This is the first season of the TV show, "One Piece", which originally aired from 1999 to 2001. This is the second in my Streamliné series, in which I rip, mux, trim, and remux the content of a given work in order to enhance the (binge-)viewing experience. This includes removing most instances of openings and endings; removing filler arcs, episodes, and segments (where the unoffending content of a given "half-filler" episode would be merged into another canon episode in the least awkward way possible); removing recapitulation episodes and arcs; cutting last-episode reviews, repeated scenes (not including flashbacks), mid-episode intermission cards, and next-episode previews; and sorting all episodes in chronological order (which becomes relevant when dealing with post-series OVA's and other "special episodes"). To put it another way, content released in this series has been given the proverbial "'Kai' treatment", albeit without any cleanup, re-encoding, or remastering. I do this primarily for the sake of my own viewing preferences, not to mention the space it saves in my RAID array, but figured the anime community at large might be interested.
Note, however, that none of these releases are fansubs. Content is sourced directly from official, licensed releases and any subtitles included are also from those sources. In addition, these releases have not been re-encoded/transcoded in any way, and were simply ripped and remuxed into Matroska containers. Therefore, if you have a problem with the localised translations and/or the licensor's encoding job, I am afraid I cannot help you. If you are a fansubber or fansub group and you think your translations and/or encoding skills are better than that of the official fare, then you can go right ahead and modify these for your own purposes. It's not like I can file any copyright claim, even if I wanted to. ;P
Speaking of copyright, while these releases are from official sources, any relevant English dub track(s) (unless the work is available ONLY in English), commentary track(s), and other supplementary audio material, have been intentionally omitted. Those of you wishing to watch any of these in English--or even those of you who do not--are strongly encouraged to invest in an officially licensed release and support the industry, or at least to partake in a legal stream. To make this slightly easier, links have been provided below.
Here is a list of changes specific to this release:
\* All iterations of the opening theme sequences have been removed, except in episodes 1 and 48.
\* All iterations of the ending theme sequences have been removed, except in episode 29.
\* All next-episode previews have been removed.
\* All mid-episode intermission cards have been removed
\* Any repeated scenes or last-episode reviews have been removed, within reason.
\* Episodes 50 and 51, from the Loguetown arc, have been omitted. Minor cuts were made to the surrounding episodes in order for them to flow logically.
\* The entirety of the Warship island arc was omitted, except for parts of the latter third of episode 61, which were merged into the beginning of episode 62.
Limitations, changes that could not be made, and changes that were intentionally not made:
\* None of the "To Be Continued" end cards were removed, due most often to music or sound effects running into them. While this is not true for all of the end cards, they were all retained regardless for the sake of consistency.
\* The same goes for episode title cards.
\* There were no recapitulation arcs or episodes included in the source to be cut.
\* The One Piece Wiki claims via colour coding that the Buggy Side Story arc is filler. The story appears in the manga as incremented cover pages. The arc's actual classification may be subject to debate, but because its story appears in the original source material in any form at all, I consider it canon for the purposes of this torrent.
\* While rare, a repeated scene or last-episode review was occasionally impossible to remove comfortably due to the presence of background music or other elements without removing other, unoffending content as well.
\* Most of the cuts and transitions run quite smoothly, but a few may come off slightly awkward. They will be noticeable, but should not detract from the viewing experience.
Other content not included:
"One Piece - Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack" (precursor non-canon OVA)
"Emergency Planning, A Perfect Strategy for the One Piece" (TV recapitulation episode; technically canon, but not in the same continuity as the series proper)
"One Piece: The Movie" (non-canon feature-length supplementary film)
"Adventure in the Ocean's Navel" (non-canon television special)
"Clockwork Island Adventure" (non-canon feature-length supplementary film)
"Jango's Dance Carnival" (non-canon featurette to "Clockwork Island Adventure"; loose adaptation of the manga mini-series, "Jango's Dance Paradise")
All content was sourced from the region 1 One Piece Collections 1, 2, and 3, released by Funimation. Because the audio/video data itself was not tampered with, the content specifications will be consistent with those releases, except for the runtime. See [here](, [here](, and [here]( for partial rundowns of the specifications of those particular releases.
Tools Used:
Ripping/muxing: [MakeMKV](
Chapter/timecode referencing: [MediaInfo](
Trim location/timecode determination and retrieval: [Subtitle Edit](
Trimming/remuxing: [MKVToolNix GUI](
Post-trim/remux testing and metadata/tagging: [JRiver Media Center](, pulling data from [The TVDB](
Post-trim/remux audio/video stutter correction: [Meteorite](
References and resources:
Season divisions/openings/endings: [Wikipedia](
Canon/filler: One Piece Wiki [Episode Guide](
Relevant links:
Funimation's [official series page]( (including links to their purchase pages for their licensed home video releases, as well as legal streaming links)
Buy from Right Stuf Anime:
[Collection 1](
[Collection 2](
[Collection 3](
Buy from Amazon:
[Collection 1](
[Collection 2](
[Collection 3](
Please report any errors (stray frames, missing/wrong audio tracks, etc.) to me; I will do my best to fix them as quickly as possible.
And without further ado: Enjoy!
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