__Log Horizon S1 in Dual-Audio (JPN/ENG) at 720p/1080p__
- Complete Languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Indonesian, German, Russian, Hungarian, Arabic, Czech, Persian (Farsi).
- Partial: Bulgarian 1-14, 16-17.
- Alternative 720p-1080p version available here: [720p - #947842](//nyaa.si/view/947842), [1080p - #948091](//nyaa.si/view/948091).
- DDL: [720p at AnimeTosho](//animetosho.org/view/log-horizon-s1-bd-720p-hevc-dual-audio-aac.1121909).
- DDL: [1080p at AnimeTosho](//animetosho.org/view/log-horizon-s1-bd-1080p-hevc-dual-audio-aac.1122174).
This is the only subbed version without hardsubs because literally everyone else hardsubbed.
__More Information__:
- [Screenshot Comparison at 1080p](//diff.pics/FlgrP5kfjiXt/5).
- Alternative Titles: Log Horizon, Log Horizon 2013.
- [Anime News Network (ANN)](http://www.animenewsnetwork.cc/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=15118).
- [AnimeDB](https://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=9677).

__Video Source__:
1-4 BDMV
5-25 from [ReinForce 1080p](//nyaa.si/view/594727) (x254 v142, 8-bit, crf=16, qcomp=0.7, 420p)
Extras\NCOP+NCED.mkv from BDMV.
Credited OP/ED from BDMV available as track #2 in Extras\OP+ED.mkv.
Note: NCOP/NCED was used in every episode to remove hardsubbing.
__Video Settings__:
720p: x265 v2.4/v2.5 (crf=17, 10-bit, yuv444p)
1080p: x265 v2.4/v2.5 (crf=18, 10-bit, yuv444p)
For exact settings, please check mediainfo below.
__Filter settings__:
For exact settings, please see the attached Extras/scripts.zip/avisynth_scripts.7z.
__Audio Source__:
- Track 1 JPN : Source is CTR's 1080p release (FLAC) [#825378](//nyaa.si/view/825378)
- Track 2 ENG : Source is CTR's 1080p release (FLAC) [#825378](//nyaa.si/view/825378)
- Track 3 JPN Commentary : Source is Moozi2's release (FLAC) [#756302](//nyaa.si/view/756302) (episodes 1 and 25 only)
- Extras\OP+ED.mkv: Source was BD
__Audio Settings__:
- Track 1 JPN: FLAC encoded to 192k Stereo AAC
- Track 2 ENG: FLAC encoded to 192k Stereo AAC
- Track 3 JPN Commentary: FLAC encoded to 192k Stereo AAC (episodes 1 and 25 only)
- English ones from [Sally](//nyaa.si/view/637953).
- Lightly edited for readability.
- Episode typesetting originally done by Commie.
- Sally's OPs/EDs were hardsubbed so I removed them added basic ones.
- KFX by KaraEffector. Effects as labeled.
__Non-English subtitle summary__:
- Japanese - Kamigami via Zimuku
- Chinese (Simplified) - Kamigami via Zimuku
- Spanish - Ñyuum-Yoru no Kousen [Ñ-YnK] via Unionfansub com
- Italian - Chokoreto-Fudo
- Portuguese - Eternal Animes [EA] + CR
- Russian - Zool (random?)
- German - Akatsuki-Subs [AKA]
- Indonesian - Hikanti
- Hungarian - NamiDa Fansub-AA [AA-NF]
- Arabic - Fate-Fansub + MEJOR
- Czech - Aniki-Team [AKT] (1-17) + Hakuhodzo no Sensi (.sup) (18-25)
- Persion (Farsi) - SahelAnime + Ani-dl ws
- Bulgarian (15,18-25 missing) 1-4 SamuraiFS (subset of Sabotage?), 5-14,16-17 Sabotage (11-14,16-17 uploaded anonymously)
Additional subs (not muxed in):
- Turkish (1,3,6,18,20-22,24 missing) 2,4-5,7-17,19,23,25 Anonymous
- Polish (1-7,10,18,21-25 missing) 8-9,11-17,19-20 Anonymous
- Slovak (1-13,15-25 missing) 14 Anonymous
These are located at Extras/scripts.zip/original_subs.7z/original_subs/random_unused/.
Non-English subtitle notes:
- Normalized dialogue typesetting for all muxed scripts.
- Some groups did not typeset their op/eds so I added in a basic one.
- Some groups did not translate their ops/eds so I added google translated ones.
- Farsi is a variant of Persion and is the official language of Iran. FYI.
- Matroska does not support differentating between simplified and traditional chinese as per ISO 639-2:1998. [More info](//github.com/mbunkus/mkvtoolnix/wiki/Chinese-not-selectable-as-language). The included ones, from Kamigami, are simplified chinese.
- [Czech subs for 18-25](https://imgur.com/a/y7Mz2) are provided as-is in BDNXML format (.sup), do not serve any particular purpose, and have absolutely no warranty either expressed or implied.
- Thank you to all of the groups that did not hardsub! And also to whoever uploaded the Vol. 1 BDMV.
- For dub viewers (Eng), consider using the Signs/Songs subtitle track.
- Did this because hardsubs are evil. Seriously, do not hardsub. Just no.
- Chapters by Sally.
- Unmodied copies of the softsub scripts are available at Extras/scripts.zip/original_subs.7z
- Each episode has 165-174 fonts attached (~17MB/epi). Fonts greater than 1 MB in size were excluded.
- Season 2 is in the works but has no ETA. It is no use asking.
- With the exception of Seirei no Moribito and Log Horizon S2, future releases will have, at most, the following languages:
- English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German.
Known Issues (will not fix):
- In the 720p version, some meta-info for the Extras/ is slightly off.
- In the 720p version, the Chokoreto-Fudo (Italian) subs for episode 1 does not have ops/eds.
For MediaInfo, please see [AnimeTosho 720p](//animetosho.org/file/yuki-log-horizon-01-bd-720p-hevc-dual.429595) and [AnimeTosho 1080p](//animetosho.org/file/yuki-log-horizon-01-bd-1080p-hevc-dual.430262).
Comments - 9
YukinoAi (uploader)