### Dragon Ball Z - Dead Zone (LaserDisc Pioneer - Ocean Group Dub)

#### Publisher: Pioneer Animation
#### Format: LaserDisc, NTSC, English Dialogue
#### Length: 41 minutes
#### Original Release Date: 16/12/1997
#### Animation Exclusive to this Release: None that I know of..
##### Well you all know you love the Dead Zone... right.. well I mostly just like how well this movie looks for being on a LaserDisc & most likely has better Sound then the old DVD.
File list
Dragon Ball Z - Dead Zone (LaserDisc Pioneer - Ocean Group Dub).mkv (828.3 MiB)
Sadly this is the only DBZ LaserDisc I have right now, some others are in Eng but hard to fine somethings. The Video is untouched for the most part as it was more like 624x480 but does not look off one at 640x480.
P.S. Sound & FPS is 100% untouched from the LDrip, Video looks more or less the same as the LDrip itself but being a just lower size. (3GB vs 830MB)
The disc does have Japanese soundtrack but its easier to do only one of the soundtracks as I need to re-time the 2nd. Hares a list of most of the other LaserDisc I own right now, http://www.lddb.com/collection.php?action=list&user=vash32 let me know if anyone see anything that needs a rip or a good idea to rip.
@lain32 ( Awsome collection man . It is such a shame you dont happen to have the japanese movies too the video footage and the audio would have come in handy so much .
Maybe I get lucky sometime & end up buying some of them, right now I do have some other Japnese Anime on LaserDisc in Japanese only, like Trigun, Evangelion, To Heart, S.E. Lain, Battle Athletes & more.
I suggest Ranma TV TITLES and Doco Music Clips. The copies on ADC have excessive contrast in my opinion, you can do a better job. I suggested Urusei Yatsura textless OPED LD some time ago, you have it already?
It will be great if you can digitize the following:
“Please Save My Earth Music Image Video ~The Passing of the Golden Age~”
“Bronze Cathexis Koji Nanjo”
“Urusei Yatsura: Love Me More"
"Fushigi No Umi No Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water Music Video"
Of the above, Urusei Yatsura Love me More LD contains Music Videos using the OPED songs, so if you have it it will be a precious release never seen before
Sadly I don't have the Urusei Yatsura LD right now as its in the mail.. its being a lot longer then I was thinking but it will most likely be in soon. I've been working on Ranma TV Titles trying to fine the right setting as one song is not coming out just right as its much harder to see Ranma at the start. As for Doco Music Video, I don't have the LD on me but I have a rip of it that I'm working on but the sound may not be the best. Right now I"m working on Porco Rosso.
I’m looking for a copy of Nadia Music Video, I do have the AnimEigo sub var. of Urusei Yatsura Love Me More but the others I don’t think have right now & may be a long time before I do as they same to be hard to fine & sadly I'm not made of money. I’ve being trying to get a higher end player but the prices are going higher & higher… right now I just have a DVL-909.
No problem, we waited ages for this kind of releases so more or less time makes almost no difference. I will be waiting for Urusei. Thanks for your great work.
All of the old Ghibli dubs (Totoro, Kiki, Porco Rosso, Laputa) have been released. That said, I'm also interested in the original Nadia dub that I THINK was LD only?
I know that most if not all the old Ghibli dubs are out, maybe hard to fine but are out.. however I don't think any of them have been more or less Lossless Audio. I've mostly only see 128Kbps AC3 & MP3.
Nadia does a one English LaserDisc, maybe on VHS as well but the audio is much greater on the LaserDisc copy. Sadly I don't own it at this time but maybe sometime soon.
The Nadia Dub is only one LD, so it just 4 eps of the show http://www.lddb.com/laserdisc/10078/LVD9350/Nadia-1:-Secret-of-the-Blue-Water Maybe its on VHS but not LD.
Tokyo Godfathers may have a English Dub but its from 2003, all the anime LDs are from 2001 & back, the last LDs made are from like 2002 in Japan.
I'm not sure what LDs you thinking of but some anime can be pricey or hard to fine for sell & very rare for some LaserDisc items. I'm thinking that your looking for the Japanese or maybe English var. of the DBZ LaserDisc? The they are are to come by (I think) as I have not see them online much. However I think most of them are on DVD as well (but LaserDisc may have a better soundtrack)
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