Improved versions of AQS-Avalon's releases for :
- (01-14) To Heart 2
- (15-17) To Heart 2 OVA
- (18-19) To Heart 2 AD
- (20-21) To Heart 2 AD Plus
- (22-23) To Heart 2 AD Next
Restyled all dialogue so that they are consistent (different styles within seasons, etc. was driving me nuts), along with minor edits here and there.
Streams have been reordered for consistency and the appropriate attachments have been added to all episodes as well.
\[Default tracks marked with \*, language code indicated, listed in actual file stream order\]
Video \[jpn\]\* : JP DVD / BD
Audio \[jpn\]\* : Japanese 2.0 AC3 / AAC
Sub \[eng\]\* : AQS-Avalon (WBDP)
CRC32s calculated with AnimeChecker, logs included for integrity checks using mkvmerge
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