[Storyteller] Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - 01 [ Director's Cut Ver. ] [BD][1080p].mkv

2017-07-11 15:40
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6.5 GiB
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I know many of you live busy lives, so I’m terribly grateful you’ve made it to this website to view my torrent today.

I present to you, a masterpiece of modern storytelling, never before seen in English, the director’s cut of the first episode of “A 20th Century Story of Storytelling, Love, and Death”.
It is oft said that torrents over 2GB are bloated, however,
many of the torrents on this site often match the quality and size to reflect that.
This torrent is an example of exactly that.

So, this is a fully translated hour and twenty-two minutes of pure delight (that’s about twice as long as the aired version), essentially the combined OADs which have not yet been released in English in glorious full 1080p Blu-ray FLAC stereo DTS 5.0 quality. If you haven’t seen the first episode before, this is a perfect entry point, you can skip the aired version and watch this before you continue onto the regular series, if you have already seen the first episode, I’d recommend taking a look through the story notes mentioned below to enhance your experience the second time around.

The translation style is one suited to fit the audience of this work, aiming to match for a native English speaker what you would expect a native Japanese person would take from watching the same material as you. The dialogue has been lovingly translated, crafted and checked for each character who appears.

Presented by:
AMCGrady - TL, Editing, Typesetting, Timing, Research, QC
Tactics - QC
With special thanks to Moozzi2 for uploading and encoding the video material.

I intend to work on Episode 12’s Package Version as well, but won’t scope how much work that will be until I’ve finished completing all my notes.
Translation notes on the stories in this episode can be found at The AMC Library - Totally Lost Notes.

If you already have “[Moozzi2] Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - 01 [ Director’s Cut Ver. ] (BD 1920x1080 x.264 2Audio).mkv” from #848018, you can apply the patch found here

Thank you for your continued patronage. (I’d love to hear your comments, questions, feedback, etc. So feel free to let us know what you think!)

File list

  • [Storyteller] Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - 01 [ Director's Cut Ver. ] [BD][1080p].mkv (6.5 GiB)

Holy shit I was lamenting the fact no one had done this not an hour ago. Thank you so much!

This looks amazing! Thank you so much for all the hard work you’ve clearly put into this!

Thanks for the hardwork. I’m digging in the series right away

How many of the other episodes also have longer runtimes in their BD releases compared to TV airings?

AMCGrady (uploader)


Thanks for all the kind words everyone! =)
@NeoBigThree Apart from this one, I think it’s just episode 12, though 12 isn’t much different in length (4 - 5 min).

Well, you’re talking a big game. Let’s have a look… …after I find a non-Moozzi2 video source.

Thanks a ton for this! Wish you didn’t use Moozzi2 but there are others raws out there so it’s fine.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@motbob, I’ve wondered for a while, why do people seem to hate Moozzi2’s stuff so much, it looks perfectly fine imo. I guess feel free to mux your own BD encode if you want, but I don’t think it looks worse.

AMCGrady (uploader)


Like, I think it looks plenty better than full broadcast quality ( https://diff.pics/x4IIso6BGue7/1 ).

BTW, you guys didn’t attach the Open Sans Semibold font, so all your dialogue looks like this. Hope that isn’t intentional.

Oh, I’ll revise an earlier comment–Moozzi2’s problems / bad reputation come from the video filters he uses, but he didn’t use any filters for this particular raw, so whatever.

Your script is oozing with personality. I think it’s way better than CR in that regard. I think if you do future releases it would be good if you could find a good editor.

What made you go with Moozzi2 over VCB-Studio for the encode?

AMCGrady (uploader)


@motbob Ah, I re-watched the entire show much more recently with a subtitle set which automatically fell back to Arial (which I liked better), so didn’t notice the difference in font at any point in the process, since I don’t recognise fonts on sight.

AMCGrady (uploader)


I can pass you a patch to correct the fonts if you’d like, but it looks like it might be giving the intended experience anyway. Thanks for the kind words!

