Releases like this with minor changes need to be marked red. “Red entries (remake) are torrents that matching any of the following: . . . Remux of another uploader’s original release for hardsubbing and/or fixing purposes.”
At least, that’s how the rule would have been interpreted on old Nyaa. It’s a new site with new admins, so maybe the rules are different here.
Comments - 5
Releases like this with minor changes need to be marked red. “Red entries (remake) are torrents that matching any of the following: . . . Remux of another uploader’s original release for hardsubbing and/or fixing purposes.”
At least, that’s how the rule would have been interpreted on old Nyaa. It’s a new site with new admins, so maybe the rules are different here.
It should actually be blue.
Thanks mate!
Yeah blue release on this I’m in! Lol Doki is just worst and Nii-sama make it better. Thank you Nii-sama.
Arigatou Uploader-sama!