Since AnimeBytes (muh rules and they also said just "no" when I PM'd them about it) won't allow this due to it being a re-encode even though it shaves off 12gb from the original release at minimal quality loss while also adding the dub, it'll only be available on here.
In any case, yeah, I re-encoded EA's release, but there was no point in downloading the DVDs and doing my own since the only problem with EA's release was that it was missing the dub and that it was bloated for an old anime that isn't in the best quality to begin with. Anyhow, you should enjoy this, but if there are any problems with this release such as the dub not 100% sync'd right in an episode, then send me a message or comment here and I'll get right on fixing it. Other than that, do enjoy. See ya!
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Just for future, please make sure that this torrent is seeded as I move from one thing to another which means I can't seed this by myself. Then again, the least the community should do is keep it alive.
Dear xPearse,
I like your encodes for the magic knight rayearth BDs…
I hope you can upload also the memorial DVDISO of magic knight rayearth.
because the ISO torrent available here is long dead…
I’m sure every fan will love it…
hoping for your positive response on this.
No, it isn't, this is a re-encode of that. If dub watchers care about quality they should remux EncoderAnon's release with the dub in this release, it probably fits.
>bloated for an old anime
You don't know what you're tallking about. Old anime usually requires more bitrate than new anime (at the same resolution on dvd or even with less horizontal resolution on BD). They're less compressible because to retain details, grain is necessary, and because of diffences in colors between frames (they're hand-painted) and sometimes shaky "camera"
Comments - 15
xPearse (uploader)
xPearse (uploader)