AMCGrady (uploader)


@ShikiS Honestly, mainly that I had Moozzi2 on hand, it was good enough and I’ve seen the video quality for the entire series, so I know it doesn’t drop terribly anywhere. VCB-Studio has less reviews on their work on anidb and they released a lot later

AMCGrady (uploader)


as well, so I haven’t actually checked them out (I’ve looked before but I must have just not seen them). I’ll probably see what they’re like for episode 12, and use them for that if VCB-Studio’s are better.

By the way, mate, if you ever want to collab on anything, I’ll help out with your releases in any way I can (timing/typesetting/editing/technical stuff). I’m on Rizon as motbob if you ever want to get in touch.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@ShikiS I checked out VCB-Studio’s pretty briefly, they’re not as good ( https://diff.pics/vMFRad4wJfGA/1 ). The difference for this random pick isn’t huge, but 6GB for 4 episodes worth of content isn’t that big, so no need to skimp.

You have the names mixed up. I just compared my copy of VCBs raw and this release, and Moozzi2 has the washed out detail, while VCB does not. This is why VCB is highly regarded whilst Moozzi2 is not, 6.4GB vs 3.5GB and still has washed out detail.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@ShikiS Wow, haha, I’d assumed the screenshots named in the order I took them, but you’re right, they were backwards. I’ll check for episode 12 as well before I do it, but I’ll probably use VCB-Studio for that. Thanks for the double check!

thank you very very much for sharing, and the work you’ve done.

2passes cbr, is this 2010 ? while probably the show won’t need more than 7000 at any part of the show, there is absolutely frames where this bitrate is overkill.

Also i like the intension of preserving audio quality but 24bit FLAC is insane as the audio is probably only 16bit to begin with, which is the case for most anime shows and even cd albums in japan.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@Chilled Yeah, it’s a lot better than broadcast, and the file size seemed sensible for a movie length feature, but VCB-Studio’s raw turned out to be a lot better even still, I didn’t realise anyone else had released it until someone pointed it out though.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@Chilled, Yeah, the dts is included as the main track, and is encoded at 24-bit 5.1 by the looks, I think the flac track is mixed down to 2 channel, it’s unbelievably finicky to check practical quality between them, but it sounds pretty fine to me.

It’s probably too much to ask, but is there any chance you would do the whole series?

AMCGrady (uploader)


@eriotto I’ve been considering it, I’m a little too busy at the moment with work and another translation project at the moment, but I think I will do the whole series. If someone uploads the blu-rays + scans for the second season, I might do those too.

hi, is there any news about the episode 12 subtitle?

Did you edit this? Why are people saying " it looks amazing" and ’ must have been hard work’

AMCGrady (uploader)


@blaHbluBB, I’m planning to do all of both seasons now, so I’m hoping to get that done in the next couple of weeks.
@huiboy, yeah, I translated and edited the episode. =)

hey man, should i watch this episode and skip the first episode in the series?
btw i’m looking forward to downloading your encode for this series! thanks for working on it. your subtitles are fantastic.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@Cyborg_Icarus29, Yep, all the content in the first episode is in the director’s cut, so you can skip the first broadcast episode. Also, glad to hear it! =)

when are you going to release it? and are you going to use the BD encodes by VCB and SEFO-Raws? the video quality in these encode is fantastic imo and the file size is smaller than the file size in moozzi’s heavily filtered encodes.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@Cyborg_Icarus29 I’ve finished just about all my research, though I’ll aim for before Christmas for both seasons, if I get slowed down significantly I’ll aim for the first season before Christmas instead. And yeah, I’ll be using VCB’s for the full release (I don’t really care about file size tbh, but the quality of VCBs is actually better despite its size). I’ll have to do a bit more double checking for S2 to make sure of the highest quality version, but from memory I’ll be using SEFO for that (from memory they looked essentially about the same quality). I’d expected editing the scripts would be a much faster job than it has turned out to be. I guess the very optimistic estimate is the 7th December if I can TL, Edit, Typeset, Consistency Check and run through QC for 4 episodes a day (since that’s about the rate I worked on Ep 1 at). It will probably take longer, but I’ll do my best.

