[BD] Mitsuami no Kamisama - みつあみの神様 - Pigtails

2017-05-31 00:05 UTC
No information.
File size:
20.6 GiB
Info hash:

File list

  • Mitsuami no Kamisama
    • みつあみの神様_t00.mkv (14.6 GiB)
    • みつあみの神様_t01.mkv (1.3 GiB)
    • みつあみの神様_t02.mkv (4.2 GiB)
    • みつあみの神様_t03.mkv (537.3 MiB)
Can someone seed this? I'm on 99%
Hello, world. There are about 13 people who have been stuck at 99.5% for at least three weeks. If anyone could help, I am sure we would all appreciate it.
... We're still stuck, but now there are only about 5 of us. Did you guys give up? Did you hit and run? I will carry this 99.5% until the end of the Internet.
If you thought I was lying, you were wrong. My peers have given up. There are only two of us now.
Still only two of us. We will persevere, even if it means hiring a million monkeys and sitting them in front of a million two-button typewriters until they somehow type the correct sequence of bits. 99.5%. So close. And yet so far away...
It is 2020, and we refuse to give up--just me and the other person. Time to find out if this site supports pinging other users, like @volta_john or @Hyou-Senpai or @yannquix or...
The tracker says there are currently four people trying to download.
Dear diary, It has been an interesting year. While the pandemic did not affect me as much as it seems to have affected others, 2020 was nevertheless remarkable in its monotony And yet, it seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. Funny how that works. Will this torrent, too, eventually pass? I only need to catch *a single* seed for but a matter of seconds to keep it going until death do us apart. Of the 56 people who completed this torrent, surely at least *one* has managed to keep the data. The four of us remain.