Finally Death (true)² is done.
IMPORTANT: This torrent Includes The End of Evangelion movie which is an identical file from the batch torrent here: #831686 so If you already have my batch, then I recommend merging the files so you don’t download another copy of it.
“Revival of Evangelion” is not a separated movie or master from The End of Evangelion. It refers to the combination of Death (A recap movie) followed by The End of Evangelion Movie.
(True)² refers to a second re-edition of the first part of the Original Death & Rebirth movie, with removed scenes from episode 22 and some minor edition changes. Revival of Evangelion was first shown in theaters in Japan in 1998, one year later of the premier of The End of Evangelion.
*Like the End of Evangelion movie, the languages included are:
English (Brand new subs spliced from the ADV translation, timing and TS by me. QC: Pwhodges)
Portuguese (by me, Sephirotic, QC from romaNii)
Chinese (Eva Fans)
French (? possible ripped from the DVD)
German (Ripped from the DVD)
Italian (Possibly Dynit)
Russian (Unknown)
Spanish (By Proyect Nerv, timing by me.)
Japanese (BD’s .sup)
*English and Portuguese, like the EoE, have two versions, one “Standard” and one with “Honorifics” with inverted first and family name order.
English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese subs have single-frame accuracy and are the recommended ones to use. TS is basic as I choose not to hide the original full screen kanji with the translations.
*The End of Evangelion has brand new Subtitles made from scratch as none of the existing subtitles were good enough. They are exclusive for my release.
Pretty much all release around used BLOAT’s subtitles which itself is based from the ancient EoE DVD from Manga entertainment which has several important WRONG translations.
How about Commie’s The End of Evangelion?
Despite the nice Typesetting on the letters to Gainax (which I shamelessly stole from them and also corrected one computer screen that had the wrong translation attached to it) Commie used the ancient Manga Translation for EoE which is known to have dozens of translations mistakes, 3 of which are critical to the plot.
It is also Bloated and cropped. At the fake grain sandbox scene, the frames are actually bigger than the original blu ray! From the over 12gb of the video track, almost 3gb refers only to less than 8 minutes of fake digital grain scenes! For my release, I have applied a small degrain on those scenes (unnoticeable if you don’t pixel peep) and restricted those scenes with zones for keeping the filesize more sane. In practice this mean that for all the other eyecandy scenes, my release video quality is actually much more close to that of Commie than you would assume it is comparing 8.5 vs 13gb. More like 8 vs 10gb!
You can also download the subs separately and all re-synced Dub audio in several languages that I have prepared for the Blu ray for these movies in the mega folder.
*Video for the Death (true)² is x264 in 8 bits with no degrain and in 720p as there simply isn’t enough resolution in the Blu ray to justify a 1080p release. Here is a comparison with the original m2ts to prove that: (coming soon)
This master suffers from blurriness, resulting in low resolution, and overexposure, there is significant white clipping in several scenes. Death was made by cropping the 16mm masters of the series’ episodes, so the image is already significantly magnified.
*Two audio tracks: 5.1 QAAC q0.91 and the Legacy pre-renewal stereo mix.
This pack also includes two ordered chapter mkvs that allows you to watch Death + End of Evangelion concatenated as a single 2 hours and 33 minutes movie (with the logos and intermission removed. A playlist without excluding the intermission is also provided).
*I am also wrapping up a V2 of the Death & Rebirth movie originally posted here:
The V2 will include an exclusive 5.1 audio track that was not produced for the original Death (as it wasn’t restored back in 2003) based on the re-synced cut down audio from Death True 2. Brand new much improved subs based on this release will also be updated for D&R as well as a new better encode for the Rebirth part. However, it will likely only have subs in ENG, PT, Spanish and Chinese. If you speak Chinese, I’m looking for help in resyncing the Chinese subs for Death.
*Also on the way is the 720p HEVC version of Eva, you can download the beta version here:!roBS0bzS!yheQbwYWX7WMt7Q_lqBULg
Those files will be used (with a patch) on the final complete 720p torrent. Quality is slightly better than CBM’s version in the highlight areas as well as grain retention while being HALF the filesize. (around 410~580mb per episode).
*YES I’ll finally deliver the extras right after the Death & Rebirth v2 release, as well as making a separete torrent for episode 21-24 in 3 versions: Pre-renewal DC, BD-OA and Archival OA. Basically, all 3 variations of those episodes in existence.
*And finally, later, I’ll release a crop-and-pan 1.77 AR version of 3.33. Expect it as well as a nice new remastered version of episode 16.
Thanks for all the support and please try help seeding.
Comments - 8
This is a great release! Can anyone tell me how to remux these files so that I am left with only the complete Revival of Evangelion (Death+EoE with the modifications in credit placement, etc) as one mkv file?
Any news on the “crop-and-pan 1.77 AR version” of Evangelion 3.33 and the other projects on the to-do list?
I’ve been working on a new hardcore remaster for episode 16 all this time since Nyaa Died. I’m pretty close to finishing it. After I finally release it, I’ll get back to Death and rebirth and the 3.33 Crop and Pan project. I was getting lost with so many parallels projects together with university work so I postponed everything besides ep 16 since I had a partner working on it with me.
any new on 16?
Is there a dub track for Death? Or at least a Sign/Title sub track?
No seeds? Weird that it is showing 11 seeders and yet I got peers at all.
muito obrigado mesmo,
Um pouco confuso, mas muito detalhado. keep it up!