AMCGrady (uploader)


I’m very likely not going to hit the optimistic delivery on the 7th unless things go insanely well for the next couple of days, but I’ve put together a Trello for the project so you can stay up to date on how it’s going in case you’re the kind who likes that sort of thing: https://trello.com/b/Z3y0yrlp/shouwa-genroku-rakugo-shinjuu

thank you, for doing both seasons and sharing it with us :)

AMCGrady (uploader)


@NagoyaR From memory it’s mostly just both chunks of the OAD put together, possibly with a bit of extra material. ED for both OADs are just from the OST, while director’s cut uses the ED the rest of the series does instead (which is another difference from the TV series’ first episode, which utilises the OP from the rest of the series instead).

Do you have the translation file only? I have the episode I need the the file.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@AliFarag, the latest file I have is still waiting on a full series QC pass, so isn’t quite ready to release, but has lots of improvements I made a few months ago which didn’t make it into release. The sub file from this release can be found here though if you just want to watch it and don’t mind too much about whether you get the best possible experience or not: https://mega.nz/#!xt9wkQBD!0Oz4tAaxSkZUAAYMZleC7zfz38WsVzxpk86dyddoQSQ . Though there are a lot of improvements in the newer version which I’ll release when I’ve finished the rest of the episodes in the first series, so if you’re not in a hurry to watch, I’d recommend waiting for that.

I’ll wait, thank you.

Ah, just saw the trello link. Thank you - I’ll be bookmarking and following the progress throughout the year!

O-Oh my, after that lengthy intro, was still expecting things left untranslated for flavoring, like honorific faggotry, since that seems to be the trend these days. Amazing work my good man, amazing work. Proper translations like these are more or less extinct nowadays.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@INFERNO_COP, Glad you enjoyed it! =)

I think for this series in particular it would be a bad idea to avoid translating things. So much of the show is so far outside the average English speaker’s range of understanding that, unless you want to gatekeep, it’s kind of silly not to properly translate it. CR’s TL is just all over the place with this, where Japanese things tend to be translated on an ad hoc basis, interestingly sometimes switching to proper translation at times when a native English speaker who “knows a little bit of Japanese” (if you know what I mean) would be much too out of their depth to notice the inconsistent standard. I think there’s still some aspects which the average native Japanese person would not reasonably be expected to know in the original script, and I’ve fairly transparently translated them in a way which I think won’t be outside the reach of most native English speakers, but might be similarly niche knowledge. Interestingly, I also wouldn’t necessarily fault CR entirely for the failings of the script, as I’ve personally spent about a thousand hours so far on this project (and subjected my poor QC to probably a hundred hours of discussion in addition) and it’s still not done (though it gets closer just about every day).

Nonetheless, it’s very clear that the series has had an incredible amount of love poured into it and that becomes clearer and clearer the more I work on it, so I hope when we’ve finished this first season that you’re able to enjoy what we’ve lovingly put together as much as the series deserves (or hopefully even more!). =)

Really great to see this getting the love it deserves.



You are a scholar and a gentleman. I’ve been waiting for years for the director’s cut to be subbed.

Is this the first two OVA episodes of Yotarou Hourou-hen?

AMCGrady (uploader)


@HenshinRide I haven’t done a scene-by-scene comparison or anything, but yeah, basically.

@AMCGrady: is the project still active? I’m used to checking your Trello page and last update was in july.

AMCGrady (uploader)


@Limbo Yeah, unfortunately I’ve been extremely busy the past couple of months so haven’t had the chance to do anything outside of work, but will be back at work on it at low speed in about a week and then high speed in about a month. =)

@AMCGrady Hiya, hope you’re having a good day! I was just wondering, is the project still on? :>

AMCGrady (uploader)


@possessedbyaphoenix I tried to answer this about 5 months ago, but couldn’t log in. Yep! The timing needs fixing since it’s mostly CR’s timing and kinda rough. I also did a bunch of other projects in the mean time (including two shows (typesetting & some TLC for Tsuki ga Kirei & an improved TL for Nurse Witch Komugi)) which lifted my standards so my typesetting needs redoing. I’ve also been working on TLing a couple of signs which CR didn’t, but my Kuzushiji kanji game kinda weak, so those have been slow going and I have to try and decide whether to chalk that up to being actually just scribble (since it is in the manga).

any new progress updates?