Kore wa Zombie Desuka?S1+S2 ( Batch )\[/b\]
Kore wa Zombie Desuka?S1 \[1-13 + OP&ED\]
Kore wa Zombie Desuka?Of the Dead S2 \[0-11 + OP&ED\]
note: episode 00 is low quality
**Video ( Hardsubbed )**
type: MP4
codec: H265
encoder: HEVC
subtitles: English (custom commie subs)
resolution: 1920x1080
language: Japanese
channels: 2
**Frequently asked questions**
Q: Why don't you use .mkv?
A: I can't use the h265 codec in mkv.
Q: Why use a h265 codec?
A: H265 uses half the file size with the same quality compared to h264.
Q: Why is this hardsubbed?
A: You can't put seperate subtitles in mp4 files, Not ones that I know of at least...
**Note: Please use google.com to look what hevc encoder is and h265 codec, before you are going to comment stupid things.**
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