[usotsuki] Dragon Ball Z (Alternate English Dub) random episodes 229,232-233

2017-01-11 21:15 UTC
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911.8 MiB
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People have been asking about these for literal years, and I threw these together while working on other projects. These are "Dub Over Raw" meaning that I used dub audio on Japanese video. I have reconstructed the video as accurately as possible **including paint edits** (this is a pain in the keester and a reason I haven't done every episode I have entire). The Funi singles' title cards, which are almost always the same as the ones used in this dub, were repurposed. The OPED are reconstructions I did back in 2011; they're still Good Enough®, so I didn't feel a need to redo them again. I did two paint edits: 1\. In the recap to "The Fusion Dance", 1:47, I painted the cigarette out of Brief's mouth. (In fact, I also froze the whole shot, with the exception of Brief's wife's mouth.) It looks like a denoiser filter fixed this so it doesn't look too wonky. 2\. In the recap to "Goku's Time is Up", 1:15, I rebuilt a custom shot replacement from the edit which was made by playing a different shot backward and adding a red border. I inserted the eyecatches in their Japanese positions, using the dub music for the eyecatches, as a couple of the rips I have keep them. All three episodes are as complete as I can make them. In order to accomplish more and better edits of these I have been looking for high quality rips of the EDITED FUNIMATION VHS editions (which would save me some work on paint edits), as well as more complete rips of the existing episodes (preferably from YTV, as I have established that the versions aired in Europe are further edited). I would also be interested in, if possible, a full set of YTV rips of the Ocean dub of DBGT (I have about a quarter of it, from an encoder named "mere", as well as full rips from Toonami UK).

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