Well, I'm hot blooded, check it and see.
I got a fever of a hundred and three.
Coming at you from literally out of no where, we present a brand spanking new release of the second Kizumonogatari movie. We were pretty disappointed in the lack of releases of Kizu 2 after the memepocaplyse that was Kizu 1, and since our good friends at Commie seem to be dragging it out, we thought the people deserved a release with some genuine effort put in.
You might be wondering, well is this some of that liberal TL rubbish or can I expect weeby ass honourifics and TL notes?
We put great thought into this conundrum and came up with a rather novel and elegant solution - MULTI TRACK SUBBING.
That's right, with our 4 (FOUR) tracks we hope to have all the bases covered, so choose what suits you:
Track 1: If you like watching your Chinese Cartoons in English
Track 2: If you can wrangle a little Nihango but not enough to watch raw and TL notes tickle you pink
Track 3: If you long for the majority of the Kizu 1 releases on old nyaa
Track 4: Appeals to a niche so small they wanted to name a sub atomic particle after it
Tactics: Project Leader, Track 1 TL, Track 4 ED
Graze: Track 2 and 4 TL, Signs and Difficult Kanji, Being the Best
Jymmy: Typesetting, Timing, Video Crap, Minister of Memes, Technical Know-How, QC, Everything Else
Everyone: Memes
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