Ajin Vol.02 (1080p 10bit)
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If you encounter any playback issues with our release, please make sure you are using a recently-updated version of CCCP or KCP.
\- Opening Karaoke playback shouldn't be a problem this time. Vol.01-v2 with NCOP, NCED Soon™.
\- A huge thanks to all the previous staff that worked on this project.
We are recruiting **QCs** and **Editors**, join #KamiFS-recruits or #KamiFS and pm KanekiKenNot or Mommoko. Feel free to join in for any other position as well.
**Staff Credits:-**
Translation: Cirno9Baka
Translation Check: sakuyabloodwing
Editing: volume-
Timing: iORcHiD(TV), KanekiKenNot(BD)
Styling: iORcHiD(TV), KanekiKenNot(BD)
Typesetting: iORcHiD
Karaoke: LPaysan(Opening), ANIKIN(Ending)
Encoding: |SeNsUi|(TV), BF3000(BD)
Quality Checking: Platanito(TV), KanekiKenNot(BD)
Distro: RepoBike
Feel free to comment below, Enjoy the release.
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