You can use the HTML files included with the torrent to view the images so that two rows of images are displayed per screen:

The videos in this torrent and the first volume are also contained in a YouTube video (<>).
See also <magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d52b35b6a5ba9039f1aa6edb8e10caa84234fdb1&dn=Instagram%20pictures%20of%20Finnish%20girls%20vol%207> (<>).
In June 2016 Instagram made most of the functionality of their API available only to applications that have passed a review process, but they still provide JSON data on the pages for users, posts, and search results for tags, and you can add the parameter \_\_a=1 to a URL to only include the JSON data.
I used a script like this to search for posts with specific tags:
`for tag in 制服ディズニー バレー部 文化祭 体育祭 バスケ部 バド部 部活 修学旅行 水泳部 柔道部;do<br></br> max=<br></br> for i in {1..50};do<br></br> c=$(curl -s "$tag/?__a=1&max_id=$max")<br></br> jq -r '.tag|.name as$name|.media.nodes[]?|$name+" "" "" "+.code+" "+.display_src'<<<"$c"<br></br> max=$(jq -r<<<"$c")<br></br> jq -e<<<"$c">/dev/null||break<br></br> done<br></br>done`
I used a script like this to make a list of all media posted by users:
`while read username;do<br></br> max=<br></br> while :;do<br></br> c=$(curl -s "$username/?__a=1&max_id=$max")<br></br> jq -r '.user|.id as$user|.media.nodes[]?|$user+" "+.code+" "+.display_src+" "+(.is_video|tostring)'<<<"$c"<br></br> max=$(jq -r<<<"$c")<br></br> jq -e<<<"$c">/dev/null||break<br></br> done<br></br>done`
I used a script like this to make a list of users who have liked posts:
`<post_shortcodes parallel -j10 curl -s{}/\\\?__a=1|<br></br>jq -r '.media|.id as$media| as$owner|.likes.nodes[]?.user|$owner+" "+$media+" "" "+.username+" "+.profile_pic_url'`
Sample images:

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