Video: 1920x1036 10-bit 4:2:0 H.264
Audio: 5.1 FLAC 16-bit 48kHz
No, I have no plans to sub this.
On the non-existent chance I or FFF will, these raws will be used and I’ll provide patches.
There’s an encode with stereo audio here.
There’s a 720p encode here.
Comments - 1
I gotta admit, I downloaded this by accident I did not know this doesn’t have subtitles. But the quality is amazing so I adapted other subtitles I found online and now they work perfectly with this! Enjoy!:!c8I0AAbQ!pc-TqhAYVu5hXBXXK7xRdBITjORsp9Mly3cJQny0gBw