Here’s another show. Yeah, I know, it wasn’t very popular. But it was cute and I enjoyed it. Oh, in case you were wondering, no they did not uncensor anything for the BD release.
Oh fucking yes, loved this show even if it was rubbish. Probably one of the better mobage to anime shows just cos of how great it could be when it did action
None of my releases ever used my own subs unless I was the one who made them in the first place when the show aired. 90% of what I release from now on will be CR subs.
Wow the didn’t un-censor this show? Kind of surprised. With literally 2/3 of every episode being bath scenes with every girl naked with light bars that look like they were photoshopped on post production, it looked like they designed the show to be heavily censored just to un-censor it all for BDs for sales. Funny enough because there really wasn’t any reason for them NOT to remove the censors. It’s an ecchi yuri show, and the light bars were blatantly slapped on there, not like removing them would require effort on their part.
The decision to not remove the censors is weird because not only is that kind of the point of a bd release of a heavily censored ecchi series in the first place but more importantly if they never intended to remove the censors then they should have never drawn lightbars in the first place. It’s like drawing a pretty picture and then intentionally spilling ink on it. It would have been far better to just draw clothes or towels over the girls instead of lightbars because it would be less obtrusive. As it stands now it’s neither ecchi nor clean, it’s just a ruined picture.
Comments - 12
Oh fucking yes, loved this show even if it was rubbish. Probably one of the better mobage to anime shows just cos of how great it could be when it did action
Your own subtitles or HS?
DmonHiro (uploader)
None of my releases ever used my own subs unless I was the one who made them in the first place when the show aired. 90% of what I release from now on will be CR subs.
You’re back but your blog not?
DmonHiro (uploader)
I find the blog to be redundant. All I do there is post the links from here. No real point in doing that.
Wow the didn’t un-censor this show? Kind of surprised. With literally 2/3 of every episode being bath scenes with every girl naked with light bars that look like they were photoshopped on post production, it looked like they designed the show to be heavily censored just to un-censor it all for BDs for sales. Funny enough because there really wasn’t any reason for them NOT to remove the censors. It’s an ecchi yuri show, and the light bars were blatantly slapped on there, not like removing them would require effort on their part.
The decision to not remove the censors is weird because not only is that kind of the point of a bd release of a heavily censored ecchi series in the first place but more importantly if they never intended to remove the censors then they should have never drawn lightbars in the first place. It’s like drawing a pretty picture and then intentionally spilling ink on it. It would have been far better to just draw clothes or towels over the girls instead of lightbars because it would be less obtrusive. As it stands now it’s neither ecchi nor clean, it’s just a ruined picture.
is uncensored?
Any uncensored version available yet?
Thanks very much DmonHiro.
I came here for the uncensored version … damn it!