Band Ja Naimon! is an idol band formed in 2011. Their name is sometimes abbreviated as BanMon (バンもん!).
METAMORISER is a song by Band Ja Naimon! which serves as the opening theme to the Tsugumomo anime.
バンドじゃないもん! METAMORISER. This is the 10th single by Band Ja Naimon!.
The song Metamoriser was written, composed and arranged by Q-MHz. It was used as new ending theme song for the TV anime Tsugumomo.
バンドじゃないもん!NEWS SINGLE「METAMORISER」 2017年5月17日リリース!
*Current Members:
*Former Members
| Thanks to: Maid-chan for Source video |
Source: M-ON! HD
Video: 1440x1080i
Audio: AAC
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