Was actually okay and pretty sad. Wish they did more on Shisui. Probably the most interesting Uchiha tbh. New ED started this episode. Ao no Lullaby (Blue Lullaby) by Kuroneko Chelsea. Not sure how I feel about the ED font but it’ll do unless I decide to change it at some point. Also I think a new OP starts at episode 460.
There were a couple of signs I chose not to do. One of them I did is pretty noticeable because it’s moving but I’m not really good with Typesetting so I left it as is.
Sasuke is angry he only has 30 seconds at best of screen time.
Modified and edited Crunchyroll/HorribleSubs with smoother/better video/audio (SOFCJ-Raws), and soft-sub OP/ED karaoke lyrics with translation, as well as chapters. I try to bring the best release possible in the shortest amount of time.
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