Yes, that’s right. I have returned. All my future releases will have external subititles. These are, in my opinion, much more convenient. You can only downoload the subs, you can change the font or the size. You can do whatever you want with them. Also, I’m just going to upload them the exact way I store them: Episode Number - Episode Title.mkv
With all that said enjoy the 2nd season of Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo!. I’ve also included the 2 PC games that came with the discs. Subtitiles are CR for 01-10 and anon for 11. Thank you anon. Extras will be provided as they are available.
Oh, and these are, as usual, 720p encoded from the BDMV. Enjoy, or not. Your choice.
PS: While I have been absent for a year does not mean I haven’t been making these kinds of BD rips. I just haven’t been uploading them.
I actually have a whole bunch more already made.
Comments - 23
will you be doing a 1080p rip as well please
DmonHiro (uploader)
I will not. I only do 720p. There are many 1080p raws available already and now that my subtitles are external it’s ever easier for you to just donwload the subs and 1080 raw separately. I cannot gurantee that the subs will match perfectly though.
Nice! Glad to see you releasing again, DmonHiro; thank you!
Quick question. How to match subtitles of different release when one time syncing doesn’t work for the rest of the video. Do you have to go through all the lines and sync or what. Why does that happen when its same episodes or so
DmonHiro (uploader)
Spectrum: You need Aegisub. Load both the subtitles file and the video file in it. Check by how many frames the subtitles are off. Shift the subtitles forward/backward by that number of frames. There are a lot of Aegisub tutotrials online.
Not Chihiro for subs? Thanks anyway mate.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Chihiro are doing their own releases. I believe they are up to volume 3. You should wait for them.
Thanks @DmonHiro.
Fair enough, will do. Good to see you back, regardless.
Are the ED and OP translated?
DmonHiro (uploader)
Cumhail: Only on episode 11.
Thank you very much!
You can just download subs off animetosho
DmonHiro (uploader)
You can, but like I said they won’t neceserally match the raws you have.
and thus, sushi was invented.
It’s a good thing the subs are external, because the font is enormous and too high up.
DmonHiro (uploader)
That’s the way I like it.
what about hevc1080p?
Jesus Christ, the autism.
why you not uploading your bd rips collection? what a waste i think
And the winner of the worst font size award goes to…
Thanks for this release, took me at least half an hour to edit the fonts via AegisSub and another half an hour to mux them but all in all it’s a great release!
LightningSoul can you upload the subs somewhere?