This one’s for my low-end boys out there. It’s a downscale of [neko-kBaraka]'s fantastic release. I’ve also removed the fancy karaoke because if you have to download a 720p version your CPU probably can’t handle that. Enjoy and don’t forget to bitch about something in the coments.
Comments - 14
I’ll be the first to bitch about:
Why the f#$! are you so good?
Historia.ass Children.ass Beast Titan.ass ~neat
arent these too big for some 720p? even if they are bluray the my hero batch wasnt this big
@AndyAlex91, disc-space is soo cheap nowadays
Thank you very much, DmonHiro!
@AndyAlex91 every anime is animated differently, so even if he use the same filters (which is also not good, sinse what’s needed for an anime (or an episode) is really bad for another) and the same encoding settings (actually compressing thos frames (images) that were filtered or as some like to say “enhanced”, that will always result in a different filesize due to different content on every frame
DmonHiro (uploader)
Yeah, I know I said “low-end”, but I will wanted it to look good. I mean, yeah, could have gotten it to half this size but it would have looked like crap.
so no way to reduce subtitles fonts size ?
Low effort, low end. Nice.
Any plans for 1080p?
Take a look at DmonHiro’s upload history and your question will be answered
DmonHiro (uploader)
The version I downscaled is 1080p. You can just download that.
Just what I was looking for, all else are huge, too bloated, then I can wait for season 3 Hype in 3 months!
First are these 10bit or 8bit? I wish these to be 10 bit…
And please please please please please please… I kindly request you to please also upload
Attack on Titan Season 1 in 720p.x264.BD.10bit… please…
I am.unable to find them in these settings anywhere … Please
Also if you planning Season 3 in 720p.x264.10bit as well… Please
Thank you for these!
Please add Attack on Titan Season 1 and 3 please.