.

So, no, you are not capable of forming coherent thoughts. Maybe you should just not comment from now on.

Guys I think we better call the WHAAAAAmbulance.

Good luck some1. :)

Yes Koala, you do that. Maybe they’ll take you away and nobody will have to suffer your shitposting anymore.

The only one suffering here is you, because you triggered yourself from a hypothetical scenario, shared this wank fantasy with everyone, and then got angry when people made fun of you for exactly that reason.

You are talking complete nonsense again. I never “triggered” myself. That never happened. It’s also a fact that the anime community regularly shits itself over “problematic” shows like this one (like Eromanga-sensei just recently).

I wouldn’t know considering I don’t go out of my way to seek out stupid opinions on twitter to get triggered over like you do. That being said, Eromanga-sensei was total garbage anyway.

I never said or implied anything about Twitter and I almost never even go there. Anti-Eromanga posting was inescapable while it was airing. And yeah of course you thought it was “garbage” just like all the other retards. What a surprise. And again, I was never “triggered” at any point. You are delusional.

You seem pretty triggered by me pointing out that eromanga was a garbage show tbh.

You are still spouting delusional gibberish.

eromanga-sensei wasn’t (((problematic))), it was shit

Same as with the manga, bad start, really good later on, so dont be discouraged but this episode, I think it should be fine from 6 episode or so.

All we can do now is to watch and wait…