Saiyuki collection downloaded from demonoid long ago. Small files. My second try at this torrent. Sorry for the trouble. Hope this one works. I’ve added another OVA to the collection, Kibou no Zaika. It’s no longer an interactive OVA, of course, but it’s supposed to be all the best route choices. It is subbed only
Comments - 11
So far it hasnt started download yet but i will give it some time n post if it still hasnt started in an hour or 2
Thanks you so much for this…
So what’s the difference between this collection and the one from DarAR92?
The size is very different, but how about the video quality and resolution?
It finally started but now it is stuck at 39.4% on episode one that is the only one i got going right now and it hasnt finished that is like 6 hours now
currysoda (uploader)
I am seeding, but my upload speeds are very slow. The previous collection was uploaded anon by me. DarAR92 posted a comment on it. Torrent was broken. Would not upload. If you have it, delete it. I reported it myself & it has been removed by nyaa.
currysoda (uploader)
These are mini encodes. Not made by me. Decent quality, not HD. This is same as broken torrent, but I added Kibou no Zaika OVA to it, so is now “Plus”
No i dont have the other one so that is all good but this one isnt downloading either still stuck at the same amount since yesterday
currysoda (uploader)
I can see from my peers list that people are getting it, just very slowly. Leave it to DL & you’ll eventually get it because I won’t stop seeding it
Series so far as I have them is:-
(1999) Saiyuki Premium
(2000) Gensoumaden Saiyuki
(2001) Gensoumaden Saiyuki - Requiem || Movie (some Fansubs split this movie into 2 parts)
(2002) Gensoumaden Saiyuki - Kibou no Zaika || OVA (sequel to Requiem | taken from a Game)
(2002) Gensoumaden Saiyuki - A Sin of Hope || OVA
(2003) Saiyuki Reload || 25 Episodes
(2004) Saiyuki Reload - GunLock || 26 Episodes
(2007) Saiyuki Reload - Burial || 3 OVA
(2011) Saiyuki Gaiden || 3 OVA
(2017) Saiyuki Reload Blast || 12 Episodes
Feel free to correct me but i think that this is all the Saiyuki series has animated so far
currysoda (uploader)
That looks right, except there is an extra episode 4 of the Gaiden OVA (Saiyuki Gaiden 04 Tokubetsu-hen - Kouga no Shou)
It’s the same torrent I have, so I’ll be seeding it
currysoda (uploader)
Gensoumaden Saiyuki - Kibou no Zaika and Gensoumaden Saiyuki - A Sin of Hope are the same OVA, it’s just the romaji & English titles. I had to google it. Was hoping there was one I hadn’t seen yet, but no
do pray i can find seeds do pray